ok, here is the extremely complex character creation for Albertus up to the end of apprenticeship.
INT +3, PER +1, PRE 0, COM -1, STR 0, STA +2, DEX 0, QUI +1
Virtues: Affinity Rego, Affinity Mentem, Book Learner, Puissant Muto, Puissant Corporem, Improved Characteristics (INT), Secondary Insight, Personal Rego Vis Source (1/season)
Flaws: Ambitious (Best at Certamen), Difficult spontaneous magic, Favors, Incompatible Arts (Cr/In/Mu Ignem)
Albertus spend his early childhood on the small farm of his parents between Toledo and Alarcos (Spain – Spanish 5 - 75XP).
Since this was the time of the Reconquista and there were dishonorable people fighting on both sides it was important to look out for possible dangers at all times. Since Albertus was too small to be any real help on the farm his job was to watch out for dangers (Awareness 3 - 30XP, Athletics 1 - 5XP).
His father often took him with him to the next village or a small fair where he sold his wares. There he picked up some small skill in haggeling (charm 1 - 5 XP, guile 1 - 5 XP).
Just after he turned six something happened that would change Albertus life forever. He has no memory of what had happened, but he must have fallen unconcious and when he woke up in the rubble of the burned down farm of his parents and his parents where nowhere to be found. While he was still stumbling through the ruble he was surprised by a band of Arabs who took kim- still dumbstruck – with him to Alarcos which was still in Arab hands during this time.
He made his life on the streets of Alarcos begging till the potential to increase his own income was seen by an older beggar who realised that the Arabs charity was gaining the boy more money than he was making. During the 2 years he was forced to stay with the beggar he picked up basic Arabic (4x8 = 32XP, skill 3+2XP) and became slightly more skilled in begging (charm 10XP, skill 2; guile 10 XP, skill 2).
Around the time he turned 8 a strange man passed the pair of beggars on the streets of Alarcos who suddenly stopped right before them and started my mumble strange words and make strange gestures with his fingers. He stopped and started again twice and while the beggars wanted to run away they were unable to. At the end he finally said “The boy will come with me!†to the older beggar and “Come!†to Albertus and without actually wanting to the boy followed.
During the following days the man who called himself Marek told Albertus that he has a special hidden gift and his friends would help him to find it. He was brought to Coeris where he was appenticed to a magus. On the morning after the first full moon during the spring Albertus woke up with a strange feeling at his eyes and felt an object like a tear of glass up there. It was colored purple .When his parens examined the object in the lab he found that it was one pawn of Rego vis. After every first full moon of each season 1 pawn of Rego vis can be harvested this way – it looks like Albertus can forget about getting/passing his gauntlet before 15 years are over
- opening up the arts - Albertus and his parens agree on switching the personal training for the next 3 years to 3 additional training sessions during the last year of his apprenticeship – since his parens will be on a fairly long expedition to Egypt
- being taught Latin by the Chaplain of Coeris (as in Covenants-Covenfolk, basically this guy is instructing all new apprentices in the basics, another new apprentice started his training at the same time as Albertus, so basically he will have to share this specialist with the other student - COM +3, 5 teaching, +5 good teacher, teaching room +2, 2 students +3, base 3, -3 gift = 18 XP, skill 2)
- more Latin studies (+18 XP, skill 3)
- more Latin (+18XP, skill 4)
- being taught Artes Liberales by the Chaplain (+18XP, skill 2 – together with Latin 4 he is finally able to read and is handed a book about Magic Theory – I wonder why... )
- reading a primer (summa, L5, Q15, +3) about Magic Theory => 18XP, skill 2
- reading a primer about Creo (L10, Q20 for 23XP, 6 skill, 2XP Me – skill 1, 1XP Vi – skill 1, 1XP Co – skill 1, 1XP Te – skill 1)
- reading a primer about Vim (L10, Q20 for 23XP – skill 6, 2XP Re – skill 1, 1XP Mu – skill 1)
- more MT studies from the summa for 18XP, skill 3
- reading a primer about Creo (L10, Q20 for 23XP, 9 skill, 2XP Me – skill 2, 1XP Im – skill 1, 1XP He – skill 1, 1XP Ig – skill 1)
- enough learning, payback time – lab work, vis extraction for 3 Vim Vis (Cr9 + Vi6 + MT3 + INT3 + lab+2 + Aura4 = 27 CrVi lab total), 2XP to MT from exposure
- the MT summa again for 18XP, skill 4
- lab work for 3 Vim Vis again, 2XP in MT
- lab work for 3 Vim Vis again, 2XP in MT
- helping with creating a magnitude 17 longevity potion for his master, +2XP MT
- parens teaches Finesse for 16XP, skill 2
- helping with creating a PeCo 40 spell, +2XP MT
- reading a Muto primer for 23XP, skill 6, 2XP Me – skill 3, 1XP Au – skill 1, 1XP Aq – skill 1, 1XP An – skill 1
- creating 3 Vim Vis, +2XP MT
- great weapon training by the parens (14 XP, skill 1)
- helping in the lab with inventing a ReMe 40 spell, 2XP Re – skill 2, 2XP Me
- reading a Intellego primer for 23XP, skill 6, 2XP Me – skill 4, 1XP Co, 1 XP Te, 1XP An
- creating 3 Vim Vis, +2XP MT
- the parens teaches Concentration for 16XP, 2 skill
- reading Corporem primer for 23XP, 2XP Re – skill 3, 1XP Pe – skill 1
- reading Terram primer for 23XP – skill 6, 2XP Re, 1XP Mu
- vis creation, +2XP MT
- training in Philosophiae by the parens for 16XP, skill 2
- lab work with a arcane connection for +2XP MT
- reading a Rego primer for 23(35 due to affinity)XP – skill 8, 2XP Me, 1XP An – skill 2, 1XP Co – skill2, 1XP Te
- reading a Perdo primer for 23XP – skill 6, 2XP Me – skill 5, 1XP Te, 1XP An, 1XP Vi
- training in Penetration by the parens for 16XP, skill 2
- creating 3 Vim Vis, +2XP MT
- creating 3 Vim Vis, +2XP MT – skill 5
- his parens got him one of the better Creo summa from the library for one season (L15, Q20) since Albertus’ new CrVi lab total should get him 4 pawns of vis by extracting vis => 23 XP – skill 11, 2XP Me, 1XP Te – skill 7, 1XP Co, 1XP Vi
- parens teaches Hermetic Lore with a special emphasis towards house Tremere for 16XP, skill 2
- lab work for 4 Vim Vis (Cr11, Vi6, MT5, INT+3, lab+2, Aura4), 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- play it again, Sam – 4 Vis for 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi – skill 7
- reading a Mentem primer for 23(35 – affinity)XP, 2XP Re – skill 9, 1XP Mu
- training by the parens in Penetration for 16XP - skill 3
- reading the Terram primer for 23XP – skill 9, 1XP Mu, 1XP Pe
- helping with inventing a spell for his parens’ familiar MuMeAn 40, 1XP Mu – skill 7, 2 XP Me
- Corporem primer for 23XP – skill 6, 2XP Re, 1XP Pe
- teaching by the parens in Concentration for 16XP – skill 3
- 4 Vim Vis, 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- 4 Vim Vis, 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- 4 Vim Vis, 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- teaching by parens in Finesse for 16XP – 3 skill
- reading Muto primer for 23XP, 2XP Me – skill 10, 1XP Te, 1XP Co – skill 7, 1XP An
- 4 Vim Vis, 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- 4 Vim Vis, 1XP Cr, 1XP Vi
- teaching by parens for 16(24)XP in Rego – skill 11, 2XP Me, 1XP An – skill 3, 1XP Au, 1XP Te
- helping in inventing a lvl 35 ReTe (Mighty Split of Earth, based on The Earth Split Asunder with 1 magnitude added for +1(+3) size) spell, 2XP Te, 1XP Te
- helping in inventing a lvl 35 MuVi spell, 1XP Mu, 1 XP Vi
- reading a Ignem primer (know your enemy) for 23XP – skill 6, 1XP Pe, 1XP Mu
- teaching by parens for 16XP in Perdo, 2XP Me, 1XP Aq, 1XP He, 1XP Im
- Learning spells for parens: Gift of Sturdy Constituion – MuCo15, Quench the Raging Conflagration - PeIg20, Hardness of Adamantine – MuTe25, Aura of Rightful Authority – ReMe20
- more spells: Invisible catapult of Vilano – ReTe20, Window of Singular Direction – MuTe15, Mighty Split of Earth – ReTe35, Bind Wound – CrCo10
- and more spells: Doublet of Impenetrable Silk – MuAn15, Seven League Stride – ReCo30, Pattern of Deep Cuts – PeCo30, Sense Silver – InTe5
- being taught Parma Magica by his parens for 16XP – skill 2
New Spell: Mighty Split of Earth – Voice/Spec./Part (Base3, +2 Voice, +1 Mom, +1 Part, +3 Size) – creates a 25 foot wide, 60 foot long, 20 foot deep crack in the ground. Opens in 1 round, stays open for 1 round, closes in 1 round if the caster maintaince concentration. Avoiding falling in depends on the distance to the edge of the pit (QUI-stress roll of 9 for up to 5 feet, 12 for up to 10 feet, 15 if caught close to the middle). Falling in causes +20 damage. Unless a succesful QUI-stress roll of 12 is made to get out quickly people in the pit take +25 damage.
In total Albertus yielded his parens 60+50 pawns of Vis and helped/worked in the lab for a total of 22 seasons. Albertus gained 306XP in abilites, 506XP in arts and 240XP in spells during the 15 years of his apprenticeshipwithout really resorting to using anything unreasonable.
Do the required stress rolls and damage numbers for the spell sound reasonable to you ?
Any other comments ?
PS: Albertus lost his ReMe-Certamen gauntlet during the 3rd round without even gaining a positive weakening total once