Inventory of Enchantments
Charged Items
- String of the Flameless Torch (CrIg 10) – When one of these red-colored thick string is tied around an object using a specific knot, the string starts emitting light equivalent to torchlight until both the new and full moon have set. Very useful for long-term underground explorations. (Base 3, +3 Moon) 5 strings, each with a single charge (brought by Thadeus)
- Magical Beans: We still have two magical beans that contain spell-like Vim vis with a 4th magnitude non-Hermetic effect. When planted, one of the beans grew into a magical beanstalk that lead the magi into a magical regio in the clouds, where giants live in a castle. We delivered Chronos from the giants.
- Bandages*3 (CrCo 10) Cast Bind Wounds (Nauvi)
Durable Devices
Items originally at Ungulus before the reformation 1013.
- Tessa and Frederic had items in their labs. These are not listed here.
- Tacitus' lab is a standard Hermetic lab; special features were removed by the Tremere and the standard lab left clean and intact.
- Other items Ungulus may have had were lost on the campaign to Galloway.
Stone-Cutting Knife : ReTe 15 Pen +0, unlimited uses R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part (Covenants p. 52) (From Thom's Dowry)
The Enchanted Porter : ReTe15 Pen +0, 24/day, R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, device maintains concentration (Covenants p. 52) (From Thom's Dowry)
The Marksman's Bow : Rego Herbam 15 (Base 3, +3 Sight)(+5 levels for 24 uses a day) A beautifully carved and crafted bow of ash and yew, which is enchanted so that arrows fired are unerringly directed by the bowman. When activated by command word arrows can travel as far as the bowman can see, and cannot miss, but are also resisted by MR. When activated the arrows inflict +10 damage. Bow shape grants a lab bonus of +5 for "destroying things at a distance". (Held by Turold. From Thom's Dowry)
The Ring of Urgent Healing (CrCo 25) – This lesser enchanted ring stabilizes the wounds of a person of up to size +4, as per the Bind Wound spell. (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Size; +10 levels for Unlimited uses) (brought by Thadeus)
Wicker Hill Lamp : (unknown) An enchanted lab that was found in the underground laboratory at Wicker Hill. It appears to be enchanted with a 5th magnitude CrIg effect to produce light. We have the lab notes, but it has not been investigated further. We do not know the activation sequence.
Wicker Hill Bucket: (unknown) An enchanted wooden bucket that was found in the underground laboratory at Wicker Hill. It appears to be enchanted with a 8th magnitude PeVi effect that is either in constant use or an automatic effect. We have the lab notes, but it has not been investigated further. We do not know the activation sequence.
Chest of preservation (Sionag)
CrAn(He) 20
This wooden box is designed to preserve the flavor and freshness of any food placed inside. While it won't improve the quality or restore faded food to its original qualities, it does guarantee that any food placed inside will come out in exactly the same condition. It's big enough to store just butchered game, plus a few extra vegetables. (About 3 fts x 2fts x 2 fts)
Note that the effect only lasts within the chest. Any food taken out will expire at its natural rate.
(item lvl 24 : base 2, touch +1, group +2, sun+2, +1 requisite; lvl+4 truly constant) -
The Hearth of the Covenant (Cath’rinne)
Despite the name, this item is actually a one foot diamater hickory-and-brass carving of a sun, made to be hanged on a wall. If the hearth touches a wall, it produces a warm heat that rapidly spreads through the structure to envelop it. Any laboratory in the structure receives the Magical Heating virtue (Free, +1 Health, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Ignem). If used in a general covenant area, the maximum cost saving is 5 MP per year for consumables. Effect Level 25: CrIg 20 spell (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure), +3 environmental trigger, +2 three uses per day -
Magnificent cloak (Nauvi)
+1 to make an impression -
Fine scissors (Nauvi)
+1 cutting accuracy -
Fine dagger (Nauvi)
+1 attack rolls
Unknown Hermetic loot
- Staff of Diana : beautiful wooden staff with a crystal embedded at the head. The embedded stone is of extremely valuable. Found next to Diana ex Diedne on the hermetic battlefield, where she was in Twilight. Uninvestigated. Could be a Talisman or a regular enchanted device enchanted by Diana - but it's an active arcane connection to her despite several months of Twilight.
- Hauberk : Found on a shield grog belonging to Diana. Uninvestigated but it supposedly has protective enchantments of some kind.
- Clay statues : Found on Diana and shield grogs. 2 remains. They resemble a buxom but non-descript woman with a long skirt. They are fragile and could easily be crushed in a hand. If broken in hand, the user teleports to Diana's cave in the middle of a pentagram.
- Vials : We found three vials on Diana. One contained vis, two did not. Those two vials have an unknown use. Suspected charged items.
- Seashell : Magical. Uninvestigated. Part of Luciu's travel chest. He collected these items from the body of the presiding quaesitoris.
- Burnt fragments of a diary : Not clearly magical. Part of Luciu's travel chest. He collected these items from the body of the presiding quaesitoris.
- Helmet : Magical. Uninvestigated. Part of Luciu's travel chest. He collected these items from the body of the presiding quaesitoris. Helmet beautifully adorned with a copper rim.
- Cloak of the Raven : A cloak of raven feathers that allows its wearer to shapechange into a raven. Seized from a Diedne spy near Dunfries. We have only used it a few times since it warps the user. Has not been investigated in the lab.
- Lamp : Found in a lab under the ruins at Wicker Hill, an enchanted lamp with a 5th magnitude CrIg effect designed to produce light. We do not have the activation words nor the details of the enchantment, but we have the most of the lab notes from the same location and they may yield more details.
- Bucket : Found in a lab under the ruins at Wicker Hill, an enchanted bucket with an 8th magnitude PeVi contant or automatic effect. We do not have the details of the enchantment and its purpose, but we have the most of the lab notes from the same location and they may yield more details.
- Diedne lab Box 1 : Several lab text, shorthand script, unknown Diedne underground Lab, Wicker Hill.
- Diedne lab Box 2 : Brythonic letters, unknown Diedne underground Lab, Wicker Hill
- Diedne lab Box 3 : A pile of letters from some maga at Confluensis in Normandy, spanning about a decade, with the last letter dated around the time when Guernicus approved the Schism, unknown Diedne underground Lab, Wicker Hill
- Diedne lab Box 4 : random Gaelic notes, unknown Diedne underground Lab, Wicker Hill
- Isle of the Eight books and papers : Gathered from two of the cottages, including letters from bureaucrats in Rome around the collapse of their rule in Britain (one addressed to governor Gratian and one to mayor Elassiusa), as well as a book titled Conversations with Pralix .