I have finally found the time to start the conversion of my old 3rd edition character to the 5th edition.
Albertus of Tremere
Age: 88 (52) – 65 years out of apprenticeship
Twilight: 9 - gained Increased Understanding from temporary twilight
INT: +5
PER: +1
PRE: -1
COM: -1
STR: +1
STA: +2 (-5)
DEX: +1
QUI: +1
Affinity with Rego (+4)
Affinity with Mentem (+3)
Knack Certamen +2 (+1)
Personal Rego Source (+1)
Good Characteristic (+1)
Difficult Longevity Potion (-3)
Incompatible Arts CrIg (-2)
IA InIg (-2)
IA MuIg (-2)
No Sigil (-1)
Affinity Mentem 6, Affinity Rego 7, Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Certamen 9(11), Charisma 3, Church Knowledge 2, Concentration 6, Debate 3, Diplomancy 4, Egypt Lore 3, Faerie Lore 2, Fantastic Beast Lore 1, Finesse 7, Guile 3, Hermes History 3, Hermes Law 2, Hermes Lore 3, Humanities 2, Iberia Lore 2, Intimidation 2, Intrigue 4, Leadership3, Legend Lore 4, Magic Theory 10, Meditation 5, Occult Lore 2, Parma Magica 9, Penetration 7, Provencal Lore 1, Ride 3, Scan 3, Scribe Arab 3, Scribe Greek 3, Scribe Latin 5, Scotland Lore 1, Sicily Lore 3, Speak Arabic 4, Speak Gaelic 2, Speak Greek 3, Speak Italian 4, Speak Latin 5, Speak Provencal 3, Speak Norman 2, Speak Spanish 5, Staff 6, Swim 2, Subterfuge 1
Creo 18, Intellego 20, Muto 19, Perdo 17, Rego 19 (26)
Animal 15, Aquam 10, Auram 14, Corporem 22, Herbam 12, Ignem 12, Imagonem 11, Mentem 16 (22), Terram 17, Vim 19
Conversion to 5th edition:
Age +20% = 103 (62 apparent)
9, new 10 Twilight => 3 Warping – Increased Understanding seems to be no longer in the game
Characteristics stay the same.
Virtues: Affinities are still in the game but are minor virtues now and in addition with Puissant Arts (minor virtues, too) get close to the old affinities. Knack with Certamen becomes Minor Magical Focus Certamen (free virtue for Tremere) and Personal Vis Source stays the same and is a minor virtue. Basically Albertus would have to “buy†5 minor hermetic virtues under the 5th edition rules in addition to the free Focus with Certamen.
Flaws: Difficult Longevity Ritual is a major flaw and has way more serious consequences than before. Under 3rd edition it was more like a story flaw which forced the player to find an old magus for his longevity ritual and do him favors till he is able (InCo 30+) to do it himself. Due to this I think a Favors major story flaw is more appropriate than the 5th edition Difficult Longevity Ritual flaw. Incompatible Arts are minor flaws and while Tremere still have no sigil it seems to be no longer considered a flaw which is fitting anyway since Albertus won his sigil 3 years ago. Basically Albertus would have 3 minor hermetic flaws and 1 major story flaw.
Abilities: Mainly Affinites are no longer abilites but provide “bonus†XP now and a bunch of other abilities are no longer in the game and/or included in other abilites in addition to some having different names. Converting the lost abilities and the “unused†XP put into them would yield 930 XP.
Since I was looking at XP costs anyway I took a look at how many XP a newly created magus 80 years out of apprenticeship would have - about 2.700 - vs. about 4.900 for Albertus. In addition Albertus has 1 magic item, a working longevity potion (-15 since the ageing system seems way more relaxed than in the 3rd edition even the +20% age would be no problem), a familiar and knows about 15 additional spells, some of them mastered. On the other hand the “newly†created magus should have 320 Rego Vis (even if the rules seem to disagree there;) ) to spend in any way he wants vs. about 30 vis Albertus has at hand and would be able to take additional virtues/flaws at character creation.
If I have some more time at hand I might give the more detailed character creation a shot, which will likely fall somewhere in between the two extremes mentioned above since even the detailed system will most likely be unable to account for things like heavy usage of vis for learning and exposure XP (we had house rules to a fairly similar effect for speak language and lore based on time spend exposed and maxed at 3).
With the left over XP distributed I would come up with the following abilities/arts:
Area Lore (Egypt) 3, Area Lore (Iberia) 2, Area Lore (Provence) 1, Area Lore (Scotland) 1, Area Lore (Sicily) 3, Artes Liberales 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Charm 3, Code of Hermes 4, Concentration 7, Dead Language (Latin) 5, Etiquette 4, Faerie Lore 2, Finesse 7, Great Weapon 6, Guile 5, Infernal Lore 2, Leadership 4, Living Language (Arabic) 4, LL (Gaelic) 2, LL (Greek) 3, LL (Italian) 4, LL (Norman) 2, LL (Provencal) 3, LL (Spanish) 5, Magic Lore 6, Magic Theory 10, Organisation Lore (The Order) 3, Parma Magica 10, Penetration 7, Philosophiae 4, Ride 3, Swim 2, Theology 2
Creo 18, Intellego 20, Muto 24, Perdo 18, Rego 26
Animal 15, Aquam 10, Auram 15, Corporem 25, Herbam 12, Ignem 20, Imagonem 12, Mentem 25, Terram 20, Vim 20 (leading to 1 additional Twilight Point).
Do you think this is a reasonable conversion or should I do something differently.