Character Sheets

Like Cygna, Hiems comes from Phoenix Covenant.
After the start of the saga, his priority were in getting his Muto and Vim to a high enough level that he could contribute to the Aegis through Wizard's Communion.
Due to the infernal spirit plaguing Lady Cygna, he thereafter endeavored to learn and master Demon's Eternal Oblivion, hoping to someday be able to destroy the spirit plaguing her. In the meantime, this would ensure he's be able to protect somewhat his sodales. That is, if he wasn't befallen first. He thus spent 1 year learning Parma Magica, in order to resist most creatures powers. He spend some time increasing his arts, until the moment where he and his sodales had to face wizard's war due to Jaime's actions and enemies. He survived, but barely. He thus endeavored to spend another year increasing his Parma Magica, and also to learn and master an indirect spell, to be able to strike at foes which had too high a MR. In the throes of the Phoenix's death, he was learning and practicing on his Finesse towards that goal.

He wants very little, being quite depressive since his love, under the advice of her confessor (which may or not have been a pious man, a jealous man, a holy man or a demon's thrall. More on that in his background) spurned him. Quite reclusive, too, since being alone and quiet is almost the only way for him to have a semblance of peace. This suits him, as his beauty often brings him all kind of unwanted attention. Nonetheless, he holds chevalrous ideals, and believes that he should protect the weak. He especially can't resist a Damsel in distress: Although a woman may very well be able to fend for herself, and he recognize this fully, he can't help but feel it as his duty to protect them. Should he seek something, it'll be among these two lines: Find a way to create a "fortress of solitude" for him, and become a magical champion for those who need him. Before his loss, he was somewhat interested in ancient legends and seeker lore, so this may hold his interest, but unless something stumbles upon him, he won't go for it. Not any more.
(Explanation: Since, due to my work + personnal life, my attendance may vary, this serves so as to explain any temporary disappearance: He just stays quiet, or hole up in his lab)

Hiems Ex Miscellanea
Covenant: Phoenix
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +1, Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 39 (36), Height: 180 cm, Weight: 72 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues: Affinity with Perdo, Affinity with Rego, Cyclic Magic (Positive): +3 During Fall and Winter, The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Lesser Immunity (Mundane temperatures), Life Boost*, Life-Linked Spontaneous Magic, Minor Magical Focus (Cold), Puissant Parma Magica, Second Sight*, Strong Sidhe Blood* [Physical Quirk: blue hair], Venus' Blessing (Bonus: +3 Com and Pre with sexually compatible characters)

Flaws: Bound Magic, Envied Beauty, Ignem Monstrosity [Monstrosity: Cold body temperature], Lost Love, Vulnerable Magic (Magic dispelled when burned by Fire or the touch of his Love), Waster of Vis, Weakness (Damsel in distress)

Personality Traits: Brave (He's got little to lose) +2, Compassionate (At heart, somewhere, he's a gentle soul) +1, Cool-tempered (I could't resist this, and wanted him to seem mostly impassible) +3, Determined (A remnant from his fancy with arthurian tales: A true knight doesn't yield before adversity). +1

Dodge: Init: +1, Attack --, Defense +3, Damage --
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +3, Damage +0
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +2, Damage +3
Dagger: Init: +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +3
Soak: +2
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)

Abilities: Area Lore: Provence 1 (legends), Artes Liberales 2 (cermonial magic), Athletics 1 (acrobatics), Awareness 2 (alertness), Brawl 2 (Dagger), Charm 2 (courtly love), Code of Hermes 1 (mundane relations), Finesse 2 (targeting) (2), Folk Ken 2 (magi), Guile 2 (Hiding his emotions) (5), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 2 (Grogs), Magic Lore 1 (creatures), Magic Theory 4 (inventing spells), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (Seekers lore), Parma Magica 6+2 (Mentem) (2), Penetration 3 (Perdo), Philosophiae 2 (ceremonial magic), Provencal 5 (Arthurian Tales), Second Sight 2 (invisible things), Single Weapon 2 (Sword, Long), Stealth 1 (hide)

Arts: Cr 5, In 2, Mu 4, Pe 11, Re 13, An 5, Aq 5, Au 0, Co 10, He 5, Ig 9, Im 5, Me 3, Te 5, Vi 9
Equipment: Fine clothing
Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Corpus Spells
Endurance of the Everlasting Cold (ReCo 20) +25
Wizard's Leap (ReCo 15) +27, Mastery 2 (fast casting, stalwart casting)

Ignem Spells
At the Heart of Winter (PeIg 20) +32, Mastery 1 (penetration). Chill a person so strongly that they take +15 damage. If this is enough to kill, the target is frozen solid. Armor does not add to Soak against this spell.
Freezing Dust (PeIg 20) +32, Mastery 1 (penetration). Chill a person so strongly that they take +10 damage. If this is enough to kill, the target is frozen solid. Armor does not add to - Soak against this spell.
Snuff out the Baneful Fires (PeIg 10) +31. Extinguish a fire, cooling the ashes to merely warm. Based on a design similar to "Last Flight of the Phoenix", Based on a similar design to "Last Flight of the Phoenix", this spell creates an intense cold that extinguishes all fires within 4 paces
Warm Aliments (CrIg 5) +16
Winter's Icy Touch (PeIg 10) +31

Imaginem Spells
Ennobled Presence (MuIm 5) +11
Sidestep the sight (PeIm 15) +18

Terram Spells
Invisible Sling of Vilano (ReTe 10) +22, Mastery 2 (precise casting, multiple casting)

Vim Spells
Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 10) +23, Mastery 1 (multiple casting) - 10 XP
Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20) +15