Domnall of the Younger House
Int: +1
Per: +1
Str: 0
Sta: +1
Pre: +2
Com: +1
Dex: 0
Qik: 0
Size: 0
Age: 33
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Virtues and Flaws:
The Gift
Hermetic Magus
Voice of the Dead
Major Magical Focus (Necromancy)
Magic Spirit Blood (Orphan Born) - Second Sight
Cautious with Leadership
Inoffensive to Undead
Alluring to Undead
Spirit Familiar
Skilled Parens
Necessary Condition (Draw Runes)
Blatant Gift
Supernatural Nuisance (Ghosts)
Hatred (Mundane Society) (Major)
Infamous (Necromancer) (Mundane)
Artes Liberales 1 (Writing Systems) (5xp)
-Latin, Runic
Athletics 1 (Running) (5xp)
Awareness 1 (Alertness) (5xp)
Brawl 1 (Dodging) (5xp)
Charm 1 (Undead) (5xp)
Concentration 1 (Spells) (5xp)
Dead Language: Latin 4 (Hermetic Use) (50xp)
Draugrsjalfr Lore 1 (Initiating Self) (5xp)
Finesse 1 (Rego) (5xp)
Folk Ken 1 (Undead) (5xp)
Guile 1 (Undead) (5xp)
Intrigue 1 (Undead) (5xp)
Leadership 4 (Undead) (50xp)
Living Language: Gaelic 5 (Native)
Magic Lore 3 (Undead) (30xp)
Magic Theory 3 (Enchanting Items) (30xp)
Parma Magica 1 (Ignem) (5xp)
Penetration 1 (Necromancy) (5xp)
Second Sight 4 (Ghosts) (50xp)
Stealth 1 (Sneakin) (5xp)
Survival 1 (Woodlands) (5xp)
Swim 1 (Not Drowning) (5xp)
Valgaldrar 4 (Animating) (45xp)
Muto to 4 (10xp)
Rego to 10 (55xp)
Corpus to 10 (55xp)
Herbam to 4 (10xp)
Mentem to 10 (55xp)
Terram to 4 (10xp)
Personality Traits:
Brave +3
Driven +2
Hatred (Mundane Society) +3
Proud +2
Necromancer (Mundane): Level 4 (50xp)
Ghostly Medium (Hermetic): Level 1 (5xp)
Twilight Scars: None
Sigil: When he casts spells, Domnall's form blurs and fades slightly, taking on an almost ethereal look.
CrCo 10 Charm Against Putrefaction
As per the spell on ArM5 pg 129
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
InCo 15 The Graverobber's Aid
Per, Con, Smell
Allows the caster to smell the presence of corpses. The closer the caster gets, the stronger the smell.
(Base 4, +1 Con, +2 Smell)
ReCo 15 Ward Against the Walking Dead
Per, Sun, Ind
Protects the caster against any undead aligned with Corpus with a Might of 20 or lower.
(Base 5, +2 Sun)
MuIm 5 Conceal the Necromancer's Handiwork
Touch, Moon, Ind
Makes the target appear to be at least nominally alive. Closer inspection will likely reveal that there is something unnatural in nature, but it's enough to make inspection at a distance unlikely to reveal the undead nature of his draugr.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
ReIm 15 The Wizard Displaced
Per, Sun, Ind
As per the Wizard's Sidestep (ArM5 pg 147) except five paces, not one.
(Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 Move, +1 Change)
ReMe 15 Ward Against the Ghostly Apparition
Per, Sun, Ind
Protects the caster against any ghost with a Might of 20 or lower.
(Base 5, +2 Sun)
ReMe 30 Coerce the Fallen Dead
Voice, Moon, Ind
As per Coerce the Spirit of the Night (ArM5 pg 152), but Moon duration.
(Base 5, +2 Voice, +3 Moon)
ReMe 35 Summon the Fallen Dead
Arc, Mom, Ind
As per Incantation of Summoning the Dead (ArM5 pg 152), but non-ritual, making it only capable of summoning ghosts 'present' on Earth. Additionally, it's momentary, meaning that the ghost could leave if not otherwise restrained/compelled.
(Base 15, +4 Arcane Connection)
ReTe 10 The Ethereal Grave Digger
Touch, Con, Part
Allows the caster to move an amount of dirt as he sees fit. Domnall uses this spell primarily to exhume corpses that have been previously buried.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 Part)
(Touch, Con, Part)