Chapter 5c Light and Darkness

[color=red]You guess? You are not sure where you have been? Are you sure you need another drink?

(OCC-You need to post your character sheet still)

Whenever you are ready, the Father will escort you up to the castle :smiley:

He ethusiastically describes how, just a few months ago, a giant demon of fire tried to attack the castle and was driven off by the heroic magus Rodrigo Vasquez, who had just returned home from a long journey.

Ameline smiles as she hears the tale, [color=blue]"Perhaps you could tell me more about the people here of all sorts. I saw a vision that guided me here and I would perhaps see what pulls me here. Though I admit that having a covenant to study at and be a base for my winter travels would be nice."

[color=red]A place to stable my horse, a warm fire, a chance to visit with sodales and friends . . . it's nice to hear your vision has an end, lady.

Ameline patiently waits for the priest to tell her more about Andorra, most of what she heard was legend and rumor and cryptic visions.

I am working on fleshing out the Vision. I also have begun to develop Father Gonzolez some as well. Previous information was only that, according to the Benefice Boon, the covenant owns the church and picks who the priest is, and I mentioned the priest was a former Templar and a friend of Antonio.

This is all I have so far...

Father Gonzoles: (former Templar)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per -1, Com +1, Pre +1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 0
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Lightning Reflexes, +1 Priest, +1 Relic, +1 Sense Holy/Unholy, +1 Social Contacts-Iberian Militant Orders, +1 Well Traveled, +1 Warrior,
Flaws: -3 Generous, -3 Favors (Templars), -1 Carefree, -1 Incomprehensible, -1 Poor Student, -1 Vow of Celibacy
Personality Traits:
Soak: +
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Catalan 0 (Andorra), Spanish 5 (Castilian),
Encumbrance: 0
Background: He was a Brother Chaplin of the Templars in his earlier life. Her originally met Antonio during that one incident way back when, and they had various adventures together. By special dispensation, he left his order to become the parish priest of Arans, though he still has Templar connections, and they may call on him for favors. His connections are primarily with Iberian Templars, but he also has contacts with other Spanish Military Orders (such as the Knights of Santiago & Calatrava).

Ameline waits on the priest's description of the covenant and its residents in response to her question to him.

[color=orange]OOC: Why not move the priest to the development thread to develop and get discussion although he looks fine to me so far.

Perhaps I should. But he is more of a side character for now so it is not an imperitive. I still didn't finish writing up your vision. I will get it done this weekend, as well as some other stuff I have been neglecting.

OCC - I am trying to catch up, I fell behind this week with a combination of work and holiday pressure. I have read everything, I just gotta write up some stuff.

Lady Phoenix,

I have been struggling all week to try and write up this vision of yours, and I keep drawing a blank. I know what I want it to be, but I ham having some writers block with the flowery prose. Would you mind if I set you, as a private message, a "hard facts" version of the vision? It wil be simplified and direct, yet will lack flavor I am afraid.

ooc: My character just emergency-teleported back to Andorra? Should she drop in here to include Ameline and the other one or would you prefer it if she found another priest to kill off the fairy aura?

Um, I suppose you dropped in here :laughing:

But killing off a faerie aura constitutes "molesting the fae", would it not?

As quickly as she can, Marie changes into a robe, fastens a belt and a knife around her hip and informs Marcellus about the trouble the other magi are in. Then she storms off down the road towards the little church where the next priest lives, a priest that is on relatively good terms with the magi. Before entering, she shortly stops to consider using some foil to impress the priest, but decides to be as honest as possible, hoping to make use of his well-known generosity.
She then knocks the door, because she can't open it without using magic.

post deleted - at storyguide's request

:smiley: not sure what that means

No autocrat, we have separate officers for each station. Captain Alexandro is in Barcelona. We have a Steward and a Chamberlain, but I nebver bothered naming them. Then there is the priest, as you mentioned, who is walking up to the covenant with Lady P and FMB.

Marcellus is there though, and seeing how everyone else is gone, he has taken command.

We need Scott's input, so maye you should cross post this in the other thread. He gets the RSS feed, and does not check up on the threads manually.

Aye, sir!

Ameline opens the door to let whoever it is in.

She is a woman in her thirties dressed as a nun in simple grey habit with slightly worn rosary beads that was most common at the time though she has a pack showing she is a traveller and not native.

On noticing the lack of hands, the woman has a flash of sympathy but she doesn't say anything to take her cue from the Priest as to whether this one was begger or self sufficient so as not to offend.

I never requested that. I just asked that you inform Scott, as he is on RSS feed and does not check the forums. Now he will jump over here and have no idea what we are talking about. So, my request is to un delete your post.

:laughing: :smiley: The confusion is amusing though :slight_smile:

Marie is not too pleased to find a nun opening the door. her mind races as she tries to reevaluate the situation:

How fanatic is this woman? Will she influence the priest? What is his relation to her? Will she be in the way?

Marie is surprised that the nun shows no reaction to her Gift, and greets her with due politeness, before stepping in and greeting the priest as well.

Ameline can not help but notice the frown as she is seen and touching her hand to her cross says [color=blue]"May the Lord bless you. I will let you have your privacy to speak with Father Gonzoles" and steps out to give the woman her privacy with the priest.

Since Ameline has her own parma up, she doesn't even realize the other is gifted.