Here you go, @Arthur
Leofric the Blacksmith
(Current stats as of the end of Winter 1014)
Age: 24
Confidence Score: 1
Confidence Points: 3
Faith Score: 1
Faith Points: 1
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Str +2, Sta 0, Pre +1, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Virtues: Mendicant Friar, True Faith, Affinity with Ability (Craft: Blacksmith), Puissant Ability (Craft: Blacksmith), Eye of St. Dunstan (C&G p.71), Reserves of Strength, Warrior, Unaffected by the Gift,
Flaws: Monastic Vows, Generous (major), Pious (minor), Lesser Malediction (suffers the pain of those he hurts – details to be determined), Careless with Great Weapon (Grogs p.77), Independent Craftsman (Grogs p.81)
Personality Traits: Generous +5, Brave +2, Humble +1, Joyous +2, Strong-Willed +1
Reputations: The friar who knocked out Wulfric (Lincoln) 1
Area Lore: Mercia (nobility) 2
Area Lore: Northumbria (Carlisle) 0 +2 xp
Area Lore: Ungulus (covenfolk) 1
Animal Handling (donkeys) 2
Artes Liberales (geometry) 1
Awareness (assessing goods) 3
Brawl (punch) 3
Charm (first impressions) 2
Chirurgy (binding wounds) 2
Civil & Canon Law (England) 2
Concentration (praying) 2
Craft: Blacksmithing (farm implements) 5+2 xp+2
Etiquette (Church) 1
Folk Ken (clergy) 2
Great Weapon (staff) 4
Guile (thruthful misdirection) 1
Language (native): English (Mercian) 5
Language: Latin (Church usage) 4
Music (sing) 1
Philosophiae (moral) 1
Ride (speed) 1
Teaching (blacksmithing) 1
Theology (Bible) 2
Equipment and Wealth:
Brown robes, iron-bound staff, cart and donkey (Roxie), portable forge and blackmithing equipment
Dodge: Dfn +3
Punch: Init +0, Atk +6, Dam +2, Dfn +4
Staff: Init +2, Atk +10, Dam +4, Dfn +8
Soak: 0
Fatigue Levels: OK, -1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
A youthful-looking man, not very tall but stocky, with dark blonde hair cut into the tonsure of a monk. On the road he is dressed in brown robes of coarse wool, tied by a simple braided rope belt, and sandals. Up close, one can notice the large and muscular hand, stained darker on the fingers by dirt or soot. His face is roundish and slightly red from too much sun, and often smiling.
He sometimes carries an iron-banded staff of darkened oak. He travels with a two-wheeled cart drawn by a donkey. The cart is filled with wooden boxes, burlap sacks and long bundles, so he does not usually sits in the cart but rather leads the donkey by its briddle.
Leofric was born from the nobility of Mercia, but at the age of 14 he felt the calling of God he joined the Benedictine Order and became a friar. In addition to the education given to the nobility, he received further teaching at the monastery. When he began working with the abbey's blacksmith, he discovered a true passion for it. After spending 8 years at the abbey, he felt that he could serve his fellow man better by being out in the world, offering both his craft and the word of God to the simple people of the country.
Advancement Log
1014 A.D.
- Spring 1014: Chapter 9bis where Finn goes to Carlisle in Spring 1014
- Gain 2 Confidence points (1 for the story, 1 for a selfless miracle)
- Experience gained: Total 7 (2 xp Area Lore: Northumbria, 5 xp Concentration)
- Summer 1014: Chapter 12bis where Nauvi goes to Lincoln with three cheerful companions
- Gain 1 Confidence Point (2 spent for Guile roll with Wulfric and an attack roll, 2 gained for the story, 1 for taking one for the team against Wulfric)
- Experience gained: Total 10 (5 xp Concentration, 5 xp Guile)
- Fall 1014:
- Blacksmithing for the covenant and get to know the people of Ungulus better (including the magi), while also conducting religious services for the covenfolk
- Experience gained: 5 xp Area Lore: Ungulus
- Winter 1014:
- Making tools forBlacksmithing for the covenant and conduct religious services for covenfolk and neighouring villages
- Experience gained: 2 xp Blacksmithing