Thunderbird would be cool
You realize that IoL is a legacy spell, right? If the same high quality philosophy went into the original design as in the 5th edition, Lightning would be Ignem, because they used to think that lightning was phlogeston (fiery plasma) that was seeping through the cracks in the sky.
And in fact, lightning is plasma, air that is superheated by the concurrant electrical charge.
When people plan an Ars Modernica type saga, they always ask what form electricity falls under, and people always wrongly answer Auram. Electricity in the air (lightning) is Auram, electricity in wires is Terram.
I just looked up Elementalism, and what it actually does is ad only a single xp to the other three Forms when you study any one. So, if you spend your season reading a quality 1 Aquam book, you will get an equal 1 xp in each elemental Form. If you study a quality 7 Ignem text for three seasons, you will have gained 21 xp's in the noble Art of Ignem, but only 3 in each of the other three Forms of Aquam, Auram, and Terram.
Are we allowed to do a year post Gauntlet? I thought we were all supposed to be fresh. I don't mind though. Some slight staggering could be interesting and has more versimilitude.
As far as Grogs, I am working on a pair. I think it is a gyp to have to spend one out of 3 points on Custos and recieve nothing in return for it. I am making two veteran guys, late 20's. As for companions, you guys wanna pair of in the buddy system or everyone shifts left down the line? A clockwise shif around the circle would be best, but pairing off might work the easiest.
OR, we could each make our own companion, post them, and we each pick one that we didn't make. Hmmm....
I dunno. What do you want Max?