Custom Spells
Shape the Implement of Neptune's Realm (MuAq 15, Te)
R:Touch, D:Sun, T:Ind
Allows the caster to shape water into an object he is familiar with, giving it hardness and strength up to that of steel. The water changes color to reflect the material used, although it remains somewhat translucent. The tool is molded by the caster's hand, so some familiarity with the tool being shaped is required. An Int + Finesse roll is required to shape the item properly, with an Ease Factor based on its complexity (from 6 to 12). For example, weapons would have an Ease Factor based on their Cost (6 for Inexpensive, 9 for Standard and 12 for Expensive). Failure means the quality of the item is poor, while a Botch on the Finesse roll means the item is somehow flawed. Complex items with moving parts, such as a crossbow, cannot be crafted with this spell.
Because of Clusius' sigil, whenever an item crafted using this spell is touched its fluidity can be felt despite its hardness, and when struck a slight wave effect can be seen on its surface.
(Base 4: Change a liquid into an unrelated solid, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, free requisite)