Chapter 8: The Bone Merchant

But of course Diodorus have a personal servant, a young woman that is pleasing to Aelianus eyes and good with a fur brush and able to prepare what ever Diodorus wish to eat.

(Must take note of Diodorus' posse/entourage for future adventures) :smiley:

After Diodorus has had his snack and bathed ( in which Aelianus is sure that Diodorus is delaying to savor the moment a bit longer), he settles onto his pillow.

"I set out to ask others of my kind about the human girl. There are many commoners in the town and I could command them to help me look. Most of their manners are dreadful and their accent is horrible. I had to go here and there through this filth pit of a town to find the gatherings to spread the word. One was in a place where humans would dump their waste. It was dreadful but there was a nice young female there..... He pauses for a moment in thought. And there was another near the market. They had the most delicious smelling sausages there. We must send a servant to get some for our journey."

Diodorus stops again and seems to wait for Aelianus to order the servant girl to get the sausages but after it is explained to him that the market is closed and he pouts for a moment at Aelianus' seemly lack of drive to wake the shop keeper to get the sausages. At Aelianus' prodding he goes on.

"Yes, the market.... I met one of the Ginger tribe and after I convinced her of my mission she sent out some of her servants to look for news. I had a lovely talk with her. It was so refreshing to finally find good manners in this city. She took me around he market and showed me the smells and sights while we waited for her servants to return. You do remember I told you about the sausages?"

Another long pause....

Aelianus "The girl?"

Diodorus " Yes. she is near a city called York traveling north. Now I must get some sleep Goodnight."

The next morning Aelianus instructs Diodorus servant to buy enough supplies (sausages) for the journey. To add a bit further regarding the servant girl that takes care of Diodorus fur. She is well paid for a servant, probably supporting her family on her wage (that is on an average medieval standard) and she is outfitted in elegant clothes. After all part of her job is to please Aelianus eyes so it should not be hard for some peasants to take her for a noble lady. The extra pay should make up for having to stand Diodorus manners and Aelianus blatant gift and still remain pleasant. Also she is very skilled with a fur brush and able to wash a cat gently and unravel knots in Diodorus fur.

Once the other magi are awake Aelianus inform them that Diodorus has found out that it is York they are heading for. If nothing holds them they will make a fast departure. Before this Aelianus has made sure that Diodorus needs are taken care of before the magi leaves so that there will be no delays.

Dover to York is a long way. It is a pretty long joureny today and is going to take a while on medieval roads although there is the remains of the old Roman Road from London to York about 280 miles , with most of us on foot and not able to ride horses we are looking at about 2 weeks. Iolar can do it in a day or 2, probably the best bet it to take a ship up the coast then up the river to York , as the river is navigable as far a york for medieval ships.
To clarify if she is currently at York and heading North we should defeinetly take a ship if we have any hope of overtaking her, if she is stopped at York then the long puruit is not quite as bad

She is in the area of York and moving north

Once the other magi leave town and Iolar joins them
It looks like the people we are chasing have a two week head start and horses, can any of the rest of you perform any sort of travel magic? If not it does not look like there is much we can do to catch them

Well, since I have mastered Wizard's Leap and cannot botch, I can take my steps fifty paces at a time. That is, well, fifty times normal walking speed. I myself walk at a rate of two miles per hour, so times fifty I figure Roberto could travel a hundred miles an hour this way :slight_smile:

Aside from making myself bigger, I don't. Of course, this'd be hardly inconspicuous, so I don't thing this'd be wise.

One casting per turn means 50 paces per turn, and one turn isnt one second. I also doubt the average human travels only 1 pace in a round :wink: Still, this'd be faster than normal travel, with (assuming 1 pace = 1 meter) a speed of about 30km/hours (18.6mph) while even overtrained superhumans like, say, the average boyscout are assumed to travel at 6kph.
Of course, you'd better have a tough throat if you want to cast spells for 20 hours straight :laughing:

I have it mastered as a Stalwart Caster, so I can fall short of the level by up to 10 points without loosing Fatigue. I can easilly afford a Soft Voice without risk of Failure. :smiley:

But we need to think more like a group. If only we could make that ship fly again...

I don't think we can easily do that , however we can make the boat move quickly as we can provide or control the wind. However if we do that we will most likely be attacked again by Theurgical spirits that we are unable to counter and you will be drowned or driven ashore. None of the rest of you can assume a form capable of rapid travel, and I do not think either I or Havlard can cast a spell to enable a man to fly without wings

I can shrink myself or another. Become smaller than a baby (size -4, baby is -3). This could allow the fliers to carry ourselves. But we have the grogs with us. And I'd advise against leaving them behind. It seems we have little choice in this matter, and must travel by feet.

[color=red]We can do it like we used to back in the day when I was in the wars. Relay. My parens, Joel, he had a spell that would let him teleport others. He would move our small elite band of soldiers on overnight marches with incredible speeds. He would move men one at a time to a relay point, jump there himself, then move them each to the next point. We would cover twice the distance of a typical forced night march, and still be fully rested.
Now that won't work here because we don't have his spell. But we can still use the relay concept in a different way. Shrink some people down, put them in Iolar's basket or I can put them in my pocket (by which I mean my satchel, because people didn't have pockets back then)[color=red]. Move them ahead to a relay point, come back and get the rest, then move to the next relay point.
Also, cruising along the coast with the aid of magical winds is not a bad idea either. If the enemy is going to cast spirits at us, it will be at land as well as sea. And besides, except for the one instance, most of the journey across the channel was uneventful.
What other ideas do we have? We are wizards, think in terms of what we can do, not what can’t. Ha! If I would have thought to myself that I can’t fly a ship, the sea spirits and the dozen waterspouts would have sucked us all under!
And God is on our side! You all saw when we were rescued after being knocked out of the sky. We all saw in different ways, a mystery I do not understand but I am willing to accept. I saw Michael, Aelianus saw Hermes, El Gato saw the King of Cats, and so on. Perhaps there are these and many other powers at our side. With these mighty allies behind us, how can we fail? We simply cannot!
Once the pep talk is over, and the others discuss different ideas, Roberto privately begins to think seriously, in terms of strategy and leadership. This is a deadly serious enemy, and it is going to take everything we have to defeat him. Not one single casualty is an acceptable loss, not a magus nor mundane amongst us shall die. But most of all, Sir Richard’s little girl will NOT be a diabolic sacrifice!
A thousand-thousand times, I Say Thee Nay!
For this, Roberto will lay down his own life if need be.

[color=blue]But hey, this will be easy! :smiley:
Jabal Tariq is a twisted old goat, and Leolinus is an impotent fat fool. God is on our side! Of this I have no doubt.


If someone can mask us, I can make a large stone fly at the speed of a horse's gallop. We will be 10 paces ( meters) off the ground.


The Queen of Cats you oaf.

I like roberto's idea, especially as it seems to have the better stealth/speed ratio. Sadly, I have no means to conceal a large stone, and neither could I conceal us for very long (one person at a time, diameter duration)

I don't think I can mask a large stone with an illusion either, I can carry someone who has been shrunk down but there is some small risk of dropping them and it slows me down and reduces how far I can fly

[color=red]Humm, well excuse me then. I had always been told that there is a King of Cats, and he is named Krosp...

Yes it sounds like a good idea…, Aelianus seem hesitant. Though we must ask us one thing and that is… what is our prime goal here, rescue the girl or preventing her from becoming a sacrifice? After all we have an arcane connection and we could with ease perhaps open a tunnel with magic just for enough time to get some destructive magic through. I know it sound horrible but she is to us just a mundane and a mundane that is the target of a diabolical ritual. But if we are rushing to the rescue of the girl why not use a stone? Why bother with concealment after all the only harm that comes from that is a few scared peasants.

I fear if we antagonise the local peasentry while in anothe tribunal the local magi may seek to fine us much Vis , and we do not have much to spare

[color=green]Roberto: [color=red]Iolar, you worry too much. Scaring peasants is not against the code, we live outside the jurisdiction of this Tribunal so I see no way of their enforcing such a ruling, and most of all, the cost of a few measly pawns of vis pales in comparison to the life of this little girl.
And Aelianus, though I admire your understanding of urgency, I am shocked that you would even consider such an alternative!

We will save this little girl, whatever it may take!