Character Creation: General Discussion

Oh, I know. I'm not trying to escape that. Short-term success on negotiations (read negotiations in an ample sense) doesn't mean lack of long-term consequences. But, isn't a proper reputation supposed to offset that a bit? To his contacts he would be know as a bit unpleasant, maybe pushy, but generally thrustworthy (they would likely always be on the lookout just to be sure, however). For anyone who still doesn't deal with him regularly, however (I'd assume most of Ireland...) the reputation really doesn't do much.

But I'm open to suggestions on how to improve the concept to make it work w/o Gentle Gift, if you think there is a way.

I'd say no, since we have the distinct Apt Student virtue to cover this scenario and this appears to make the distinct intent clear.

As written, I'd say yes. As intended, no. I think I'd err on the side of intent here and say only when you are designing something new yourself.

I would say that is possible. Though only with the cooperation of the instructor. They would realize you are experimenting at some point even if you didn't tell them.

Any of the learning virtues should apply in suitable circumstances to applicable lab totals, during apprenticeship.

Re: Mastery Abilities

I'm leaning towards allowing all mastery abilities to be accessible mainly due to the lack of breadth in the current material regarding options. I am somewhat conflicted here, but I dislike restricting them more than I dislike keeping them secret. (For different reasons of course.)

I think Eadric is the closest we have. And given his Duidsan heritage I wouldn't put doing some necromancy as outside of the kind of magic he is comfortable with. It just isn't his main/initial focus area. But he is a not-nice Corpus kind of guy, so it isn't outside his realm either?

“All,” meaning including Apotropaic stuff and Mutantum stuff, or just opening up the Mercer stuff?

Mutantum seems like it should stay with them, but I'm open to hearing counter arguments.

Apotropaic would be what exactly? I don't see spell mastery options there other than Goetic Mastery?

So the major sources I think are the general list, Flambeau list, and Mercurian list. And then Mutantes, Pralixians, and Goetic. Am I missing any?

The General and Flambeau lists are already common knowledge. The Mercurian list seems like mostly it should be as well. I would lean towards the Pralixian and Goetic being accessible as well. So ... the only potential holdout being Mutantes magic?

We are in deep handwavium/house rule territory here so I'm certainly open to feedback and ideas here.

Apotropaic Mastery (RoP:tI p.122-123), known to the Venatores.

Goetic Mastery is generally available to bay who can take advantage of it anyway.

The Pralixians and Flambeau don’t have any of their own. Those were just included in their chapters due to relevance, like Linguist with the Bonisagus magi.

There's also Acute Sense, theoretically only available to Quaesitores.

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Re: Apotropaic Mastery

That seems to indicate that this spell mastery ability is default unrestricted in canon.

Re: Mutantes

I think these abilities are powerful enough they should stay restricted in access.

Re: Goetic Mastery

I concur, I don't really see it as restricted either.

Re: Pralixian & Flambeau

Flambeau explicitly are stated to have promulgated/shared those abilities. The Pralixian description basically doesn't say, to my recollection. But I haven no problem with them being accessible either.

Re: Acute Sense

I am not going to knock that this is thematic for Q's, but I don't see any game balance harm in unrestricting it either.

To put this in terms of the Gift, reputation I think reasonably could be argued to be able to move you somewhat from the "First Impression" grade of reaction to the "Established Relationships" grade of reaction (ArM5, pg 76), if the reputation is directly applicable and known to the NPCs involved.

The lake is a bit small for a knarr-sized ship to be put there; so if we were provided with a ship, it wouldn't be that. My character could build one, though it might take some tries, so that would likely be why we'd have one.

Also of note, the river isn't navigable, even by river barges. Lots of bits of it are, though. I guess they moved things overland when they hit the spots that were too shallow.

One thought I had, if I even get a Homunculus Familiar is to use a few circular wards: one against people, one against animals, one against animals with Might, and one against spirits. Then it would be extremely hard for anyone to get through. I was also thinking things like PeVi-anti-teleportation circles and the like.

It's the earlier part where it talks about this section being magic the Venatores don't even pass to their apprentices. But, it's likely outside of just the Venatores.

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@Vortigern Can I keep my maga as she is?

If only we knew someone capable of addressing that problem! Seriously though, perks of being able to control and create water/having access to a regio network?

All very good ideas! Ronan was going to make... friends. Nothing like a few faeries (and potentially other things)

I think that's completely fair. Seems to be more or less the sort of reaction that @RafaelB was looking for, unless I misread?

Or someone who could just fly it. :wink:

I have to check the Hibernia rules. Could it be in a Regio network?

Partially, yes. To e more explicit, I'm thinking of this exerpt from HoH:S p.89:

A character therefore subtracts his Reputation from the penalty to social rolls caused by The Gift, but only when dealing with those with whom he has regular contact. This diminishing effect of The Gift does not apply to strangers, only to those that come to know the magus well; this is a formalization of the effect seen normally over prolonged contact with the Gifted (ArM5, page 75).

But differently from what @Vortigern suggests, I don't think the reputation should do something if I don't actually know the person, even if the reputation is directly applicable and the other person knows about it.

Eg. suppose I have a rep. 2 as a respected merchant and meet a new merchant. I don't expect the reputation to offset the Gift. I expect the merchant to say "yes, I have heard of Mathias of Dublin, but I doubt you are actually him instead of someone trying to pass of as him", or at least to think that. And if we are introduced to each other by a common contact who vouches for me, I'd still expect him to still be wary (and the reputation to not apply). "Is it possible that Simon is being dupped by this guy? Maybe 'Mathias' was a con artist all along and the reputation is fake?"

It should take some time until I can actually convince a new person that I'm who I say I am. At least, that's how I see it. And even then, after the person actually knows me, the Gift is still the Gift. That does not change. At that point, yes, I'd expect to be treated as described under Established Relationships.

But I can work with whatever works for the troupe, including, if deemed easier, tweaking or changing the concept.

I concur on all points now re: the Gift and social interaction being modified by reputation scores. I think your view (and that citation) bring us to a mutually compatible application of things.

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I will endeavor to get into the character threads today to review and update/comment on everyone, time permitting.

If the character is capable of building one (craft magic or the like) without it being inordinately time consuming then that would certainly change things.

A couple people were talking about Vigil. My character was apprenticed at LĂĄmbaird. How about others? All passing gauntlets about the same time means their apprenticeships overlaps quite significantly, and they may well have all run across each other at tribunals or similar.

Yes, that had been possible. But I've edited things to lower Rego, which necessitates not being able to move the menhir to tribunal. You and @Nithyn might take a look at the versions to compare.

Ronan was all over. Side effect of not actually being apprenticed in an actual covenant. So I have zero doubt that he's very likely run into everyone, as he'd have visited all their covenants multiple times over the years.

Yeah, looking over it all now. Casting tablet seems like the easiest way to go for now in terms of getting the thing moved.

Francis, The Beast Whisperer (Companion)

God has blessed this man with the ability to speak with animals. He has dedicated his life to healing them and speaking for them. Francis makes a living wandering from town to town to heal animals and ask their owners to treat them kindly. He is known in Ireland for his love of Animals and his abilityto heal them.

Int +2, Per 0, Com +2, Pre +1, Str+0, Sta +2, Qik 0, Dex 0

Age: about 30 years

Mendicant Friar (St. Francis has just founded his order and is still alive in 1220)
Alluring to mundane animals
Animal Ken
Puissant Animal Handling
Affinity with Animal Healing
relic (A chain containing a tooth of St Anthony, given to him by a knight whose warhorse he healed)
Inspirational (he doesn't believe in himself, but he believe sin his mission)

Major: Driven by the desire to help God's lesser creatures (Why else would God have given him the Gift of speaking to animals)
Minor: Pious (he is quite pious, but doesn't pontificate, except when someone mistreats animals sadistically)
Story: Animal companion (monkey)
Low Self-Esteem ("God's humble tool")