Chapter 7 Wirth has a visitor


[color=red]I don't like this either. Not at all. Still... This may be our only chance. I just don't know what to do :confused:

The travellers near the fountain are indistinct and hazy to sight , almost shadows of people they do not seem to move and the magi cannot be certain that they are solid. Except for one, this figure is wearing a heavy cloak but as you get closer you can see it is a women with the lower body of a serpent and weeping red eyes, it turns and it's insane glance settles on Wirth. The voice is sibbilant and grates upon the nerves like fingers on a blackboard
[color=red]How delightful, you bring an invitation , but no , you don't even now yet , not for some months. The grief, ah yes that is it Clara . Thank you

(Do either of you have faerie lore)

None of us do

Clara? What are you saying???

The creature turns its baleful red gaze upon Wirth
[color=red]"Such pretty new eyes, and sweet fresh infant. Like my poor babes , none so shall have one. None.

[color=red]Wirth be very careful the Lahmia is very dangerous , back away from it and it will move on.

Are we being threatened by this thing? Should I draw my sword? I look to our guide with eyes full of question and concern.

Mageara has not drawn a weapon and seems to be indicating to Wirth that she should back away from the creature and leave it alone. She does seem very concerned

I shan't draw a weapon either, not just yet. I will stay with the group, but i am prepared and on edge do act if needed.


Ok, I back of carefully, keeping the creature in lign of sight.
Then, to Mageara:[color=red]
Did you understand what it said? What did it mean?

Roberto to Mageara [color=red]What's the might range on this thing?

You meant to ask if this creature is on par to goblins or dragons?

[color=red]I can take some dragons, and some goblins have immense levels of power. A generalization suh as that would not be very helpful. I mean technical readout. What realm? I am guessing Faerie, What magnitude of power? Is it in my range? How much will I need to exert myself if need be?

[color=blue]Marko... I was trying, in character, to remind you that, IIRC, characters don't talk about might.

For spells, they have magnitude, not level, and I don't think creatures have been quantified by precise might, but probably something like "very weak, weak, average, strong...", especially as a given type of beast's might might vary somehow.

Or maybe I misunderstood you? It seemed to me as if you asked for a might score.
Note also that your own argument counters your demand: if a goblin can have just any level of power, this particular creature can be, too, so asking is useless.

OOTH, your last phrasing is, still IMO, waaaay better, and exactly how roberto would ask the question :wink:

OOC I figure Magnitude of Might seems like a reasonable metric magi would use. And I wasn't asking so much about this type of creature, I was asking about this exact specific one I am preparing to incinerate if need be. I can achieve some pretty surprising penetration totals :wink:. Hoping our guide would have insight. But I am thinking she is hinting that it won't bother us if we ignore it.

[color=red]It is something I did not expect to meet on this road, it is the Lahmia a faerie which steals children from their mothers and eyes from those who offend it. It is very powerful but I don't know how to quantify it's power and it is eternal destroying its form here will merely cause it to reform elsewhere. It cannot attack us unless we attack it , we are warded sufficiently that it should not be able to strike at us.

[color=red]That's all I needed to hear. I will take your word for it and trust your advice


[color=red]It seemed to know of me, or clara. What can it mean? Could it try to harm her?

[color=red]I do not beleive it will harm your wife Wirth , however I beleive it thinks she will soon have a child and a Lamia is a deadly threat to a child. It is not the sort of thing that I would have expected to encounter on this road and I don't think there is much we can do about it now. However once we leave the road I will send a message to my mistress and hopefully she will be able to help and I will warn my companion who is accompanying Clara , however we obviously have several months before there is any risk

As the magi and Mageara talk the Lamia creature seems to have lost interests and started to move down the road even before it has moved a few metres it begins to fade into a mist.

A... Child? Me? Clara? Us? A child?????
sits down on a nearby rock
What will I do? This can't... I just can't... I... Later. Finish this, then decide.
Goes up[color=red]
We gotta be quick, I've got no tiome to lose, let us finish this.

[color=green]Roberto: [color=red]Well friend, you are more skilled in Corpus than I. Check and see with Intellego. Is she pregnant? If she is, you should probably put this project on hold...

[color=red]Yes, exactly what I was thinking. I already had reservations. Now, even if this works, I doubt the child would survive.

We are too far now, and have time, so I say let us conclude this quest. We find whatever ingredients we need, but postpone the ritual for later.