Character Creation for Red-Shadow-Claws

Spring 1204

While Alba was busy in the spring in service to Irencillia, Celeste had Lencor show her where the books on the history of the House were kept, and she began to pursue them. She needed to learn more about her house, so she would have a clue as to it’s mysteries. Her pater has shown that he can use the Realm of Faerie to travel, but she wasn’t sure if that’s the right thing for her. Might there be other mysteries that might appeal to her more? Is there something more to the Charms that she learned the basics of?

Lencor was always there by her side, discussing what she’s read, and dropping hints at deeper mysteries. He definitely knew how to pique her interest.

Reading: Secrets of the Fae - House Merinita Lore Summa (L5Q14).

Summer 1204

Alba was talking reading the Summa that Celeste has read last season, so she decided to pursue another goal of hers: improving her Rego, so she might be powerful enough to bind Lencor as a Familiar.

The moment she suggested this to him, Lencor was ecstatic. He literally dragged her to the library to find the right book. But it seems like someone, in their eagerness, hopefully, to find a book, has made a mess of the library. Lencor, while he has spent a few years by Celeste’s side, still felt a great connection to the library that he served as a librarian in, and wanted to find the culprit and make him fix it, and it took all of Celeste’s focus to steer him away from it. And so, Celeste spent the first few days of Summer organizing the library, so that Lencor would be mollified.

And then, she found the Art of Motion book, and delved into its secrets.

Reading: The Art of Motion - Rego Summa (L15Q15).

Autumn 1204

At the end of Summer, Celeste went to see Vinaria, and asked her if she could get two more of the devices to enter the Regio she explored a few years ago. Vinaria was against it, saying that some ghosts have managed to escape it since she’s explored it, and that she’d like it to go dormant again, but Celeste pleaded with her. It might hold the key to her mother’s murderer, and she has learned much since, and is more than willing to lay all the ghosts to rest.

It seemed like Vinaria would refuse her, when Alba came in, and said that she’d assist her friend in this. For some odd reason, Vinaria agreed to the plan. While Celeste was a bit suspicious about the sudden change, she took it, and explained to Alba what she found on her previous visit.
The two of them went together, along with Lencor, and the ghostly inhabitants had little change to stand against two Maga with ghost-eating spells at their disposal. But Celeste didn’t come there just to destroy all ghosts. There were a few that she spared and used her spells to force them to answer her questions.

From her interrogation, she learned that a maga, learned in the arts of necromancy, has used this place as a testing ground. He lured innocents and murdered them to learn how and why they became ghosts. She also learned the name of this Maga, Luna of Tytalus, was the one who performed these killings, with the help of her dwarf apprentice, whose name meant little, since he probably took a different name after his Gauntlet, but was called Emilio.

The regio was still likely under some Infernal effect, what with all these murders, but at least they’ve laid the ghosts there to rest.

When they came out, she asked discreetly, and learned that Emilio has passed his Gauntlet in Irencillia, just before he and Luna left, and that he took the name of Lamberto. The implications were clear to her, but she still wasn’t sure that her mother was one of their victims. It seemed like they were there far earlier than her mother was killed. But he might have some answers, if she dared confront him.

When Alba told her about the Tortoiseshell cats, it was a very nice idea, but Celeste feared that if they stayed in the regio too long, if it is Infernal in nature, it might taint them. But she did talk to Vinaria to have them stay close to it’s entrance, incase a ghost rises, and wanders out of it.

Adventure: 5 xp in Rego, 5 xp in Perdo

Winter 1204

It was time t provide a service to the covenant, but before Celeste could even suggest something, Lambert, her parens, came back, his ass all hurting. Apparently someone has made his donkeys terrified several times during his trip to Irencillia, and the donkeys didn’t just bolt, but also left him falling on his ass.
He called Celeste to help him in his lab, to develop a spell that would prevent such a thing from happening again, promising to also give her a copy of the lab text. It wasn’t her idea of fun project, but hey, it was a chance to help her parens, and get a lab text, even if she had no idea what use such a spell will be for her.

Exposure: 2 xp in Corpus, and lab text for Stance of the Firm-Buttocked Knight.

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@RafaelB @Arthur
A question that crossed my mind. If Celeste wanted to make Lencor bigger, which Form would it be? Animal, because he's a big dog-like creature? Vim because he's a faerie? Mentem because that's the Form he derives his Might from?

I think Animal. He is not made of mental matter, neither of pure magical energy.

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Well... he is made of glamour... So technically he is made of energy :stuck_out_tongue:

But Alba had to smell him after rain, and she is pretty sure that he is made of dog hair as his base material :pensive:

Animal. Faeries are affected by the Form which corresponds to their apparent shape. That is the power of glamour, which manifests their body into the corresponding Form.

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@Arthur This will appear in the return letter to Quitus Clusius in an in-character way, but what Celeste would ask for a Lab is:
Size +1
Dedicated building
Lesser Focus (Mirror)
Haunted (I expect this to come from her mother's ghost)

They'll do their best, but some of the requirements are incompatible for the covenant as it currently exists.

So she'll have to choose betwen Dedicated Building and Elevated, since none of the independent buildings are 4 stories high.

The Lesser Focus flaw isn't something the covenant can install for her, since it requires the existence of a Lesser Feature, but the raw materials she will need to add those can be provided.

Decaying isn't really something appropriate, since the lab will have just been set up for her. The covenant wouldn't have selected shoddy furnishings and materials.

As for Haunted, Celeste carries that with her. :wink:

So we would end up with: Size +1, Dedicated Building or Elevated (0), Basic (0), Haunted (-1).

I will select a Minor Virtue to complete the lab, if you want. Let this be a surprise when she arrives. :slight_smile:

טsorry, it was meant to be Lesser Feature (Mirror)

Yes, I thought that may be the case. Trying to find some reason why a "grand and ornamental silvered
mirror or other reflective surface
" would already be there at the covenant.

I am coming up blank, which is why I think it might be easier to say that they've ordered the mirror, but it will take some time before it arrives and can be installed.

Ok, sounds good

Am considering doing an original spell in Winter 1205, at the guest labs in Durenmar. Is that allowed? If so, I will post the spell idea here for consideration before adding it to the roll of seasons.

I think that you mean 1205 :slight_smile:
And im also interested... i still have 2 spells to learn after all ^^!

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It is allowed, as a lab project (no lab text to help).

This is the spell Celeste would like to research

Bargain of the Damaged Ghost
R: Eye, D: Bargain/Mom, T: Ind
Like all spells of Bargain Duration, this spell is cast immediately after the caster strikes a bargain with a ghost, and only takes effect if the target breaks his part of the bargain. If it should come to pass that the target of this spell breaks the agreement within a year of the date when the deal was made, the ghost will lose 10 points of Might.
(Base general, +3 Bargain)

While the spell has +3 from Bargain, the general spell Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit used R: Sight, and here it was reduced to R: Eye.

The lost Might wasnt the same as the spell level? (so, losing 20 instead of just 10)

You mean the general spell uses R:Voice, right?

The math of the spell seems solid. What about her lab total? If I'm tracking right:

Mentem 15+ Perdo 7+ Perdo (focus) 7+ MT (mentem) 4 + Aura 3 + Int 2 + Similar Spell 1 = 39

Only at R:Voice.

This is a base 10, changed to R:Eye (dropping the level to 5) and increased to bargain, for final 20. But it damages as base 10.

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The General spell is Base general, with Sight, Mom, and Ind. And the Might lost is equal to spell level. Because the parameters changed, I think it is only 10 Might lost, but, the upside is that once cast, if the ghost breaks the bargain within a year, I don't need to be near it to activate this, and the spell enjoyes double the penetration, so with my casting total of +30, and Penetration 2 (specialty in Mentem, so another +1), I can affect a ghost up to Might 26+ 2*(die roll), so easily a Might 30 Ghost, unless I roll a 0, or a botch.

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She will do this development at the Nocturnal Lab Routine (as per Covenants), which adds +2 to Lab Total.


And whats the benefit to be able to penetrate so much if your Might damage is so low that basically means nothing?
Maybe a ReMe to generate the compulsion to the ghost to return to you and plead would be more useful (and will actually let you know if the ghost was a traitor).