Chapter 7bis: The Charter (End of Autumn 1013)

Janus will ask “We need a third member for the Covenant alongside myself and Thaddeus to allow us to rewrite the charter. It is my intention to have all seven of us as full members of the council going forward. I suggest as a conversation starter:

  1. We elect a leader of the Covenant council from the members. They have an additional vote when there is a vote with the same number of votes for and against. They will chair the seasonal Covenant meetings.
  2. All members must attend seasonal Covenant meeting or lose their vote for that meeting. If away on approved Covenant business a proxy may be appointed, in writing, for that meeting only
  3. A vis salary of ? will be given to each member at the Winter Solstice.
  4. The Covenant will provide the age based vis requirements for members longevity rituals. Any additional vis used must be provided by the member.
  5. In all things the order of priority for resources will be Member, Members Apprentice, Members Familiar, Visiting Magus, Covenant Companion, Covenant Grog/Turb, anyone else.
  6. Use of library resources are on a first come basis, by writing the use on the activity table posted in the council chamber, with any conflict being resolved by the leader based on explained need of the two parties.
  7. All those at the Covenant will defend the Covenant and its assets to the best of their abilities.
  8. All those at the Covenant will pursue the destruction of house Diedne and their allies to the best of their abilities.

Requiring unanimous vote of attending members
Change the charter
Add a new member to the Covenant

Requiring a majority vote of the attending members
Spend vis
Approve Covenant service

This is no more than my initial thoughts and I wish everyone to contribute so we have a charter that work for all of us.

Finally, again please will one of you come forward to take the third Member place so we can move forward.”

  1. Each Member shall carry out one season of work for the Covenant per year. Acceptable service is a full season of no risk activity (copying, adding own spells to the library, creating spells or items), upto 10 days of moderate risk (collecting contested vis sources, undertaking an embassy) or upto three days of high risk activity (Fighting a Magus). All are examples only.

Actions requiring a uninamous vote of the attending members can only be taken at the yearly scheduled council meeting (the one when the Aegis is cast).

  1. We elect a leader of the Covenant council from the members. They have an additional vote when there is a vote with the same number of votes for and against. They will chair the seasonal Covenant meetings.
  2. All members must attend seasonal Covenant meeting or lose their vote for that meeting. If away on approved Covenant business a proxy may be appointed, in writing, for that meeting only
  3. A vis salary of ? will be given to each member at the Winter Solstice if they have performed their Covent service in the previous four seasons
  4. The Covenant will provide the age based vis requirements for members longevity rituals. Any additional vis used must be provided by the member.
  5. In all things the order of priority for resources will be Member, Members Apprentice, Members Familiar, Visiting Magus, Covenant Companion, Covenant Grog/Turb, anyone else.
  6. Use of library resources are on a first come basis, by writing the use on the activity table posted in the council chamber, with any conflict being resolved by the leader based on explained need of the two parties.
  7. All those at the Covenant will defend the Covenant and its assets to the best of their abilities.
  8. All those at the Covenant will pursue the destruction of house Diedne and their allies to the best of their abilities.
    9) Anyone requesting membership will be required to serve a period of two years as an associate before they are eligible to request a vote of the Members for full membership. Associate members will not have a vote or a vis salary but may access other Covenant resources as per the order in 5) above
    10) The Covenant Autocrat will maintain a full list of Covenant assets, buildings, library, magic items, vis sources etc.
    11) All vis sources will be registered with the Redcaps to support any dispute on ownership
    12) All assets, except Talismen, Familiars, Apprentices, belong to the Covenant. No other assets may be remove on leaving the Covenant without permission of the Council
    13) No asset belonging to the Covenant can be removed or spent without the majority approval of the council.
    14) All discovered vis and vis sources belong to the Covenant. The reward for discovery is covered by the vis salary.
    15) The Autocrat and the Turb Captain will have a seat on the council with full voting rights. They will not have the vis salary of the magi members”
  9. Each Member shall carry out one season of work for the Covenant per year. Acceptable service is a full season of no risk activity (copying, adding own spells to the library, creating spells or items), upto 10 days of moderate risk (collecting contested vis sources, undertaking an embassy) or upto three days of high risk activity (Fighting a Magus). All are examples only.

Requiring unanimous vote of attending members, only available for vote at the Winter Solstice meeting
Change the charter
Add a new member to the Covenant
Removal of membership status from a member (that member will not have a vote in this circumstance)

Requiring a majority vote of the attending members
Spend vis
Approve Covenant service
Allowing removal of assets by a leaver from the Covenant

Updates in bold

No personal assets are recognized? A talisman is an asset, but does not belong to the covenant. The same is true for items enchanted to improve the lab, personal lab notes, personal wealth, etc. They are all assets at the covenant while not being covenant assets.

EDIT: I'd suggest rewording the clause as follows: No asset belonging to the covenant can be removed or spent without the approval of the covenant/council.

Good point, I will amend for clarification

Added a suggestion of wording in an edit.

Sorry I may have overwritten it. Can you copy the whole thing and mark your edit in a colour?

An edit in my own post. :slight_smile:

Thom suggests:

Censure and Discipline:

If a member should contravene the decisions of the council, by vote or by charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by a vote of the Council of Members.

Censure requires the passing of a motion at a meeting of the Council of Members.

The censure of a full member revokes the rights of that status, returning him to probationary status; whereupon he assumes all the duties and rights of that status.

Expulsion is enacted by a unanimous vote of the remaining Council of Members.

Expulsion is the only means through which a member of the covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former member ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full moon after expulsion was enacted.

Should a magus be cast out from the Order, it is the duty and obligation of this covenant that he shall also and without delay be expelled from this covenant.

OK, got it and added. Will reorder and clarify were we repeat once we get to a final version, just a brain dump at the moment :grinning:

The Council

Quorum shall be defined as "more than half" of the Council Members.

Must be introduced by a member of the Council
Should be debated fully with allowance for all to speak
Proposal to vote must be made and seconded by another member of the Council
Passed by Simple Majority with exceptions of Changes to the Charter, Expulsion of a Member, and acceptance of a Probationary Member which require a unanimous vote.

Membership Types

Full Member of the Council
Swears Oath of Covenant
Full voting and rights as outlined in the Charter

Probationary Member of the Council
May be extended to any magus in good standing in the Order with no fealty or allegiance to another covenant
Requires Unanimous approval of the Council
Duration: 7 seasons

Protected Guest
May be extended to any person by the formal invitation of a single member of the Council
No voice or vote. May attend Council meetings at the pleasure of the Council.
Status may be revoked by the inviting member of by majority vote of the Council

Censure and Discipline:

If a member should contravene the decisions of the council, by vote or by charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by a vote of the Council of Members.

Censure requires the passing of a motion at a meeting of the Council of Members.

The censure of a full member revokes the rights of that status, returning him to probationary status; whereupon he assumes all the duties and rights of that status.

Expulsion is enacted by a unanimous vote of the remaining Council of Members.

Expulsion is the only means through which a member of the covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former member ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full moon after expulsion was enacted.

Should a magus be cast out from the Order, it is the duty and obligation of this covenant that he shall also and without delay be expelled from this covenant.

  1. We elect a leader of the Covenant council from the members. They have an additional vote when there is a vote with the same number of votes for and against. They will chair the seasonal Covenant meetings.
  2. All members must attend seasonal Covenant meeting or lose their vote for that meeting. If away on approved Covenant business a proxy may be appointed, in writing, for that meeting only
  3. A vis salary of ?? will be given to each member at the Winter Solstice if they have performed their Covent service in the previous four seasons
  4. The Covenant will provide the age based vis requirements for members longevity rituals. Any additional vis used must be provided by the member.
  5. In all things the order of priority for resources will be Member, Members Apprentice, Members Familiar, Visiting Magus, Covenant Companion, Covenant Grog/Turb, anyone else.
  6. Use of library resources are on a first come basis, by writing the use on the activity table posted in the council chamber, with any conflict being resolved by the leader based on explained need of the two parties.
  7. All those at the Covenant will defend the Covenant and its assets to the best of their abilities.
  8. All those at the Covenant will pursue the destruction of house Diedne and their allies to the best of their abilities.
  9. The Covenant Autocrat will maintain a full list of Covenant assets, buildings, library, magic items, vis sources etc.
  10. All vis sources will be registered with the Redcaps to support any dispute on ownership
  11. All assets, except Talismen, Familiars, Apprentices, belong to the Covenant. No other assets may be remove on leaving the Covenant without permission of the Council**
  12. No asset belonging to the Covenant can be removed or spent without the majority approval of the council.
  13. All discovered vis and vis sources belong to the Covenant. The reward for discovery is covered by the vis salary.
  14. The Autocrat and the Turb Captain will have a seat on the council with full voting rights. They will not have the vis salary of the magi members
  15. Each Member shall carry out one season of work for the Covenant per year. Acceptable service is a full season of no risk activity (copying, adding own spells to the library, creating spells or items), upto 10 days of moderate risk (collecting contested vis sources, undertaking an embassy) or upto three days of high risk activity (Fighting a Magus). All are examples only.

Membership Types

Full Member of the Council
Swears Oath of Covenant
Full voting and rights as outlined in the Charter

Probationary Member of the Council
May be extended to any magus in good standing in the Order with no fealty or allegiance to another covenant
Requires Unanimous approval of the Council
Duration: 7 seasons

Protected Guest
May be extended to any person by the formal invitation of a single member of the Council
No voice or vote. May attend Council meetings at the pleasure of the Council.
Status may be revoked by the inviting member of by majority vote of the Council

Quorum shall be defined as "more than half" of the Council Members.

Must be introduced by a member of the Council
Should be debated fully with allowance for all to speak
Proposal to vote must be made and seconded by another member of the Council
Passed by Simple Majority with exceptions of Changes to the Charter, Expulsion of a Member, and acceptance of a Probationary Member.

We are getting there, keep it coming!

Something about friendly forces being protected, like the druids?

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Council Offices

Magister Convocationis

Mandatory duty of each and every full member.
Cyclical term, rotating in sequence of Hermetic seniority among the full members.
Term: seven years to align to start one year following Tribunal.

Duties include:
Attend regular Council meetings
Keep order at Council meetings
Break tied votes with a discretionary vote
Determine the yearly surplus of provision and stores
Act as spokesperson of the Council
Ensure that rulings of the Council are enacted

Magister Convocationis is just an idea. I'm not a fan of disceptator from Covenants.

Praetor could work.
Custos Arcani

This is the first contentious one for me. Maybe “Protection of allies as defined by the full council”

Surplus Resources

Determined at the Winter meeting of the Council of Members.

Resources necessary for the continued existence of the covenant and the protection of its members’ rights are accounted for first; this includes payment for seasons of work performed on behalf of the covenant, and a stipend of vis for the casting of the Aegis of the Hearth.

Contributions to all debts owed to the covenant are decided by the Custos Arcani are set aside.

The remaining resources are deemed surplus and shall be allocated to the settlement of requests from each member of the covenant.