Setting: The Chapter House in the Oak Circle

In Summer 1014 the magi start serious planning to construct a chapter house in the Oak Circle. I start this thread mainly to record actual decisions and constructions as they are made. Please post the plans you have decided on. Feel free to continue discussions elsewhere, even though I won't ban discussions from the thread, but I won't consider anything final until I see it here ...


TODO Image and description of the manorhouse.

Descriptors of the Oak Circle Area:
-- 200 paces from Cauldron's Fall.
-- The marsh/swamp area around the grove is 150-200 yards in width
-- The Oak Circle is a near perfect circle of about 50 paces across.
-- The aura within the Circle is 7.


Add books as they are copied from Ungulus

  • Summa (arts)
    • Intellego L16 Q12, Aurelius of Bonisagus, Understandings (brought by Thadeus)
  • Summa (abilities)
    • Concentration L6 Q9 On the Distractions of the World (brought by Betula)
  • Casting Tablets
    • Heal incapacitating wound CrCo35
    • Inexorable Search InCo20 +21 penetration
    • Leap of Homecoming ReCo35
  • Lab Texts for Lesser Enchanted Devices
    • Invisibility Cloak [canon spell: Veil of Invisibility] works on the wearer
    • Flaming Sword [canon spell: Blade of Virulent Flame]
    • Incendior Homine CrIg40 [Cov:53]
    • Weightless Chain [HoH:S:38]
    • Flying Broomstick Cr(Re)Au39
      (also explains how to get a +5 shape bonus to flight from the broom)
      based on Wings of the Soaring Wind Cr(Re)Au30, maintains concentration and 12 uses/day
  • Lab Texts for Spell
    • Circling Winds of Protection (CrAu 20, Re req)
    • Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)
    • The Wound That Weeps (PeCo 15)
    • Lame the Lumbering Brute (PeCo 20) – On his next step, the target of the spell twists an ankle, suffering the effects of the Lame flaw (ArM5 p.55). This heals as a Light Wound. The spell may affect targets of size up to +4. (Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Size)
    • Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 25)
    • Mercury’s Winged Sandals (ReCo 20) – See Transforming Mythic Europe p.111
    • Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 35)
    • The Bountiful Feast (CrHe 35) Core p135 (Betula)
    • Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20)
    • Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20)
    • Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10)
    • Wealth of Croesus (CrTe 30)
    • Conjure the Mythic Tower (CrTe 35)
    • Crystal Dart (MuTe 10, Re req)
    • Hauberk of Sublime Lightness (PeTe 30)
    • Invisible Sling of Vilano (ReTe 10) -- 2 copies
    • Eyes for the Wizard's Harvest (InVi 20) (brought by Thom)
    • Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 5)
    • Faeries's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 5)
    • Magic's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 5)
    • Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15)
    • Circular Ward against Faeries (ReVi 20)
    • Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 20)
    • Circular Ward against The Beasts of Legend (ReVi 30)
    • Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 30)

Durable Devices

  • Stone-Cutting Knife : ReTe 15 Pen +0, unlimited uses R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part (Covenants p. 52) (From Thom's Dowry)
  • The Hearth of the Covenant (Cath’rinne)
    Despite the name, this item is actually a one foot diamater hickory-and-brass carving of a sun, made to be hanged on a wall. If the hearth touches a wall, it produces a warm heat that rapidly spreads through the structure to envelop it. Any laboratory in the structure receives the Magical Heating virtue (Free, +1 Health, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Ignem). If used in a general covenant area, the maximum cost saving is 5 MP per year for consumables. Effect Level 25: CrIg 20 spell (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure), +3 environmental trigger, +2 three uses per day
  • Chest of preservation (Sionag)
    CrAn(He) 20
    This wooden box is designed to preserve the flavor and freshness of any food placed inside. While it won't improve the quality or restore faded food to its original qualities, it does guarantee that any food placed inside will come out in exactly the same condition. It's big enough to store just butchered game, plus a few extra vegetables. (About 3 fts x 2fts x 2 fts)
    Note that the effect only lasts within the chest. Any food taken out will expire at its natural rate.
    (item lvl 24 : base 2, touch +1, group +2, sun+2, +1 requisite; lvl+4 truly constant)
  • The Marksman's Bow : Rego Herbam 15 (Base 3, +3 Sight)(+5 levels for 24 uses a day) A beautifully carved and crafted bow of ash and yew, which is enchanted so that arrows fired are unerringly directed by the bowman. When activated by command word arrows can travel as far as the bowman can see, and cannot miss, but are also resisted by MR. When activated the arrows inflict +10 damage. Bow shape grants a lab bonus of +5 for "destroying things at a distance". (Held by Turold. From Thom's Dowry)

Charged items

  • Wand of Blunting a charge
    MuTe 20
    R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Group
    (Based on Blunting the Iron's Bite, MoH p. 50). This wooden wand (made from Linden wood) is activated with a verbal command word and gesture pointing towards the direction of the target. When activated, the effect warps and blunts the blades of a group hopelessly. The affected weapons has their total damage (including Attack Advantage) reduced to half (round up). The weapons return to their undamaged state once the Duration expires. This enchantment was designed without Penetration, as such, these weapons are unable to penetrate Parma Magica or the might of a creature for the duration of the spell.
    (Base 1, +2 voice, +1 Diam, +2 affect metal, +2 group) - 4 charges


TODO Move from Ungulus