Children and Faeries 4-6 players

Deadline: 10/20/2024
Starting Level: Apprentice-ish: Each player will make 3 characters, an NPC magus, a PC apprentice, and a faerie. Both are made as companion level (beginning of apprenticeship)
Advancement Rules: Normal advancement by season- adventure or downtime activity. Faeries advance with the limitations from ROP:Faerie- they can only raise pretenses related to abilities used by human characters (friend or foe) but otherwise gain normal experience. The covenant (as part of the faerie queen’s contract) has several artisans and songwriters whose abilities can be tapped for transformation.
Apprentices can be age 5 if blatantly Gifted, age 7 if just Gifted, or a minimum age of 9 if gently Gifted. They cannot be older than 15 at the beginning of play. NPC magi at creation follow standard rules though seasons may be assigned to specific activities- these may decrease the annual award but be used (for example studying from vis) to generate additional experience. Seasons of adventure will simply be granted a simple die divided by 2 plus 4 xp, though it may have other benefits as well (gaining a resource like a high quality book).

Combat Rules: Everybody post their intended actions, I will sort out the order. If the circumstances stop mid round and you have already gone for that round post your intentions for the next round. During combat whenever you check the forum you should finish with one action declared.
Dice-Rolling Rules: I will roll dice.
Special Rules: Any other special rules you'll be using, or house rules, or supplements you'll be drawing material from.
Posting Rate: Daily,
Absences: if you expect to be gone ask another player to take over your character for the interim. Do not as the SG- having knowledge of the setting makes this unfair.
Writing Expectations: Be clear first and foremost, as descriptive as you feel comfortable being given personal time constraints, and respecting the autonomy of other characters and the environment.
Text Formatting: Speech is in quotes, thoughts in Itallics, OOC information should be underlined. Bold may be used in any of the above for emphasis.
Plot- or Character-Driven: This will be driven by character (and player created NPC) motivations and actions, though within the constraints of the setting
Focus: Largely adventure for the sake of adventure- impulsive young apprentices and story seeking faeries.
Character Types: As stated above- an NPC magus, an apprentice, and a faerie. No murder hobos, your actions should at worse cause the covenant concern, not get it into actual trouble. At least not often. Faeries may not have the aloof trait unless the player wants to play more than one faerie. They may not have the ostentatious trait unless we get more than 6 players (no apprentice being played).

Campaign Description: The Morgana covenant (Stonehenge Tribunal) is in what would be described as it’s summer period, and has decided to invest in its future by sending someone out and recruiting a handful of apprentices for its magi. The covenant is under an agreement with a faerie queen whose lands it occupies, which includes her having a seat on the mage council, and full authority over all faeries living within the covenant. There will be one adventure per season, and the SG will chose which character gets sent. How often they are sent will depend on how often the faerie character interacts with stories, which should be 2-3 seasons per year. Other seasons belong to the apprentice.

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I would be interested! Though I have experience with Ars Magica, more as an SG than as a player, I have no experience with PbP: is time-zone an issue? I am based in the UK, so if you are in the US (guessing by date format) would that be problematic?

Assuming time zone is fine, I also have two less important questions for clarity:

  1. I assume the NPC magus will be the master of the PC apprentice. Is that the case?
  2. What supplements are being used "by default" (regardless of special player choices)? I presume RoP:F and Apprentices go without saying.
  1. Yes. The creation of the magus gives you a degree of control over your apprentice development.
  2. Core book, apprentices, faeries, magic, infernal, divine, city and guild if applicable, the mysteries though the organizations within the mysteries will be discarded for new secret ones, HOH: Societies, true Lineage and Mystery Cults, Rival ancient and hedge magic will be used at the SG discretion, Art and Academe if applicable, similarly with Grogs (you can take virtues and flaws from the book), covenants in general, though I will be less than literal in the use of magic to enhance the lab. Lords of Men and The Church again where applicable.
    By no means should you feel like you are required to have or use all of these books.
    Different time zones are not a problem- the games don't move that fast.
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