Covenant Finances

The following accounts considers the group meeting at Ungulus Summer 1013.

  • Starting Wealth: £95
  • Travel costs: £7
    • canon cost is £1/two weeks for a couple of magi and entourage.
    • South group Spring 1013 (four weeks): £2
    • North group Spring 1013 (three weeks, war prices): £2 (++)
    • North group Summer 1013 (two weeks): £1 (--)
    • South group (Summer 1013) four weeks: £2
    • The rest has been covered by foraging or hospitality.
  • Cath'rinne and Nauvi's war spoils: £2
  • Net wealth at the start of Autumn 1013: £90

Comments? Anything I forgot?

Plus £5 from Thadeus.

£40 silver, lock box from Sionag.

  • Start of Autumn: £90
  • Addition from Thadeus and Sionag: +£45
  • Expenditure: £6¹
  • Net at the end of Autumn: £128

¹ Canon cost for eight weeks traveling would be about £12, but you have saved a lot by foraging and had starting provisions from Ungulus. OTOH, eight weeks is conservative, it could be 10, and war prices are higher. The cost also covers wear and tear, of course, not just food.


Rough Expenses Calculations 1014

  • Primary Inhabitants 1014 (human only)

    • 8 PC magi (@ 5pts): Janus, Nauvi, Thadeus, Betula, Cath'rinne, Thomas, Sionagh, Elric
    • Caelha (until further notice) (@3pts)
    • 6 PC companions (@ 3pts): Finn, Ealhstan, Turold, Hamish, Edwin, Ruedi, Leofric
    • 5 PC grogs (@1 pts): Telsa and Sasso, Jack and Iago, Odard
    • 4 grogs of Nauvi's (@1 pt)
    • 3 native specialists (named specialists) (@2 pts)
      • Osgar, Mildred, and Clarissa
    • 10 native grogs (6) and rangers (4) (@1pt)
    • 5 rangers from Galloway (@1pt)
    • 4 new specialists (@2pts)
    • 1 apprentice scribe (Alice the Laundry Lass) @ 1pt
    • Total 97 pts requiring 19 servants and 10 teamsters
  • Of these are at least 16 literate (8 magi, Ealhstan, Edwin, Leofric, Osgar, Mildred, three scribes)

  • 6 native servants (@1pt)

  • 14 new recruits (@1pt)

  • Rough cost estimate £157

    • £97 for primary inhabitants
    • £20 for servants and teamsters
    • £16 for writing materials
    • £3 for labs
    • £5 for travels
    • £15 for new lab equipment (Nauvi, Janus, Thadeus)
    • £1 for arms and armour/pound of Enumerous

Income 1014

  • £650 conjured by Janus
  • £100 from agriculture
  • £100 from Nauvi's dowry.

Finances at the start of 1014

  • Expected Income £100 from agriculture
  • Stocks £198
    • Stocks from the covenant in spe £128 at the start of Winter
    • Stocks from Ungulus £100 at the start of Winter
    • Winter costs £30 (roughly ¼x £150)

Balance 1014

  • Starting balance £198
  • Extraordinary income £750
  • Ordinary income £100
  • Ordinary expenses £157
  • Extraordinary expense £14
    • £10 parting allowance for Janus
    • £4 investment in Oak Circle farm
  • Outgoing balance £877

Rough calculations 1015

Category Ungulus Names Oak Circle Names Independent
Magi 4 @5pts Angus, Nauvi, Thadeus , Elric 4 @5pts Betula, Cath'rinne, Thomas, Sionagh -
Companions 2 @3pts Ealhstan, Hamish (turb captain) 4 @3pts Turold, Edwin (autocrat), Ruedi, Finn Leofric
Turb 16 @1pt Telsa and Sasso, 4 grogs of Nauvi's, 2 grogs of Ungulus, 2 trainee grogs, five rangers from Galloway, Odard 10 @1pt Jack and Iago, 4 grogs of Ungulus, 4 rangers of Ungulus
Literate Specialists 6 @2pts Alice, Bookbinder, illuminator, Scribe, Osgar (autocrat). Mildred (stewardess)
Other Specialists 2 @2pt Glassblower, Clarissa
Total 58 pts 42pts
Servants 12 9
Teamsters 6 4
Grand Total 76 55

I'd keep the 4 Ungulus rangers together and bring them to oak circle, Ungulus has the 5 others anyway. And it would be worth it to have a full combat squad too.