Character Creation for Vortigern (OOC)

I just created your magus' stats topic. Only the final results should be posted over there. It should follow the following pattern:

  1. Current stats in the first post
  2. Advancement log in the second post. We should be able to rebuild the current stats out of the initial stats from this log.
  3. Past versions of the character in the. This means the initial Post-Gauntlet stats at first, put if you also want to track your saga-start version and future intermediate version in the future, that is the place to do it.
  4. Fourth post is for any custom spells the character knows.

Additionnal posts can be added for lab description, enchantments, and others as you wish.

Note that we make liberal use of hidden sections to summarize long text. See my own magus' stats as an example of how this can be done.

No discussion should take place in the stats topic. Any discussion should be here.