Covenant building

Oh and also, if you want add the minor Boon of Edifices in relation to the Dedicated boon (basically to help facilitate it) let me know, and I'll add another Hook.

The other way is that it could be developed on its own later.

I would prefer farther from civilization as 80' tower is bad enough without scaring the mundanes about such being so close to them.

I like secluded with hidden resources and hidden ways. If on the coast, we could have all sorts of sea caves and clifts below the covenant. This gives the poorer option with hidden ways and room for expansion.

Loyalty is the next thing I think I would prefer. Especially if we get a small fishing village or fishing community tied to us. If we have the mage fair dedication though the military/veterans might be more important to guard the great wealth of the fair.

I like the dedicated covenant idea as well compared to the other choices

Location and Fortification: Abstain - I really don't care, for I feel either way we will get good stories.
Resources: Poor - I like bulding wealth in character. Granted, if we get a Dedicated Covenant (which comes as a secondary income), we will probably be in debt to start, but we can work our ways out of it.
Residents: Loyal - I like the idea that our community is really difficult to infiltrate.
External Relations: Dedicated Covenant - I'm excited about the chance to play a fair.

Location: Kerry is correct. Either way we'll get good stories. No preference.

Fortificatons: Abstain. I'll leave that to those who know what they are talking about.

Income: Poor. I like starting out tough

Community: Loyalty makes most sense here.

I'm for the Fair.

What other options did we have?

I don't think we need an edifice to start. If we want one, we can always build it in story. All we need for a fair is an open stretch of grass to start, I would believe.

Well hey, since we're voting...

Location/Fortification: Closer to civilization. I'm a big fan of visitors.
Resources: Wealthy, but honestly I'd be fine with poor as well. I'm not a huge fan of stories about getting income, but since we have two Verdi, I might not need to be involved except indirectly.
Residents: Loyal, although no huge preference here either.
External Relations: Dedicated covenant would be great. The Fair idea sounds like fun.

Location/Fortification: Anywhere is fine. I know, on an island! >.>
Resources: Poor.
Residents: Loyal sounds best.
External Relations: The Fair idea sounds like fun. No real preference.

Location/Fortification: Close to civilization.
Resources: Poor, will give us something fun to start working with..
Residents: Either
External Relations: As long as there is a fair I am happy.

I'm starting to put together more things for the Covenant, such as point expenditure.

If you have some ideas for what to bring or purchase now's your chance to put them points where your mind is!

I've decided to give you 25 points each to spend. Between the 7 of you that's close to half the points. You can spend them on anything that the points can buy. You could, if you want, spend them on something like an actual contribution from your magus, like a book or magic item that you bring with you. Or you could design a Vis source. These are subject to approval of course. If you need to know what the Covenant will be like (based on the voted Boons) I should have that figured shortly. As a review, here is how the points break down:

Items: 2 per five levels of effects

Labs: Extra Labs (50 each) You will have enough labs for all the magi for free
Non-standard: Size x20, Major Virtue x20, Minor virtue x10 (Non-standard labs aren't really an option)

Lab Texts: 1 per 5 levels

Library: Art Summae: Level + Quality (level limit 20, Quality limit: 11+ (20-level or 22; whichever is lower)
Ability SUmmae: 3x Level+ Quality (Level limit 8, Quality limit: 11+ 3x(8-level or 22, whichever is lower)
Tractatus: Quality (Quality limit 11)

Money: Stocks: 1 per 10 pounds

Specialists: Teacher: Commucication+Teaching+Highest ability score (score limit by age)
Other: Highest ability score (Score limit by age)

Vis: Sources: 5 per pawn of vis per year
Stocks: 1 per 5 pawns of vis

Remember there are alternate ways to spend the points on these categories. For example, you could pay for a lab text of Aegis of the Hearth, but you could also instead buy a Casting Tablet of the Aegis (making it a book that you use to cast he spell rather than learn it). The vis options presented in Relms of Power Magic are also available.

These are subject to approval of course. Please take some time to add description and character to such things as the vis sources and texts.

I like leaving covenants up to the GM and my fellows - I play Ars as a game of personality, and to be honest, alotting points to a building appeals to me not at all. I'm abstaining from all covenant-related stuff until it's built. Surprise me.

I am willing to use some of my points for an Aegis spell, not a tablet. My question is, what is a good level to get? Most of my tabletop games start out with a 20, but I consider them to be higher fantasy, as the group tends to play combat mages who don't mind a roaming creature to come by so they can throw spells at it. Björn can learn and cast (without too much difficulty) a level 30, but I really don't think we need one that high.

15-20 is good because most general nuisance creatures are 10-15. 20 is on the more protective side, 25 is for stronger covenant.

I am thinking of a Code of Hermes Summae Level 4, quality 8 and then 25 levels of lab tests for my last 5 pts.

Sky Blue Eggs

Some of the birds who nest around the Covenant lay blue eggs. After the eggs hatch, the discarded egg shells can be collected and ground into a powder. The powder yields five pawns of Creo Vis a year.

An Aegis has to have a minimum level of 20, Rituals have a minimum level of 20.

OK, let's tabulate the votes. According to you all we will have:

Secluded 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1 vote for Secluded
Civilization 1 = 1 vote for Closer to Civilization
Wealthy 1 = 1 vote for wealthy
Poor 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 votes for Poor
Coven folk: Loyal 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = Unanimous vote for Loyal
Dedicated 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = Unanimous vote for Dedicated Covenant

OK, so the Covenant will definitely have the poor, loyal covenfolk and dedicated covenant boons. There is a tie for whether or not it is secluded. 5 people voted, I'll allow a tie breaker for the proximity to civilization from the people that didn't vote, I'll wait until tomorrow evening, if no one else adds their vote I'll break the tie for that one.

Now then. Here is what I was thinking for the covenfolk. Here's a small spoiler, in case you haven't figured it out, I intend to have Agitatus be the old wizard that will be helping form this covenant. I was thinking that one of the options for the covenfolk could be that he simply has brought his extended clan with him, a bunch of dispossesed Scottish Highlanders looking for a piece of dirt in England.

If that does not appeal to you, we can come up with other options.

I'd also like to hear from you regarding the tower itself. On the surface he'll simply cast Conjuring the Wizard's Tower, but since you're paying for the Major boon of Magical Fortification, that can allow for some pretty spectacular things that go with it. I'd like to see some agreement on what you'd like in this tower. The vault is open on this, feel free to take some stuff out of it.

So, for those that didn't vote now's your chance to break the tie on whether or not the covenant is secluded or near civilization, please cast that vote by tomorrow evening.

With 7 magi now, will one casting of Mystical Tower fit us all? I'm thinking we will need double the space of a Mystical Tower just for the magi alone, and more on top of that if we want to house any grogs or have a central meeting hall.

I have no problem with a bunch of Scottish grogs.

We will need two towers to have room for all the mages.

What about something a little different, like a big shell keep? I am envisioning something that is big enough to hold all 7 magi, room for either a spare lab or two or eventual lab expansion, a great hall, mundane space for everyday activites (kitchen, blacksmith, stables?), and a single tower. This could be a taller than normal keep, or it can be wider, giving a bigger courtyard, which could come in handy for a garden, or if big enough, perhaps the first year or two of the fair can be held inside the keep.

I know this will attract a bit of attention. I don't think anything we do building wise will not. We need two towers for magi, and more for grogs and servants. At least the shell keep idea gives us a private courtyard, which I like.

Two towers gives enough for 8 magi sanctums (1 per floor) for top 4 floors of each tower, Then 1 floor in one tower is council chamber, 1 is library.

One floor in a tower is grog barracks, perhaps two with armory.

THat leaves 4 floors of space in the towers unused for extra labs. guest quarters, servant quarters and other needs.

Add a few ground level buildings (stables, smithy, extra servant quarters, mews for hunting birds.

Towers... how unoriginal. I wanted to be surprised. :stuck_out_tongue: I'd like to be closer to civilization, and also (I don't really know how to put this) odder - more uniquely us and less "just another stack of wizards".