I missed it, because edits of existing posts don't trigger the notification. Seemed fine to me.
So, anyone interested in a companion suitable for mundane liaison?
I missed it, because edits of existing posts don't trigger the notification. Seemed fine to me.
So, anyone interested in a companion suitable for mundane liaison?
Emericus will need one with his blatant Gift. I am a bit busy at work. I will try to knock off a concept by this weekend if that is alright.
Sure, I will wait for your concept.
@jebrick are you still interested in making a companion to help mundane liaison? If not, is another player interested? There could even be two, with slightly different niches.
I will do it. It is in the queue for today
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +2, Com +2, Str 1, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 24 (24), Height: 5'6'', Weight: 158 lbs, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues Merchant, Educated (50/50), Social Contacts (Nobles), Puissant Bargain, Unaffected by The Gift, Well Traveled (50/50), Gossip
Flaws: Ambitious, Covenant Upbringing, Close Family Ties, Noncombatant
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack , Defense +0, Damage
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Damage 1
Kick: Init: 1, Attack +0, Defense 1, Damage +2
Soak: 0
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, 1, 3, 5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: 1 (1 5), 3 (6 10), 5 (11 15), Incapacitated (16 20), Dead (21+)
High German (Franconian) 5,
Latin 4,
Artes Liberales 4 (arithmetic),
Animal Handling 1 (Pack animals),
Area Lore: southern Germany 4 (geography),
Area Lore: central Germany 2 (geography),
Awareness 2 (alertness),
Area Lore: Fenghelm 1 (personalities),
Carouse 2 (staying sober),
Charm 3 (first impressions),
Etiquette 2,
Guile 2,
Merchant 3,
Intrigue 2,
Language Low German( Saxon) 3,
Survival 1 (Forests),
Ride 1,
Bargain 4+2 (Copper),
Folk Ken 3 (townsfolk)
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
This is Emericus' younger brother. Also raised in Fenghelm but apprenticed to a merchant. I realized that I doubled his central Germany area lore so I will need to fix that
As the covenant is in southern Germany, you could switch out the area lore from northern to southern Germany. He's trying to expand his business there.
What type of wares does he trade? This might make a better specialty to Bargain. Negociation seem rather vague and broad.
The dominant local language in the area around Fengheld (and at the covenant itself) is Low German (Saxon), though there is also quite a bit of High German (Franconian) as one moves south. Local language around the new covenant is High German (Franconian), with High German (Bavarian) as one moves further south.
I edited the character post for the changes you suggested. I changed Area lore for northern Germany to Central Germany and Central Germany to Southern. I updated the language to High German Franconian and changed the extra area lore to low German saxon
Area Lore: Fengheld
No change to Bargain's specialty?
Any suggestion on a trade item? I am not sure what would fit the area and possibly be helpful for the Covenant.
Beer, grains, or other foodstuff.
Fabric, wool, leather.
Amber, salt.
Ores, iron, copper.
He can trade some stuff to one region, and something else of the return trip. One might be outside his specialty.
I think C&G has several more examples of trade goods.
Edit: Bulk trade tend to be alomg the rivers. More compact items might use the roads, although that implies having guards to protect from brigands.
Is the river usable by larger boats/barges?
Copper looks interesting if he can use the river. Otherwise he might have to do wine/beer or pewter.
Yes, the Main river was used extensively for trade, with some portage of goods to reach the Danube, taking the Regnitz at Bamberg and going south to Nuremberg.
Barges are used quite a bit, with teams of oxen used to pull them upstream where there is too much current for sails and pole-wielding crewmen.
Silk and spices also comes up from the Danube, along with a wide variety of eastern goods.
Is luxuries ok for Bargin? I am thinking of making him deal mainly in copper and timber but he will have a hand in the silks, spices and such. Give him an opening if the Covenant makes beeswax
With a little set-up (not a lot required), my maga could make (used loosely) glass, salt, or iron with a fair amount of ease.
Could be. What are you thinking about when you say luxuries?
There is a list in C&G. The only ones that would apply would be silver and possibly wax. If Silks and spices come up the river he might do well with those.
I'd rather have a fairly specific specialty, like "silk and spices" or "fine fabrics" or "wax and oils", as they are more colorful, but that's no big deal.
I have changed it to copper as it is something in the area
There is always demand for copper and copper wares. The region doesn't produce copper in the real world. The main copper mine in Germany is in the Harz mountains, not so very far from Fengheld. So he may be opening a new market in the Bamberg area.