Ok, so I have an idea for a Bonisagus that focuses on Alchemy. He'll probably start off as a generalist, with an Affinity to Vim, but I want him to be able to develop all Forms and Techniques generally to the same level, so that he can develop spells in all of them, even if lower-levels ones compared to a specialist.
My plan is to start with Vulgar Alchemy, and during play to gain Hermetic and Philosophic Alchemy. The question is would it be possible to develop those without being a member of the Order of the Green Cockerel, if even the ST, and everyone else, want them to be a part of the Saga. Because if so, they it would be best to start off with Planetary Magic, gaining the first rank of that Mystery Cult, and working up from there.
Since both Hermetic and Philosophical Alchemy are mystery virtues, there would need to be some sort of Mystery Cult involved in initiating those virtues even if it is not the Order of the Green Cockerel (or a modified version of it).
Do you have specific objections to the Order of the Green Cockerel as described the TMRE?
My main problem with the Green Cockerel is that it's really meandering, and it's only at level 6 that you get Philosophic Alchemy.
Plus, they didn't add any info about the Initiations Scripts.
That's always been a drawback of the mystery cults - they don't usually follow the sequence of initiations that we, as players, would prefer for our character. But then, that is part of the price that needs to be paid for initiating into additional virtues.
If you don't want to follow that specific path, then we have other options. The first one is to purchase the desired virtues at character creation. The second one is to create a new cult to replace the OotGC. The third one is to seek out, steal or invent initiation scripts that will allow you to self-initiate.
In any case (except the character creation one), we'll need to come up with initiation scripts.
If you prefer to use the OotGC, I'd be fine with it. I want to be able to see the character develop this, rather than start with all those virtues from the get go.
Would it be ok to start with one or two of the virtues of the OotGC, and say the character was initiated during apprenticeship?
First initiation (Planetary Magic) would absolutely make sense during apprenticeship. However, to start with it righ away you'll need to purchase the virtue with your allotment at character creation. So yes, you can start with Planetary Magic.
The second one would also be possible. But again, you'll need to purchase the virtue Vulgar Alchemy.
Understood that I'd need to buy them out of the allotment of character creation.
Because I plan to make him focus on CrVi, and yet make him somewhat of a generalist, so he can invent spells in other TeFo combinations, to give him an all-around utility when adventuring, Am probably gonna take Flexible Formulaic Magic as his Major Hermetic Virtue.
I know the CrVi isn't much useful, but it will allow me, once I have Hermetic Alchemy, to distill Vis from the Aura. So that would be very useful.
Also, regarding guidelines not from the Core:
General • Refreshes all spell traces within the target that are less than the magnitude of the guideline -1, in negative magnitude. [HoH:TL p.74]
• Potentially strengthen a Magic aura; roll on the Aura Strengthening Table with a modifier
equal to magnitude; the modifier must be 0 or greater, thus the minimum possible base level is
4. (Ritual) [RoP:M p.14]
Level 5: • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were one step higher on the table in ArM5, page 84. If this increases the Duration to Years or greater, the duration of
the connection continues to be measured in a period of years. Hermetic magic can not make an
Arcane Connection last indefinitely without fixing the connection as described in ArM5, page 94.
Note that the range is the range to the Arcane Connection, and you must know what you are
targeting just like any other spell. [MoH p.113]
Level 10: • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were two steps higher on the table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the same limits as the level 5 guideline. [MoH p.113]
Level 15: • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were three steps higher on the table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the same limits as the level 5 guideline. [MoH p.113]
While they're not a big part of the character's concept, I would like to know in advance, whether any of those would be approved, even if I have to conduct research for it.
Also, I plan to take Weak Spontaneous Magic as his Major Hermetic Flaw, which is another reason why I wanted the Flexible Formulaic Magic. And his Major Story Flaw would be his True Love, whom he met as an apprentice.
I would like some help in choosing some low-level (up to 10) spells in Herbam, Terram, Corpus, and Mentem that could be useful. Preferably with Creo, Muto or Intellego, as those will be the highest Techniques he'll have.
This one will not be allowed. The others are fine.
Note that if your magus doesn't start with Hermetic Alchemy, you will have plenty of time to develop your Cr and Vi scores. Moving up in a mystery cult will take years at the very least (and more probably decades).
Regarding Spell Mastery, are Fast Casting, Multiple Casting, and Precise Casting available at the start?
Ordino ex Bonisagus | |
Characteristics: | Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com 0, Str -2, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik +1 |
Size: | 0 |
Age: | 28 (28) |
Decrepitude: | 0 (0) |
Warping Score: | 0 (0) |
Confidence Score: | 1 (3) |
Virtues: | The Gift |
Hermetic Magus | |
Puissant (Magic Theory) | |
Flawless Magic | |
Affinity (Rego) | |
Affinity (Magic Lore) | |
Affinity (Magic Theory) | |
Book Learner | |
Inventive Genius | |
Puissant (Rego) | |
Vulgar Alchemy | |
Flaws: | Weak Magic |
Blatant Gift (Interactions: -6 with normals) | |
Overconfident major | |
Greedy minor | |
Magical Animal Companion (Cat, Size: -3, Might: 13) | |
IPoor Hearing | |
Personality Traits: | Self Assured +3, Greedy +2, Commanding +3 |
Reputations: | |
Combat: | |
Dodging: | Init +1, Attack -, Defense +1, Damage - |
Soak: | +2 |
Fatigue Levels: | OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious |
Wound Penalties: | -1 (1 - 5), -3 (6 - 10) -5 (11 - 15), Incapacitated (16 - 20) |
Abilities: | Catalan (Giving Commands) 5, 0 |
Franconia Lore (Personalities) 1, 5 | |
Catalonia Lore (Politics) 2, 15 | |
Athletics (Acrobatics) 1, 5 | |
Awareness (searching) 2, 15 | |
Concentration (Lab Work) 2, 15 | |
Leadership (Laboratory Work) 3. 30 | |
Order of Hermes Lore (Personalities) 1, 5 | |
Teaching (Magic Lore) 1, 5 | |
Code of Hermes (apprentices) 1, 5 | |
Finesse (precision) 2, 15 | |
Magic Lore (creatures) 5, 50 | |
Magic Theory (inventing spells) 5+2, 50 | |
Parma Magica (Corpus) 1, 5 | |
Penetration (Rego) 1, 5 | |
Artes Liberales (ritual magic) 1, 5 | |
Latin (hermetic usage) 4, 50 | |
Philosophiae (ritual magic) 1, 5 | |
Arts: | Creo 3, 6 |
Intellego 5, 15 | |
Muto 1, 1 | |
Perdo 1, 1 | |
Rego 10+3, 37 | |
Animal 3, 6 | |
Aquam 3, 6 | |
Auram 3, 6 | |
Corpus 3, 6 | |
Herbam 3, 6 | |
Ignem 3, 6 | |
Imaginem 3, 6 | |
Mentem 3, 6 | |
Terram 3, 6 | |
Vim 3, 6 | |
Sigil: | Magnets and Attraction |
Twilight Scars: | None |
Equipment: | Wizardly robes. |
Encumbrance | 0 |
Spells Known: | |
Circle of Beast Warding | +19 ReAn5 Touch Ring Circle 1 (0) +8, Mastery 1: Fast Casting |
Soothe the Ferocious Bear | +19 ReAn10 Voice Mom Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Cloak of the Duck's Feathers | +19 ReAq5 Touch Sun Ind 1 (0) +8,Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Ward Against Rain | +19 ReAu10 Per Sun Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Wizard's Leap | +19 ReCo15 Per Mom Ind 1 (0) +3, Mastery 1: Fast Casting |
Dance of the Staves | +19 ReHe5 Voice Mom Ind 1 (0) +8, Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Leap of the Fire | +19 ReIg10 Voice Mom Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Fast Casting |
Wizard's Sidestep | +19 ReIm10 Per Sun Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Fast Casting |
The Call to Slumber | +19 ReMe10 Voice Mom Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Fast Casting |
Unseen Arm | +19 ReTe5 Voice Conc Ind 1 (0) +8, Mastery 1: Precise Casting |
Trackless Step | +19 ReTe10 Touch Conc Ind 1 (0) +6, Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Aegis of the Hearth | +23 ReVi20 Touch Year Bound 1 (0) +3 Ritual, Mastery 1: Adaptive Casting |
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand | +19 ReCo5 Voice Conc Ind 1 (0) +8, Mastery 1: Multiple Casting |
Ordino was born by the name Berenguer, in a small village in the mountanious Lleida province of Catalonia. While he spent the first year as an apprentice to Franc ex Jerbiton, when Franc disappeared without a trace, he was taken in by Occultes, who came upon the lad after almost a year of his master's disappearance.
Ordino is a slight man, but with a sense that others should follow when he leads. He is self assured, and is certain that if he's set a path, it's the correct one. Luckily, he mostly shuts himself in his lab, and doesn't bother with the outside world.
I'd like to see a bit more background and history of the character. To me, that's what drives a character and makes him more than a set of stats.
Note that this is a character-driven saga. That means that stories will happen based on the characters' objectives, story flaws and interests. If your magus just shuts himself in the lab, nothing will happen. So I would advise you to have something that will push your magus out of the lab at least occasionally. Otherwise you will find yourself spending months of real-life time playing other characters as the other players are involved in stories. Your magical cat might be that force, but it will need to be fleshed out. Not stats, but rather where it comes from, why is it your companion, what are its interests and how does that generate stories for your magus.
If he was first apprenticed to a Jerbiton magus, how come he doesn't have Gentle Gift? A Jerbiton would never have picked an apprentice with Blatant Gift (or inflicted that flaw upon opening the youth's Gift).
Just to be sure you are aware that the Greedy flaw is about excessive consumption of food and drink. If you want something about money, that would be Avaricious.
Your selection of virtues is rather boring, IMHO. A lot of them is about gaining more xp (3 affinities + Book Learner). This may look good right now, but in my experience these are the less interesting virtues when it comes time for actual play. Nothing wrong with your selection, just a comment. That is also where a more detail background can help.
Also, the expenditure of xp in the abilities should be detailed by life stages (childhood, early life, apprenticeship) so as to make it easier to determine if everything is in the right place and makes sense. For example, if Concentration and Leadership were purchased completely using xp before apprenticeship, the selected specialties would not make sense.
Enough for now!
Sorry it took so long, my computer suffered a surge, and I didn't have the money to fix it.
But, i have read your comments, and have decided to take it to heart, and hopefully create a character that was more suitable.
Ordino was born by the name Berenguer, in a small village in the mountanious Lleida province of Catalonia. He was a bit small for his age, and was originally taught to be polite and charming, but was teased by the other boys, and got into several fights, so had to learn to defend himself.
Early Childhood XP - Area Lore (Catalonia) 1 (5 xp), Awareness 1 (5 xp), Folk Ken 1 (5 xp), Charm 2 (15 xp), Brawl 2 (15 xp).
As he grew older, he learned better than to get into fights, thanks to his ability to convince people to do his bidding, which he learned he had, and his focus on mastering it. In addition to that, he focused on fostering good relations with other kids, and formed a group of them, with his as their leader, whether through the use of the honeyed word, or coercing them.
Later Life XP - Area Lore (Catalonia) 1 to 2 (10 xp), Awareness 1 to 2 (10 xp), Folk Ken 1 to 2 (10 xp), Charm 2 to 3 (15 xp), Leadership 3 (30 xp), Entrancement 1 to 4 (45 xp).
At the age of 13, when he felt himself high and mighty in his village, a group of travelers passed by one day, and one of them seemed to pay too much attention to him. Feeling cocky, he walked up to him, and tried to have him tell him why he took such an interest in him, only to be laughed at. that night he began to plot a revenge on the man who dared to laugh at him, only to wake up in the middle of the night, bundled up, and the man taking him away from his life. The man proved to be Franc ex Jerbiton, where he started his apprenticeship, but after a year, Franc disappeared without a trace, and he was taken in by Occultes ex Bonisagus, who was visiting the covenant when it was discovered that the lad was without a master, and then he was claimed.
Apprenticeship XP - Latin 4 (50 xp), Concentration 1 (5 xp), Atres Liberales 1 (5 xp), Philosophiae 1 (5 xp), Code of Hermes 1 (5 xp), Parma Magica 1 (5 xp), Penetration 2 (15 xp), Magic Theory 3+2 (30 xp).
Virtues & Flaws - Gentle Gift, Entrancement, Puissant Magic Theory (Free), Affinity with Mentem, Magical Memory, Improved Characteristics, Puissant Entrancement; Proud, Ambitious (Major), Weak Enchanter, Deficient Form (Aquam), Fostered Apprentice, Deletrious Condition (Eye contact).
That sounds much better!
I have a few questions about your character's flaws:
I added a few corrections and added some information regarding the type of flaws.
The Necessary Condition (if that is indeed what you meant by Deleterious Condition) means your magus would only be able to cast spells on targets that have eyes that you may make contact with. So you would not be able to affect objects, for example. That sounds like a serious limitation and I just want to make sure you understand the implications.
Fostered Apprentice is not from the core book, but I will allow it as it is much like Mentor. I will just need some more information about who the other magus (or magi) is. It cannot be Occultes, since he is your pater.
What is Ordino's ambition? As a major personality flaw, this will drive much of what he does, so it would be nice to know in advance what it is he is striving for.
Yes, I am understand that the Necessary Condition is very limiting. But he is focused on Mentem.
As for Fostered Apprentice, I haven;t decided who the other magus is. Probably a Trianmore.
His Ambition is to show others that despite his flaws, he can become one of the best Magi.
His focus on Mentem, combined with his Necessary Condition, seems like a very bad fit as an apprentice to Occultes ("Occultes is a colorful man whose magical research concerns manuscripts and items of all kinds.", GotF p.58). It seems strange that he would have taken an apprentice who was completely unable to share in the result of his own pater's research. Not impossible, but a bit strange.
Triamore does not have a Bonisagus amongst its members listed in GotF, so if you want to have one there you will have to give me more details. It would certainly be a good fit for Ordina to have been fostered there, considering that covenant's focus on the mundane and the apprentice's Gentle Gift.
I just noticed that you new write-up does not list his Magical Arts and spells. He has only 30 xp left to put into his Arts, and pretty much all of the previous spells are no longer possible due to his Necessary Condition.
It will be an interesting (though perhaps frustrating) limitation to play with!
If you have any ideas for Necessary Condition that are less debilitating, but still serious enough to warrant this, am happy to hear your ideas.
Arts: Creo 1, Intellego 5, Muto 5, Perdo 5, Rego 5, Corpus 1, Imaginem 3, Mentem 12
For spells:
Curse of the Unruly Tongue ReCo5
Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20
Calm the Motion of the Heart ReMe15
Panic of the Trembling Heart CrMe15
Perception of the Conflicting Motives InMe15
Tip of the Tongue PeMe5
Disguise of the Transformed Image MuIm15
Eyes of the Cat MuCo5
Scales of the Magical Weight InVi5
Loss of But a Memory's Memory PeMe15
Prying Eyes InMe5
I did a quick search of the boards for what people have used as a Necessary Condition. Here are some possibilities that might be suitable for your magus:
- Audience - Ordino can only use magic when there is another person present (he cannot cast spells if he is alone).
- Speaking at the target - Ordino must speak to the target of his spells, as if to convince them (that means he cannot cast spells silently or when unable to speak).
- Some other action - Such as clapping his hands, snapping his fingers, stamping his foot down, etc.
- Clothing-related - Wearing gloves, wearing a hat, etc.
Note that the major flaw Restriction is similar, but represents situations in which you cannot cast spells, but are usually of a more passive nature (the clothing-related examples are closer to a Restriction).
I'll take the Necessary Condition of having to speak at the target. Am sure it would be fun to have him speak to a rock about needing to change it, or some such.