Chapter Three OOC: Not in Kansas anymore

Social Penalty of the Gift , Rival Magic , page 07.

RoP: Magic , page 47
Unaffected by the Gift
Minor , General.

Noting on page 43 , that you must be associated with the realm of Magic to take it
and cannot be used with any other realm of power ,
except for False Powers from RoP: Infernal (pages 88 , 89).

Thanks a lot for that reminder :smiley:

My preference is for standard chargen up until play begins.

No longer care, one way or the other about extra stuff. Too hard and difficult.

I'd like to see JM's solution for the pink dot retained.

Not that I'm much into wards, but I'd like to see JM's dislike of them rescinded.

I don't recall what is solution was :frowning: Nor can I find it. What was it?

Me, I'm all of the school of:

  • Wards need to penetrate (RAW)
  • Personnal wards just give soak, like Ward against Heat and Flames does (HR). I absolutely HATE "invincibility wards".


There is no Official solution to the Pink Dot problem , afaik.

My experience with Wards , in play , is nil.
The two players i have , have not used any so far.
I'm only going by what i read on the boards.

With the whole Ring/Circle schtick ,
the making of small , mobile rings is more DnD , than Mythic , for my personal taste.
No problem if people want to use them , but prefer the traditional , not-moving a lot method.

You can use Ring/Circle on mobile objects , such as a ship at sea or a wagon , for example.

Yup, also.

I think this may be solved somewhat by saying that a ring must stay immobile relative so its support. So a flying metal ring won't do, since it doesn't have any support. I don't know if I'm clear. There could also be a minimum size (like "a ring must be big enough to enclose the magus") in order to avoid little light rings on torches. But mostly, it amounts to the players and SG saying "no".

Hrm...I like torch rings as flavor. I likewise has no experience with wards or the issues they cause. When JM agreed to my request to join, I asked him to clarify further, and the only thing I walked away from the conversation understanding was that it is something some players try to abuse.

My solution is: to request that you don't abuse it. Magic does the thing it was supposed to do, and nothing else. Making pink dots on swords do not make them magic weapons. The "penetration to soak" answer also sounds wise.