Character Development

I'd agree that Skilled Parens is a decent virtue for a newly gauntletted character (and gets less good the further you are out of gauntlet). Gregorius has it too. Granted, I sometimes wish I'd taken Independant Learner, but it's usually Enduring Constitution I wish I'd swapped out rather than Skilled Parens.

OK, I got confused there. In any case, that was just helpful advice, not something you have to do. :slight_smile:

Damn, I was hoping for Poland--I spent some time doing research there.

Right. 80 lbs. is still a bit much--there are healthy 15-year-olds who weight that, but for someone Phasma's age, even 100 lbs. is significantly underweight. Still, if you want to have her 80 lbs., I suppose it's not completely outside the range of believability.

The term has been used to mean a lot of different things (way back when, we used it to describe the kids in their early teens who ran around gaming conventions and acted annoyingly rude during games), but in this case (probably the most common usage), it means an optimizer, though it does have a bad connotation--if it meant a cheater, I wouldn't have applied it to myself.


I didn't think you'd call yourself a cheater, I know a lot of people use munchkin as a catchall term (which is my bugbear with the word), but the in which I understand the different terms, a munchkin more accurately describes a cheater, or to a certain degree a griefer (those who purposefully brings grief to others).

Anyway, I've increased her weight a bit, keeping her thin, but not too much so anymore.

OK, for the first season (Summer), she's going to help the covenant out and investigate the potential vis source of the pool in the labyrinth. In Autumn, she plans to investigate the broken fountain/curse/whatever-the-water-problem-is.


Here's what I hope is my final draft of Viola's lab at the time she takes it over. In theory, Free Virtues and Free Flaws are supposed to be equal in number, but I could only find two Virtues to balance the four most obvious Flaws (before Viola adds Magic Item and Familiar by occupying the lab with her talisman and familiar--there's no rule that Free Virtues and Flaws have to balance later on), though I'm not sure Empty should really count here in any case. However, Dedicated Building (which can hardly be avoided) pushes the Upkeep to +1, and I'm not sure what can be done to lower it (now that the magically maintained lab equipment isn't going to happen).


(Virtues and Flaws described within the text are labeled in parentheses.)

When the party of magi tasked with establishing Nova Castra arrived at the site of ancient Tanais, Viola immediately noticed a faerie regio (Regio) on the site of the ruined temple to Neptune on the north side of the city’s central square (Dedicated Building). At the mundane level, nothing was left of the temple but an altar within the foundations of the portico, before the entrance; a tile mosaic three feet below ground level in what was once the temple’s main room, a mosaic that periodically collects rainwater, from which Rego vis can be distilled; and a dry creek bed leading into the foundations. However, those in the party with Second Sight perceived a massive pair of marble doors, doubtless a fae reflection of the doors that had once stood at the temple’s entrance. These doors formed the gateway to the region.

By making a sacrificial feast of a horse, an animal sacred to Neptune (and his Greek analog, Poseidon), Viola lured from the regio a number of its inhabitants, who claimed to be children of Poseidon. One of them led her through a marble door, now studded with three gems, into the first level of the regio, where, down a short flight of stairs, the temple was still intact, though with a damaged roof, allowing water to collect on the floor here as well (Deformed). The walls sported frescoes devoted to Poseidon, and, at its far end, a fountain in the form of a large statue of the god, from whose eyes flowed a waterfall. Disturbingly, the room also featured a half dozen “statues” of people who had been turned to stone, as well as a collection of shade-loving plants growing in the damp environment, including lichens, mosses, and a creeping vine that wrapped nearly around the circumference of the room (Infested).

Viola’s guide led her through the waterfall to pass through the far wall, a large bas-relief of a seated couple marred by the impression of what appeared to be a giant fist. Beyond the wall lay the next level of the regio, a room much the same as the last (Spacious), save that channels along the walls carried water from this level’s version of the fountain, though a faerie curse had reduced the flow here to a trickle. This iteration of the temple featured stone columns interspersed with an even greater number of stone statues, as well as a barred door and a ruined staircase leading down. Behind the door lay a kitchen filled with a dozen sororocidal and cannibalistic blind crones, the Handmaidens of Poseidon, who passed the time cooking one another and fighting over three orbs that served as eyes (Inhabitants). These crones proved harmless, except to one another, so long as Viola resisted their importunings to enjoy a little home cooking. Leaving their company, she re-barred the door and followed the guide through another regio entrance that lay astride the ruined staircase.

Viola followed the staircase on the third regio level down to a vast labyrinth formed of stalagmites under a dark, stormy, night sky. Deep in the labyrinth lay a large room full of dozens more “statues”, evidently the lair of the guide’s mother, a Gorgon who had once been the nymph Halia. The labyrinth also encompassed a stone-bricked courtyard centered around a stagnant pool from which rose a moss-covered altar (atop which lay chained yet another stone corpse—this one with an erect phallus); a single cloud in the otherwise clear sky above rained down upon the courtyard, yet not on the pool, and even the water that landed around the pool drained uphill, away from it. Viola reasoned that this pool might provide a source of Perdo vis, but she detected none there at that moment.

Lab Stats:

Size: 3 (1)
Refinement: 0
Base Safety: -1
General Quality: +8
Upkeep: +1
Safety: +1
Warping: +1
Health: -1
Aesthetics: -3
Specializations: +2 Teaching, +1 Mu, +1 Re, +1 Co, +1 He

Free Virtues: Dedicated Building (+1 Upkeep, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Re), Empty (-1 Aesthetics, -1 Health), Familiar (+8 General Quality, +3 Safety), Magic Item (Viola’s quill talisman; +2 Teaching), Regio (+3 Size, +1 Warping)
Minor Virtues: Spacious (+2 Safety, +1 Aesthetics)
Free Flaws: Deformed (-1 Safety, -1 Aesthetics, +1 Mu) , Infested (-1 Safety, -1 Aesthetics, +1 He), Inhabitants (-1 Safety, -1 Aesthetics, +1 Co)

Looks largely fine - I'm not inclined to worry too much about it having more flaws than virtues, only the reverse. I think you've slightly mis-summed the Aesthetics and Safety scores, though? I make it -2 Aesthetics and +2 Safety, rather than -3 and +1. Also, Empty's in the free virtues rather than free flaws list by mistake.

Don't forget to add the Base Safety to the Safety; I'll fix the other things. Mind you, none of these numbers are likely to matter much, since she'll want to define and impure the lab before actually using it.


Oh, of course, I'd forgotten about the impact of the occupied size.

The lab looks fine to me.

There's quite a large discussion from new players since I last joined up, and I'm trying to get caught up quickly. Anything I really need to read or give input on?

Is there any reason we're stat'ing out all the grogs and servants? Unless there's a particular need, I'd rather just write up the bare minimum for grogs in order to play them, so that storyguides can throw surprises at us as desired.

Stat one out if you see a need for a particular type of specialist, or, if you just enjoy creating characters. I suspect it's a little of both in Salutor's case.


Ok, how about this: Fray, Follower of Bonisagus

Quick Summary: a bonisagus with a focus muto and self transformation. 13 years past gauntlet. English born and raised.

An English born and raised Magus who was left despondent by a hermetic wizards march which killed his wife, and now seeks a new beginning.

Fray was once a confident self starter, who was involved in a prolonged battle or very serious life crisis, and who now is somewhat hollow. He is seeking to travel beyond the borders of the Order as his home reminds him of loss, where it was once full of such potential. This is part distraction from the past, and also to tease out something new and previously unknown.

As Fray is trying to recover from the loss of his wife his personality shifts at times. Typically he approachable and amicable to those around him, but his responses lack passion. Sometimes when he is caught up in a moment he will return to his former self and be an openly happy and inquisitive person, they type which folks sometimes say is almost bubbly. These periods don’t last more than a few hours at the moment.
He is determined to continue on, and tells himself to find a new path, which is a key reason why he is leaving all his old world behind in Stonehenge.

Fray is an athletic and sturdy Saxon, with a honey coloured head of hair and full beard cut sharply along the collar and jawline. His preferred cloak is a hulking lion pelt, held with a bronze clasp. His clothing is always a mix of typical travellers gear and leather scale armour. Typical colouring for clothing is browns, reds, and greys. By habit he carried a hunting knife at his hip, although it is rarely used. While walking or travelling he will often be carrying a staff, but also has a Greatsword packed.

As a young Bonisagus Fray was starting to gather a solid reputation as a gifted transformation wizard, although the reputation would only be amongst the Bonisagus and other interested magi he had contact with, not Order wide as yet.
Reputation (Transformation) Stonehenge and Bonisagus magi: 1

Born in midlands of England to a village located close to a covenant, his parents were not strangers to supernatural effects. Fray’s magical potential was plain to his family very early, where his transformation powers caused his gift to be identified quickly. The family were pleased when Fray was accepted as an apprentice, especially when the covenant was so close.
During apprenticeship his master encouraged Fray to specialise and focus on his transformation talent. Late in his apprenticeship he met and eventually married his wife Leola.

Fray started out to form a new covenant in Stonehenge (a sister covenant to his masters), mainly as a way to join the other newly gauntleted Magi. The covenant was located close to the coat in the English midlands, on a small hill with a moderate aura. The covenant of Woodenhall was founded and initially supported by their parens covenant. The magi who gathered there were keen to keep the covenant as natural to the landscape as possible, so built the covenant to match a small village, with labs and private areas held below ground.
Woodenhall slowly grew and became self sufficient, but as it grew so to did the aspirations of one of the magi (Callser of Jerbiton), who decided to start more aggressively seeking vis sources and magical sites. Initially his work was highly productive, but he ran afoul of a powerful Loch Leglean covenant, and a few years later the first conflicts had begun.

Years later the hostility had drawn in all the Magi of Woodenhall into the conflict, eventually leading to an open battle between Callser and the opposing mages, where the war between them was fought on the covenant grounds, where Fray’s wife was killed when fire engulfed the main hall.

Fray - Stats at Gauntlet,

XP: 510 = Abilities and Mastery 285, Arts 105, Spells 120
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre -3, Com -2, Str +2, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 25 (25), Height: 170 cm, Weight: 75 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Affinity with Muto, Book Learner (Book Quality: +3), Flexible Formulaic Magic, The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Inventive Genius (Invent Lab Totals: +3), Minor Magical Focus (self transformation), Personal Vis Source (Corpus) [Location], Puissant Magic Theory, Puissant Muto, Deficient Technique (Intellego), Difficult Longevity Ritual, True Love, Weird Magic (Botches on Stressed Casting: Extra botch die)
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack , Defense +1, Damage
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1, Damage +2
Kick: Init: 1, Attack +2, Defense +0, Damage +5
Soak: +3
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, 1, 3, 5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: 1 (1 5), 3 (6 10), 5 (11 15), Incapacitated (16 20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Latin 5, Artes Liberales 1, Finesse 2, Magic Theory 5+2, Parma Magica 3, Penetration 2, Etiquette 1, Charm 1, Folk Ken 1, Area Lore: Brittan 2, Awareness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, English 5, French 1, Great Weapon 2
Arts: Cr 0, In 0, Mu 12+3, Pe 0, Re 2, An 4, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 4, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 0, Te 5, Vi 5
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20) +22
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +7
Cloak of Black Feathers (MuCo(An) 30) +27, Mastery 1 (fast casting)
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15) +22
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5) +22
Gift of the Bear's Fortitude (MuCo 25) +26
Preternatural Growth and Shrinking (MuCo 15) +22

Advancement Plan

• Year 1 (x2 warping)
o Winter - Study Summae Vim, Quality 10+3. Vim now 7 (28)
o Spring - Study Summae Creo, Quality 14+3. Creo now 5 (17)
o Summer - Story – Who Are My Magus Neighbours. A story based upon travelling to greet and meet the other members of the hermetic tribunal in Stone Henge. Season is spent in the story and joining a small Spring covenant in Stonehenge. (10 xp, in +5 Parma, +5 Folk Ken)
o Autumn - Study Summae Creo, Quality 10+3, Creo now 7 (30)
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 2 (x2 warping)
o Winter - Study Summae Vim, Quality 10+3. Vim now 8 (41)
o Spring - Story - Politic of Stone Henge (10 xp, = +3 Hermes Lore, +3 Parma, +4 Great Weapon)
o Summer – Study summae rego. Q14+3. Rego now 5 (20)
o Autumn – Extract Vis from Aura. LT: 25 = 3 pawns Vim vis
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 3 (x2 warping – Warp 1)
o Winter - Study Summae Corpus, Quality 14+3. Corpus now 6 (27)
o Spring - Study Summae Corpus, Quality 10+3. Corpus now 8 (40)
o Summer – Study Summae Corpus, Quality 10+3. Corpus now 9 (53)
o Autumn – Covenant Duty. Exposure xp. +2 Folk Ken
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 4 (x2 warping)
o Winter - Study Summae Animal, Quality 14+3. Animal now 6 (27)
o Spring - Study Summae Animal, Quality 10+3. Animal now 8 (40)
o Summer – Study Summae Animal, Quality 10+3. Animal now 9 (53)
o Autumn – Study Summae Creo, Quality 10+3, Creo now 8 (43)
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 5 (x2 warping)
o Winter – Create Longevity Potion , LT 35/2 for flaw=17, +4 Aging rolls.
o Spring - Story –Beginning of the Wars. A magus from his covenant and another start the first of many Wizards Wars, and it becomes clear that Stone Henge will be rife with politics and trouble. (10 xp. +5 Parma, +5 Intrigue)
o Summer – Study Muto from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10)x1.5 affinity =15. Muto now 13 (67)
o Autumn – Study Summae Terram, Quality 10+3. Terram now 8 (41)
o Correspondence - Rego +1 xp
o Correspondence - Rego +1 xp
o Correspondence - Rego +1 xp
o Correspondence - Rego +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 6 (x2 warping)
o Winter - Study Summae Terram, Quality 10+3. Terram now 7 (28)
o Spring - Study Muto from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10)x1.5 affinity =15. Muto now 15 (82)
o Summer – Study Corpus from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10) Corpus now 10 (63)
o Autumn – Study Corpus from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10) Corpus now 11 (73)
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Correspondence - Magic Theory +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 7 (x2 warping)
o Winter – Story – Trade of Books from external cov (x10 xp. 5 Magic Lore, 5 Folk Ken)
o Spring – Learn “Shape of the Woodlands Prowler” from a traded Lab text. MuCo/An25
o Summer – Invent a spell “Shape of Fearsome King” which is personal only, and into a Lion who is a paragon of its form, monstrously larger and stronger than normal (size +4 instead +2, with enhanced combat stats). Base 10, +2 Sun, +1 extra size, +1 much stronger. (MuCo30/An). LT (Int3+MaTh7+Aura5+Mu15+Co/An9x2+Invent3+similar spell+5)=56.
o +2 Magic Theory xp from spell invention.
o Autumn – Invent a spell “Senses of the Bloodhound”. Grants magus the enhanced sense of hearing and smell akin to bloodhounds. MuCo15/An. (Base: 2, +2 voice, +2 sun, +1 extra sense, req free).
o +2 Magic Theory xp from spell invention.
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 8 (x2 Warping – Warp 2)
o Winter– Story Hunting the Covenant’s Foes (10 xp. Parma 5, Mastery in Fearsome King 5)
o Spring - Study Muto from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10)x1.5 affinity =15. Muto now 16 (97)
o Summer – Invent “Disguise of the Transformed Image”. MuIm15
o +2 Magic Theory xp from spell invention.
o Autumn – Invent a spell “Attire as Desired” MuAn15/HeTe, based upon “Coat of a Hundred Colours” spells Wiki by Andrew Gronosky. Changed the clothing of the target touched to (Base 3, +1 range Touch, +2 duration Sun, +1 highly complex clothing). Lab Total (Int3+MaTh7+MutoSpecalisation+1+Aura5+Mu17+An/TeHe0+Invent3)=36
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 9 (x2 Warping)
o Winter– Study Muto from vis, Quality (Aura 5+d=10)x1.5 affinity =15. Muto now 17 (112)
o Spring – Practice Mastery of “Attire as Desired”. Q5 grants Mastery 1(5).
o Summer – Invent spell “Cloak of Shared Feathers” MuCo25/An, designed so that his wife could also fly with him in bird form. Created as per Cloak of Black Feathers with a R:Touch. (Base 20, +1 Touch, +2 Sun). Lab Total (Int3+MaTh7+MutoSpecalisation+1+Aura5+Mu17+Co/An9+Invent3+similar spell+5)=50
o Autumn – Practice Mastery of “Cloak of Shared Feathers”. Q5 grants Mastery 1(5).
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

• Year 10 (x2 Warping)
o Winter– Study - Imagonem from Summae, Quality 14+3, Imagonem now 5(17).
o Spring – Writing - his custom spells for the Bonisagus library. Latin5x20 levels = 100 levels max.
o Summer – Story called “Love Lost” in this story Fray is badly wounded and burnt while fighting magical enemies, including a Wizard’s Ware between two other proud magi that gets out of hand. Fray’s wife is killed during this story. (10 xp. Parma +5, Great Weapon +5). Switch out the True Love (-3) flaw for Lost Love (-1), Disfigured (-1), Continence (-1).
o Autumn – Recovery from wounds, no activity.
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Correspondence - Muto +1 xp
o Personal Vis - Corpus +3

Gosh, that was quick. A few suggested changes:

On the character at gauntlet:

  • I think you're missing minus signs on some of your characteristics. Either that, or they're absurdly high.
  • As a Bonisagus, you get Puissant Magic Theory as a free House virtue, so you've currently got 9 points of virtues compared to 10 points of flaws.
  • You might want to make the personal vis source be linked to your magus rather than a place, or it's going to be difficult to collect once you up-sticks and move to the other end of the Order.
  • All of your abilities need specialities
  • Parma is limited to a score of 1 at gauntlet.
  • You should probably take some Order of Hermes Lore and Code of Hermes.
  • Don't forget you need special virtues to take Arcane, Academic and Martial abilities before your apprenticeship. As the character stands, they've got 230 ability xp plus 105 Art xp which they could only buy once they started their apprenticeship.
  • Shouldn't the character be 27 rather than 25? I make them have 7 years of extra xp.

Comments on advancement:

  • You can't get any xp from a summa once you reach it's level. Level 5 summae therefore don't let you get any xp into level 5 - this means that the various quality 14 summae you're using (which are capped at level 5) will stop at 5 (15). I think this affects some of your Creo, Rego, Corpus, Animal and Imaginem studies. I don't think Book Learner changes this - that only affects the quality, not the level.
  • Unless you're going for something ridiculously strong, I don't think you necessarily need an additional requisite for strength increases in the Shape of the Fearsome King - the extra size increases will give you +2 strength increases a time on their own (together with -1 Qik). I don't know if that's enough for what you had in mind?
  • I was going to say you didn't have the lab total to invent it in one season. I still don't think you do, but then I realised you were inventing an easy spell with the same Arts next season, so you could get the last few spell levels next season.
  • Is giving you a +3 bonus to appropriate rolls, with the side effect of your nose and ears having turned canine what you're looking for with Senses of the Bloodhound?
  • Cloak of Shared Feathers should be level 35, not 25. Due to the level difference, you also can't invent it in one season.
  • Check with MTKnife for the flaw switching, but I reckon it's reasonable.

I ran up the mage over night, so there are a few odd things in there. I wasn't sure how to treat flaws picked up in play, like switching true love for lost love. I guess I could just move to the typical post-apprenticeship advancement, and see how that flies. Doing a toon advancement like this takes a while - thank god for metacreator.

If MTKnife prefers I'll run up a different way, and also see if the current troupe likes the basics presented here - then I'll re-post a more completed and checked version.

yup, missed that in the export, Pres and Com should have significant negatives. Not sure what happened on the export.

Yup, I'll update to fix most of that soon. Age 1-7 (7) early child, 8-22 (15) apprenticeship, y23-25 (3) = 25 years old with 3 years post apprenticeship, when he heads off to join a new cov in Brittan. Then the advancement stuff would begin his 26th year.


I wanted a Lion as base creature which I think still needs to pay for its size as +2 with an extra mag. And then also wanted it to be great example of one. I'd happily drop additional the mag on final if thats too tricksy.

I'm looking to complement the Eyes of the Cat, so that the character has increased senses all round. It seemed thematically suitable. I'd prefer if it didn't change the external features of the caster, but can live with that too.

Yup, saw that after posting - I forgot the Sun duration change in the calc. Two seasons is worth it instead of one to create at higher power.

My understanding is that Eyes of the Cat does literally give you the eyes of a cat, which have the property that you can see in non-total darkness. Similarly, I think similar spells off the same guideline would give you the improved senses by giving you the corresponding sense organs.

Ah, I think I was misunderstanding what you wanted, then - I'd thought you wanted an extra big lion, which was correspondingly strong, not a "normal" sized lion that was extra strong. (Or do you want a extra-big lion that's even stronger than that?) I'd say the extra strength without size would be difficult. Splitting it down into individual spells (for reference when building up to one component spell), the most efficient way to do it would seem to be:

  • Transform into a normal (+2) sized lion. MuCo(An) 25 (Base 10 +2 Sun +1 Animal of size between +2 and +4)
  • Enhance the lion's strength using the CrAn guidelines. This would be Base 35 to increase by +1 above a lion's standard strength of +6, and would go up by 1 magnitude for every additional point above the standard. I think you'd also need to cast a new spell for each increase. Due to anything above level 50 being a ritual, at personal range sun duration you're looking at a maximum boost of +2 above standard.
  • Make the lion size +4 rather than +2, gaining +4 to Strength, -2 to Qik and increased wound increments. Beast of Outlandish Size variant, MuAn 20, Base 4 + 2 Sun + 1 affect +2 sized creature +1 two size increases.

The first and last are easily within your reach, and I'd combine them to give a level 30 or 35 spell (I'm not quite sure whether to require 1 magnitude per extra size increase, or just one for increasing the size within a size boundary). The middle one is less so, especially due to the Creo requisite it would introduce. Do you really need a lion with a strength above +10, though?

Want vs Need; that old choice defines us. :slight_smile: Perhaps something to work on outside the base spell.

I've realised I'm not quite sure what you mean here. I'd been assuming his stats "at gauntlet" were immediately upon him finishing his apprenticeship; are there some post apprenticeship years in there? Immediately on finishing apprenticeship is probably the more useful cutting point to use.

Also, it's age 1-5 for early childhood (45xp with limited spending area), then 5-7 for standard 15xp per year.

There's some vagueness in canon on what happens between the Gauntlet and swearing the Oath: since a Wizard's Council is required to swear the Oath, some people assume that it usually only happens a Tribunal, leaving the Gauntlet-passer still an apprentice for up to seven years, with how he's treated in the interim depending on the traditions of his house and/or the preferences of his parens. Some people assume that an ersatz Wizard's Council is called soon after the Gauntlet. It's entirely possible that different tribunals do it differently, or even that it could happen both ways in a single tribunal. Thus, it's entirely possible that it could have gone either way in Fray's case, though it should be noted that he and Viola were both gauntleted in Mercia (the term "Midlands" doesn't appear in a written source until the mid-16th century) about a dozen years apart.
