City and Guild: Bills of Lading Project

Naw, usually the threat of being beaten over the head again was enough to get the horseshoes and whatnot we needed made. It wasn't something the covenant planned on, just a quirk of a character that went out and "helped out". The magi weren't terribly bright in the oversight area so the grogs and companions kind of did what they wanted as long as the magi had folks around when they wanted them. If I remember right they were all kind of brigandish anyhow. Then again, we never got any really highly-skilled guys that would be missed by anyone important. But as I said, it was to the covenant's detriment....

Was kind of fun, but the saga didn't last long enough for any real longterm fallout.

Any plans to revisit this Timothy - either as a blog or in the form of submissions to Alex's Magazine or a website?



tunes in to listen with great anticipation

I hope to prepare some of that material for Alex's magazine, yes.

Basically, what with the wedding and subsequent hunting for a house and so forth, I've barely had time to do anything. The time pressure shoujld ease up for me...oh, Monday next week, and then I'll try running some things past Alex and see if he likes them.

It's a pity, but I just don't have the discipline for a blog. At least, not at the moment.