Covenant calculator (wiki?)

I've made an xls file to make covenant calculations easier. It helps you control the number of craftsmen you need to reduce spending.

I used German excel but I guess the formulas translate themselves for English Excel (tell me if they don't). I've tried to put it on the spells wiki but they wanted something called an "invite key" so I made a 30 sec website myself. Feel free to suggest improvements. If it turns out to be helpful I'd appreciate someone putting it on the wiki.

link to the file

Seems to convert the formulas (if not the aesthetics) into Google Documents.

My only criticism - it doesn't say as explicitly as I'd like (as this is a tool to make things simpler) how to account for labs with outsize Upkeep. Either a shorthand calculation or an additional box would be helpful.

Despite that, it's a fabulous tool and I congratulate you on your hard work.

Added it to the spell wiki in the Paraphernalia section (Yair, feel free to burn me to the ground if this doesn't pleases you :wink:)


I will play around with this some tonight :smiley:


  • Labs comment slightly enlarged (I don't want to write too much because I don't want to ask Atlas about Copyrighting again); Thanks, Pedant
  • wages calculated correctly for net spending (I had forgotten them earlier)
  • servants and teamsters are not green any longer (because they are calculated automatically, unless you want more, of course)
  • uploaded to my site again (but not to the wiki. Wiki still has the old version). Thank you Fixer, anyway.

Edit: Got wiki access. Updated version on the wiki