Rough Expenses Calculations 1014
Primary Inhabitants 1014 (human only)
- 8 PC magi (@ 5pts): Janus, Nauvi, Thadeus, Betula, Cath'rinne, Thomas, Sionagh, Elric
Caelha (until further notice) (@3pts)- 6 PC companions (@ 3pts):
Finn, Ealhstan, Turold, Hamish, Edwin, Ruedi, Leofric - 5 PC grogs (@1 pts): Telsa and Sasso, Jack and Iago, Odard
- 4 grogs of Nauvi's (@1 pt)
- 3 native specialists (named specialists) (@2 pts)
- Osgar, Mildred, and Clarissa
- 10 native grogs (6) and rangers (4) (@1pt)
- 5 rangers from Galloway (@1pt)
- 4 new specialists (@2pts)
- 1 apprentice scribe (Alice the Laundry Lass) @ 1pt
- Total 97 pts requiring 19 servants and 10 teamsters
Of these are at least 16 literate (8 magi, Ealhstan, Edwin, Leofric, Osgar, Mildred, three scribes)
6 native servants (@1pt)
14 new recruits (@1pt)
Rough cost estimate £157
- £97 for primary inhabitants
- £20 for servants and teamsters
- £16 for writing materials
- £3 for labs
- £5 for travels
- £15 for new lab equipment (Nauvi, Janus, Thadeus)
- £1 for arms and armour/pound of Enumerous
Income 1014
- £650 conjured by Janus
- £100 from agriculture
- £100 from Nauvi's dowry.
Finances at the start of 1014
- Expected Income £100 from agriculture
- Stocks £198
- Stocks from the covenant in spe £128 at the start of Winter
- Stocks from Ungulus £100 at the start of Winter
- Winter costs £30 (roughly ¼x £150)
Balance 1014
- Starting balance £198
- Extraordinary income £750
- Ordinary income £100
- Ordinary expenses £157
- Extraordinary expense £14
- £10 parting allowance for Janus
- £4 investment in Oak Circle farm
- Outgoing balance £877