Character Creation: General Discussion

Ack, so I did. Apologies! And nope, just use your character creation thread.

Man, always the hardest part for me. XD

Let's go with Atheus ex Tytalus.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Garak or DP9. =/

Not aiming for the Gentle Gift. He will have Pre, Com, and social abilities high enough that for basic things the Gift shouldn't pose much trouble. Atheus will operate with mundanes under the guise of his personaes, so the personae reputation will also be subtracted from the Gift penalty. But I reckon first contact with someone will always be a bit troublesome.

Sounds good, thread is up!

Deep Space 9. Star Trek. And I admit that Garak came to mind too @Pralix

Persona is a ton of fun, so I'm very excited to see where ya end up going with it!

Thanks. I posted the three old spells and a variant of each in my character thread. I'm certainly not starting with all of them; mostly they're there ahead of time for development since it's the direction she's headed and I'd wanted to make sure that direction was clear and agreed on.

I'm working on posting apprenticeship.

And that is very much appreciated! I'll give everything a once-over later to refresh my memory, but I don't expect we'll run into problems.

My mage is mostly done - I think? Can I do a companion or her two or so personal grogs?

Side effect of being fast and @Vortigern having to take a trip unfortunately means that we don't have a final word on your mage. But you're looking more or less done on that front, yeah.

That said, you can certainly start thinking about a companion for another mage. Wouldn't necessarily start diving into the nuts and bolts mechanically, but by all means feel free to start tossing ideas out there!

Pralix wrote this: Guys, I can edit your posts. Is that how it is supposed to be?

I have made a companion suggestion for our Bjornaer cat, but I am watching Wednesday, and Thing (the hand) struck me as an interesting companion level character, but I am not sure I can pull it off.

That would be a great companion for a necromancer. I don’t think we have one. I almost want to change just for that, but only almost.

Thinking about necromancy, I should be able to make wooden-statue versions of The Tireless Servant soon - just as effective, but more tasteful.

There is this Tremere, I think in Hermetic Projects, who makes them, right?

There is a lot of necromancy in HP, focused on living corpses. What I’m doing is more like Severin of Tytalus in ToME. But I don’t think he made wood versions of The Tireless Servant from Covenants.

Careful with that one. I used Severin's concept for a past character. I remember some of the spells in Fall and Rise were flawed. Not sure which ones anymore, it's been some time, and brain's showing signs of aging...

Oh, I'm mostly not using his spells at all. I think Rough-Hewed Servant is the only one. There is just some similarity with animating wooden things.

If we actually want to have a knarr a the covenant, theoretically Aoibheann could construct one during her macgnĂ­martha and arrive in it. If that is desired, I'll write it into her story. Now, the river is not fully navigable, as sometimes it's just 1 or 2 feet deep, and the lake isn't so large that a ship the size of a knarr would make sense normally. But the lake is pretty big so it's not like dropping a galley in a pond.

I have most of her apprenticeship written up. As I noted above, to be able to do the ReTe to move the menhir, the ReHe to fly a ship to transport the menhir, and have the spells to lead in the direction I wanted, I've had to be a little extreme with her some of her training. At the same time, I am at or beyond the suggested minima and have fit some other good things in.

Just a thought, so that you don't need to be so extreme if you don't want to.

Would it be reasonable for us to have a casting tablet to shrink or move the menhir? Or perhaps an enchanted item? After all, we are being sponsored, aren't we?

It need not be the best spell for the job, just a reasonable one, until we have the spare time to increase our arts and invent better spells/items.

I'm OK with it. It all moves her in the right direction, and I'd been considering all of her starting spells anyway at some point. I've just been giving this heads up ahead of posting what will likely be Rego 19+3. That does come with an Affinity in addition to Puissant, but it's still really big. And I think it's really cool if just-gauntleted magi can show up as she can manage.

Should we start with a knarr? I know a buss is more standard from Scandinavia at this time, but I like the look of the knarr more and it feel like it would be easier to get in the menhir in and out of.

Speaking of the menhir, I've got to go and read the rules about protecting it from other magi. I know it cannot be within the Aegis. I've been thinking about sanctum-style protections for it.

I see no problem with a knarr.

By sanctum-style you mean watching wards and such? The menhir does have the ability to create essential traits, so if we want to use this I think we don't want to completely stop people from approaching, only to be aware of who and when is approaching.

Assessing a few things:

  • Adept Lab Student: is it applicable to learning spells from a teacher? You have no lab text, but you are working with guidance.
  • Inventive Genius: is it applicable to learning spells from a teacher? You are working with guidance, but you have no lab text.
  • Learning Spells from a Teacher: (...) you actually invent the spell yourself, but with constant guidance from the teacher. Since you are inventing a spell, is it valid to experiment during that?
  • Would any of the above apply to lab totals during apprenticeship (for purposes of max level of a spell)?
    • Puissant MT applies, so I feel like there should be no inherent problem with the options above also applying (experimenting seems conceptually feasible to me, but the application on the concrete case is surely debatable).

This stands out to me as I think it underplays the social impact of the Gift. I tend to see social impact of the Gift as one of the defining elements of the setting and much more significant than the mechanical -3 both. Even if you have enough attribute+skill to have a positive value after the -3, that doesn't mean the Gift doesn't shape the encounter in a negative way despite that.

This makes me ponder copying some additional material over from RPOL where I had talked about my stance on some Ars topics.

I am ok with this if someone wants to design one to represent this "sub-optimal" option the Covenant was provided with. Perhaps either a casting tablet or a minor magical item that a suitable apprentice was ordered to create.

A knarr thematically I have no problem with. I'm just left mildly uncertain as to whether our support would include such a ship. I could see an argument either way, for a decent ship, or for a river barge sufficient to get us and goods to/from the island.


Indeed, defense of the cathach is an essential part of Hibernian culture! I'll be curious to hear ideas.

This is a legitimate problem, if the stone is going to be used to seal bargains and the like and form part of the lore/history of Inchmore then any security will need to have ways of being selective/controlled for allowing the approach of parties that wish to use it. But most cathachs are not (ahem) hermetically sealed away either. So that isn't really that unusual I think.