he's done this already : https://rolz.org/dr/log?room=71113493
Okaaaayyy... I am counting 14 spells cast with Moon duration.
Check the first of the House Rules, on Rounding. This applies to warping as well. So 14 spells for a month is about the equivalent of 1 year with ongoing magic. So she would potentially also accrue 1 more point of warping from this. Are you sure you want to do this?
Also, since we are starting the saga, you may want to discuss things like that before you put them into motion. Because, you know, I may not see things as you do and this might cause bad feelings if you need to undo something or not get the results you thought.
15, but yes roughly.
All of the 7 spells on her have been cancelled. She is not under the influence of any of them. The other 8 spells are not on her. The one on the doublet will warp it.
Yes. I was trying to be quick so I was starting with core-book guidelines only and either canonical spells using those guidelines or straight up essentially copying the guideline.
Here is a summary so far:
On her doublet and not cancelled, so will warp it:
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk
On herself but subsequently cancelled:
See the presence of vis in objects (guideline: "Detect the presence of vis." T: Vision)
(guideline: "Determine the power of a mystical aura." T: Vision)
See the strength of Divine auras
See the strength of Faerie auras
See the strength of Infernal auras
See the strength of Magic auras
The Tireless Flight (only canonical but non-core spell; uses the core guideline "Eliminate the penalties of Fatigue and wounds.")
Piercing the Divine Veil
Piercing the Divine Veil
I see several flaws in your plans.
First, Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork does not remove the spell, it only suppresses its effect for its duration. The spell still exists and is attached to its target. An Intellego Vim spell would still detect it, for example. So the target still accrues Warping.
Second, Sustaining the Demanding Spell has a Moon duration. You cannot cancel it at will, as you would be able to do with the D:Conc of the original version. So you would need to cast a PeVi spell to cancel your ReVi spell so that your InVi spell works again.
This looks like a convoluted attempt to use the benefits of a high-magical aura to cast spontaneous spells boosted with Fatigue and the magical aura, tacking on long durations and adding the ability to turn it on and off at will, while attempting to avoid the consequences of continuing effects. Simply put, get all the benefits without suffering the disadvantages.
You can't bend the rules of magic like that, at least not in my saga. You can have continuing effects, but you'll have to pay the price in Warping. Or you can cast spells when you need them. Or you can enchant a version of those effects in an item.
I can play with his house rule. I will have to redesign. Since it is a house rule, I am going to point out the core rules since I'm really not convoluting them as you say:
By canon it "cancels" the spell, just like it says under Unraveling the Fabric of (Form) where it says "cancel." The core book literally uses the same term for both. Does a spell hit by Unravelling continue to Warp?
Completely disregarding the terminology above and even if still attached, that isn't what the rules say about Warping. The effect must be "active" and have the target "under the influence" of the effect. If the effect isn't active or isn't influencing the target, no Warping.
I just want it clearly understood, as there is a difference between convoluting things and being clever about things.
Yup. I totally agree. Dropping concentration just leaves it maintained by Sustaining the Demanding Spell rather than letting the spell end.
I think it is a bad comparison of a PeVi to a ReVi. I would say it cancels the effect as it comes back within a turn
Trying to use sophism on me?
The guideline for Unravelling the Fabric of (Form) is "Dispel effects", which destroys the spell. So no warping can accrue after the spell is dispelled.
The guideline for Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork is "Suppress a spell", which only hold its effect in check for a time. It is unfortunate that both Unraveliing and Suppressing use the word cancel in their descrition, as it confuses the issue. But the spell still exists. There magic still permeating the target. Both the original spell and the suppressing spell can be detected by Intellego magic.
I'm not counting additional Warping for the Suppressing spell, because it is intermingling with the first spell. But the target of the first spell is definitively under the effect of continuing magic.
You are closer to an acceptable argument here. But I am ruling that there is an effect active in this case. If not the original spell, then the suppressing spell which holds its effects in check. Stacking ReVi spells on top of the original one does not make the magic disappear.
You may call it "being clever", but it is a cleverness trying to bypass the spirit of the rules. Which is why I am not allowing it.
Yup. And, as I said, I'm fine with it, but I'll have to redesign. What follows is not disagreement on that:
But what does "suppress" mean??? Primarily, "Put an end to..." Even secondarily it's "Prevent the action of..." "Prevent the expression of..." or similar. That all matches up quite well with definitions of "cancel." "Dispel" is a little weird, as it can be eliminating, but it can also be just "alleviate" or breaking apart/scattering rather than eliminating; either way, this term matches "cancel" pretty well, too.
You may be surprised that this seems rather in the spirit of the rules, too. There are many inactive effects, but not eliminated, on things that are assumed not to Warp. Otherwise, for example, we're saying the spirit of the rules is that you should get 1 Warping Point per year as soon as you make a Talisman. There are more.
I'm working on keeping things much the same while tinkering around with the approach to the character. Dropping "cold" is definitely happening. I'm trying to pretty much keep the same background otherwise. I'm considering necromancy or animating objects or similar. Rego and Vim will still be strong points, so I'll still be able to do Aegis of the Hearth. I'm worrying that this shift will overlap Morrigan too much, though, so I'm trying to avoid that.
I'd rather we have those discussions before starting play, so that adjustments can be made as needed. I know that my vision of things may be different than what others have, even the majority of opinions in some subjects.
Feel free to adjust your character.
My minor focus is for flavor, I like the idea that with a focus you end up doing things in a way that would be suboptimal for most magi but is better for you. We'll probably end up fulfilling the same needs I doubt we'll do It the same way.
I'll probably end up using birds for most activities I listed earlier
- Attack, I'll probably end up throwing bones, talons with ReAn variants of invisible sling of vilano (probably worse but better for me ^^ ) maybe changing birds into giant bird or whatever. Short term is Mu(Re)Te cristal dart because It's very strong.
-Defense, conjuring a massive number of birds identical to you and having them fly in circle is a nice way to stay in combat while making you difficult to target (find me ;)...
-Economy: animal is nice to handle the library, I could use animals ( Dogs ? WOlves ?) to hunt for us and bring food; I've already considered transporting messages in bird form but the same can be done with any goods assuming a decent level in herbam, terram, animalem.)
Well you get my point...
I took a focus to try and get creative answers to usual problems, don't worry too much about overlapping, we'll end up with spell doing the same things but different.
Thanks for all this, Bitter. It's really helpful. I was looking in what I think is a very different direction. I was looking at controlling and shrinking animals and items. Then I can still play someone who prepares heavily ahead of time, but I won't have any suspended spells on myself. That keeps a whole bunch of her Virtues the same, just changing her approach. She may well use birds some, but that wouldn't be her thing, just one avenue within her thing. I'll probably go with more necromancy and items than living things. I suppose Arts overlapping some is good with books. If three of us like Muto, you know we'll agree to get a hold of Muto books.
Yup. That's a big part of why I like to show what I'm doing before play starts.
And I can totally accept it. Just a little adjusting...
With Magical Animal Companion, do you agree with this statement from RoP:M?
A grog-level character might be essentially an extension of the characterās will, while a companion-level character might follow instructions but often do what it thinks is best, and a magus-level character might be condescending or wild, and rarely act except on its own initiative.
I ask because a not-huge Magical Animal Companion can have a pretty big Might, but I'm fine with Might being lower than available to keep the Magical Animal Companion closer.
Never mind. I like Mentor too much, and I can CrAn then ReAn something if I want an obedient animal.
Well Iāll probably turn stuff and animals into feathers or talons or whatever( like the guy in the desert fromMoH) but it donāt mind you doing the same.
Also having instant animal when you need them is also something I planned. Sorry if thatās against your plans.
Well, maybe we'll feel a lot of camaraderie.
Nope, not in my plans at all. Well, not in my plans to create one. Bringing an animal with me.
Your shrunk meat will taste like instant soup an my transformed vegetables like chicken, plenty of opportunities to share
Hello! The insurance company I work for has finally stopped taking some business due to the coronavirus, so I have finally stopped being overworked (although I am aching from poor ergonomics working at home). I should have enough time to devote to the game now!
Welcome back
Welcome back you arrive at a good time we're selecting the source of income !