Character Creation Discussions (OOC)

You don't have to hit that each year. It's more of an overall guideline that's trying to take into account that you're likely to find some Q15 summa, for example.

true, but I wrote a bit more (for myself not posted it yet) and one year I hit 29xp, so even if I am ok with being in the lower end of xp grab, I really need to start reading juicy books lol - but with Arthur's new suggestion it seems doable.

I would assume we can find lab texts for low to mid-level spells from the core book with relative ease, essentially available in our library, while high levels (probably 6th magnitude or higher) or non-core spells would get harder and harder to find.

I'm thinking through placeholder replies right now for my character sheet so I can keep things organized well. I'm thinking of these:

New Spells
Created Items

I don't know as I need an advancement tracker. In some ways it could be handy for faster reference, but it's also being placed in the other thread and shouldn't really be needed for fast reference anyway.

Thanks @Arthur. Appreciate the work to give more clarity.

Note that if you perform lab work during the year, the total xp gained should trend lower. After all, you are gaining something else there. Remember the third principle: Be conservative.

Edit: 45 xp isn't a goal or a minimum. It's simply a baseline. If you average for your character ends up being too much above the baseline, we will look at the details and may ask for adjustments.

Just to be clear, with the new advancement guidelines, there will be no individual build points. What you acquire is what you bring to the covenant.

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In that case I think it should be up to the individual magi how much they donate to the covenant...or a flat X books, X vis etc

It is up to each what they will contribute to the covenant.

I'm trying to sort out in my head what would be reasonable charges for a Verditius opening an item with more space that most could manage, which is a useful service for other magi making non-Talismans that need a lot of stuff enchanted into them. No one would pay for this for an item needing only 6 or probably 8 pawns, since MT 3 is already enough for 6 pawns. People would only pay for this with really big things. For example, most warrior-magi who might want to open a full suit of mail or plate and mail probably don't have the necessary MT 10. But standard Verditius costs are double the vis, which is 40 for such a suit of armor. That's ridiculous, as the standard cost is based on a lab total, and enchanting a 20th magnitude effect into a device would mean a lab total likely well above 200 and probably several seasons and so would probably warrant the 40 pawns the Verditius collects.

Coming out of apprenticeship Hannah can open many items to 22 pawns already. That's something she's already better at than many Verditius magi, so it's already something she's likely to be hired for most often. She'll be closer to the ballpark of being able to open something in the 85-104 pawn region at game start. That could be nearly 2 queens of vis for a season of work, clearly ridiculous and not what House Verditius would expect to charge.

For right now I can let it all average out to 3 pawns per year pretty easily, or more and go lower on experience. But I'd like to find a much more reasonable expected amount that I can still make average out well. I'd like to keep the formula really simple, too, as that seems to be what was aimed for in HoH:MC with the primus's choices. Maybe something like 5 + the magnitude of the amount opened? That would be 9 to open the suit of armor rather than 40, and 25 to open 100 pawns rather than 200. Also, that puts the bottom end of any expected opening to be around 7-8, which is also the bottom end of what you're allowed to charge for trivial stuff.

I would even go as simple as saying she can charge one-third of the limit being opened as her fee. So 7 pawns for a 22-pawn opening, and 33 pawns for a 100-pawn opening.

One thing to take into account isn't so much her capacity to open an item with such a high limit, but the number of customers able to afford an item like that (including the cost she charges). And the number of Verditius magi who can satisfy such an order. And the fact that a given order may be lower than her current capacity (for example 50 vs 100). Would she get such an order once every few years? Once in a decade? Those elements also make a big difference. Plus the timing issue, for who's to say the order will come at a time she is available to take it?

Is a suit of armor not Huge (skeleton) rather than Large (cloak)?

In the early 13th century, a suit of armor is a full chain mail plus helmet. Makes a heap not much bigger than a large cloak. Weighs around 40 pounds.

It's still too early for plate and mail armor.

Fair. I wasn't thinking about the compressed size.

Skeleton and cloak are both "large."

Sorry, human body is what I meant. Moot now.

Should I assume if there's no negative feedback on our advancement narrative we're free to proceed? I've been waiting, perhaps unnecessarily, I may not be the only one.

I'd like others to comment as well on the narrative of others. Including mine.

Right now I seem to be the only one doing that at the moment. I may have missed a few, so don't hesitate to poke me if I haven't commented on yours.

I had looked at 1/2 or 1/3. The only problem I saw was at the low end. It will very pretty rare for a Verditius to be able to charge under 6 pawns for the most trivial of things. Shortly after apprenticeship Hannah's minimum will probably be 8 pawns. So I was trying to look for a minimum that handled that well. 1/3 would make 15 under that minimum of 6, while requiring most magi a MT of 8 and so being in the region someone might well hire a Verditius to handle. But at least it's in the right ballpark. So 1/3, rounded up (with a minimum of 2x what you can harvest on your own) should work well. And 1/3 is much nicer than the formula I wrote.

Oh, definitely, I wasn't expecting to be at the limit all the time. But even opening a capacity of 50 would earn you a queen of vis in a season using that formula. No one could reasonably afford that, and it's way out of whack. I'm figuring an order for an item of that scale would probably only come along once a decade or two, maybe even less often. I was more looking at it for interesting story options. E.g. open a Flambeau's suit of armor that they go and wear on some great adventure, and now there is an association with that Flambeau; or open a huge ship that is now sailing the skies and there is an associate with that captain; or similar.

I think I have a simple formula for Items of Quality, which has the earlier mentioned problem in the other direction. The Verditius could earn bonus x2. It potentially ramps up some with skill like the normal items from lab totals do, the formula basically matches the usual formula, it fixes the problem, and it's a simple formula.

On a separate note, I think I'll change my parens' name to Astuth (or Ferramentum), just to match the names of listed magi in Tribunals of Hermes: Rome.

Oh, phooey. Apparently you can't do more than 5 replies in a row on the forums. So I'm going to have to slightly reorganize my character replies to stay within that 5-reply limit.

So everyone may want to keep that in mind: 1 reply for character sheet leaves you a max of 4 more replies for other stuff.