CoreBook p.147 - Image From The Wizard Torn

How quickly can one travel in the form of an image?

Spell says every mile you need a concentration check but how fast do you travel that mile? You don't really walk.

  1. Walk Speed
  2. Very Fast (galloping horse)
  3. Speed of Thought (instant)

What do you think?


I agree that the spell is ambiguous. Particularly the "moves as you do" portion. That line can be read of as governing the speed of the image, or the bodily language of the image. I am tempted to interpret it as the later. Mostly because if the image moves at walking / running speed, it would take a while to leave your sight while outdoors, and greatly limits your ability to use this spell for distant conversations. One thing makes me lean in the opposite direction - the spell doesn't include its own concentration DC check made for miles travelled or for crossing walls. Which makes me say the simplest way to handle it is to interpret that quote as the actual speed of the image - walking or running. I'd still consider the magi mostly immobile and not subject to exhaustion while under the effect of the spell, so if the magi wants to travel a long distance while running - that's fine and just a higher DC concentration. On the other hand, at peak walking speed, we're looking at something close to a mile per 15 minutes. I wouldn't pay attention to whether the magi is lame either. I'm curious to hear whether that's the consensus.