Ungulus is reformed with new magi and a new charter at the Winter Solstice 1013.
Feel free to repost all relevant notes and inventories from other threads (e.g. Setting and Covenant in Spe). It is convenient to have it a wiki, so feel free to ask a master to create posts.
- The Estate
- The Library
- Inhabitants
- Vis stocks and sources
- Mundane Resources
- Magic Items
Charter of Ungulus
The Oath of Covenant of Ungulus
Being the charter of the Covenant of Ungulus in the 1013th Year of the Common Era.
I pledge my lifelong support and loyalty to the Covenant of Ungulus and declare that the trials and fortunes of this covenant are now my own.
Just as I am pledged to the Oath of Hermes, so do I pledge the covenant to the Order of Hermes and the authority of the Tribunal of Stonehenge.
I swear to uphold and protect this covenant regardless of the personal price. Over all the years of my life and throughout my studies and travels, I will neither betray the covenant nor give aid to its enemies. In times of need, I will aid the covenant in whatever way I am able, and I will devote myself to its service if the need is clear.
I will abide by the decisions of the ruling council of this covenant, and I will treat these decisions as if they were my own.
I will treat my fellows with respect and fairness, and I will not attempt to harm them in any way. Their blood is my blood. Where the covenant stands, there do I stand; how the covenant grows, so do I grow; should the covenant fall, then do I fall.
This I swear, upon my honor, the honor of my house and its Founder.
Given under our hand,
The Council
The Praetor is elected by a majority vote of the Council for a term of three years, unless the Praetor steps down voluntarily or is voted out by a majority vote of all full members of the council.
Duties include:
Attend regular Council meetings
Keep order at Council meetings
Break tied votes with a discretionary vote
Determine the yearly surplus of provision and stores
Act as spokesperson of the Council
Ensure that rulings of the Council are enacted
If the Praetor is away from the Covenant his duties will be carried out by the next most senior magi who will hold his full powers until his returns.
Quorum shall be defined as "more than half" of the Council Members.
Must be introduced by a member of the Council
Should be debated fully with allowance for all to speak
Proposal to vote must be made and seconded by another member of the Council
Passed by Simple Majority with exceptions of Changes to the Charter, Expulsion of a Member, and acceptance of a Probationary Member which require a unanimous vote.
Members not attending council meetings may appoint a proxy in writing or lose their voting rights for that meeting.
Membership Types
Full Member of the Council
Swears Oath of Covenant
Full voting and rights as outlined in the Charter
Probationary Member of the Council
May be extended to any magus in good standing in the Order with no fealty or allegiance to another covenant
Requires Unanimous approval of the Council
Duration: 7 seasons
Rights and obligations (pending vote at the Winter 1014 Council Meeting):
- Can set up a lab, can read books, can use lab texts
- Can use other covenant resources (grogs, specialists, guest lab if available) with previous approval from the Praetor
- Get half a share when surplus resources are distributed
- Must perform at least 1 season of covenant service during the 7 seasons of their probation
Protected Guest
May be extended to any person by the formal invitation of a single member of the Council
No voice or vote. May attend Council meetings at the pleasure of the Council.
Status may be revoked by the inviting member or by majority vote of the Council
Rights and obligations (pending vote at the Winter 1014 Council Meeting):
- Can read books in the library (not take them out or copy them) with approval from the Praetor
- Can use other covenant resources (grogs, specialists, guest lab if available) with approval from the Praetor
Determined at the Winter meeting of the Council of Members.
Resources necessary for the continued existence of the covenant and the protection of its members’ rights are accounted for first; this includes payment for seasons of work performed on behalf of the covenant, and a stipend of vis for the casting of the Aegis of the Hearth and any Longevity rituals for the magi members
Contributions to all debts owed to the covenant are decided by the Praetor are set aside.
The remaining resources are deemed surplus and shall be allocated to the magi members.
Censure and Discipline:
If a member should contravene the decisions of the council, by vote or by charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by a vote of the Council of Members.
Censure requires the passing of a motion at a meeting of the Council of Members.
The censure of a full member revokes the rights of that status, returning him to probationary status; whereupon he assumes all the duties and rights of that status.
Expulsion is enacted by a unanimous vote of the remaining Council of Members.
Expulsion is the only means through which a member of the covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former member ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full moon after expulsion was enacted.
Should a magus be cast out from the Order, it is the duty and obligation of this covenant that he shall also and without delay be expelled from this covenant.
Other items
The Covenant will provide the age based vis requirements for members longevity rituals. Any additional vis used must be provided by the member.
In all things the order of priority for resources will be Member, Members Apprentice, Members Familiar, Probationary Magus, Protected guest Magus, Covenant Companion, Covenant Grog/Turb, anyone else.
Use of library resources are on a first come basis, by writing the use on the activity table posted in the council chamber, with any conflict being resolved by the Praetor based on explained need of the two parties.
The Covenant Autocrat will maintain a full list of Covenant assets, buildings, library, magic items, vis sources etc.
No communal assets may be remove on leaving the Covenant without permission of the Council
All discovered vis and vis sources belong to the Covenant. The reward for discovery is 1 pawn of the first harvest of that vis
Vis for healing may be authorised by any magus without reference to the council. They will report the use at the next council meeting to ensure good bookkeeping
If maga Tessa of Tytalus returns to the Covenant she will be granted immediate full membership and her laboratory