Familiar: Ealdraed the Cat

The magical cat bound to Elric of Bonisagus as a familiar.

Updated to end of Summer 1014.

Magic Might: 15 (Animal)

Size: -3

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Str -7, Sta 0, Pre -2, Com -4, Dex +3, Qik +4

Confidence Score: 1
Confidence Points: 4

Virtues: Magic Animal (special/free), Perfect Balance, Sharp Ears, Puissant Awareness, Wilderness Sense, Second Sight, Puissant Second Sight, Unaffected by the Gift, True Friend (Elric)

Flaws: Nocturnal, Magical Friend, Magical Air, Missing Eye, Wrathful (m)

Personality Traits: Curious +4, Cat +3*, Timid +2, Wrathful +3, Loyal (Elric) +3

Magical Qualities: Focus Power x2, Lesser Power, Gift of Speech, Improved Might x2

Familiar Bond: Golden Cord (magic) +2, Silver Cord (mental) +1, Bronze Cord (physical) +2

Abilities: Area Lore: Ungulus (geography) 1, Artes Liberales (astrology) 1, Athletics (jumping) 3, Awareness (at night) 4+2, Concentration (powers) 2, Brawl (claws) 3, Charm (humans) 2, Etiquette (cats) 2, Hunt (mice) 4, Language: English (Northumbrian) 5, Language: Latin (Hermetic usage) 4, Leadership (intimidation) 1, Magic Lore (regiones) 1, Magic Theory (Mentem) 1, Penetration (Mentem) 1, Stealth (stalking) 4, Second Sight (ghosts) 5+2, Wilderness Sense (weather) 4


Claws: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +11, Damage –5
Teeth: Init +4, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage –6

Soak: +3 (including Bronze Cord bonus)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5 (5–6), Incapacitated (7–8), Dead (9+)


  • Crafter of Mentem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Creo or Rego Mentem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (CrMe or PeMe 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Master of Imaginem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Muto or Perdo Imaginem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (MuIm or PeIm 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Prying Eyes
    1 point, Init +2, Imaginem
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
    This effect is used to look inside buildings and rooms while patrolling a house or town. Note that a cat touching the roof of a room can see inside it. (ArM5, page 144).
    (5 spell levels: Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc +2 Room)

  • Whispers Through the Black Gate
    3 points, Init -2, Corpus
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
    The ability to talk to corpses is found most often in tortoiseshells (ArM5, page 130).
    (15 spell levels: Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, no cost for requisite)

5 levels of Lesser Power converted in 1 mastery point, for 5 xp in Concentration.

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Historical stats:

Stats before becoming a familiar

Stats before becoming a familiar.

Magic Might: 15 (Animal)

Size: -3

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Str -7, Sta 0, Pre -2, Com -4, Dex +3, Qik +4

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues: Magic Animal (special/free), Perfect Balance, Sharp Ears, Puissant Awareness, Wilderness Sense, Second Sight, Puissant Second Sight, Unaffected by the Gift

Flaws: Nocturnal, Magical Friend, Magical Air, Missing Eye, Wrathful (m)

Personality Traits: Curious +4, Cat +3*, Timid +2, Wrathful +3

Magical Qualities: Focus Power x2, Lesser Power, Gift of Speech, Improved Might x2

Abilities: Athletics (jumping) 3, Awareness (at night) 4+2, Concentration (powers) 1, Brawl (claws) 3, Charm (humans) 2, Etiquette (cats) 2, Hunt (mice) 4, Leadership (intimidation) 1, Stealth (stalking) 4, Second Sight (ghosts) 5+2, Wilderness Sense (weather) 4


Claws: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +11, Damage –5
Teeth: Init +4, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage –6

Soak: +1

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5 (5–6), Incapacitated (7–8), Dead (9+)


  • Crafter of Mentem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Creo or Rego Mentem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (CrMe or PeMe 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Master of Imaginem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Muto or Perdo Imaginem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (MuIm or PeIm 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Prying Eyes
    1 point, Init +2, Imaginem
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
    This effect is used to look inside buildings and rooms while patrolling a house or town. Note that a cat touching the roof of a room can see inside it. (ArM5, page 144).
    (5 spell levels: Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc +2 Room)

  • Whispers Through the Black Gate
    3 points, Init -2, Corpus
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
    The ability to talk to corpses is found most often in tortoiseshells (ArM5, page 130).
    (15 spell levels: Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, no cost for requisite)

5 levels of Lesser Power converted in 1 mastery point, for 5 xp in Concentration.

Stats when play began (end of Summer 1014)

Magic Might: 15 (Animal)

Size: -3

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Str -7, Sta 0, Pre -2, Com -4, Dex +3, Qik +4

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues: Magic Animal (special/free), Perfect Balance, Sharp Ears, Puissant Awareness, Wilderness Sense, Second Sight, Puissant Second Sight, Unaffected by the Gift, True Friend (Elric)

Flaws: Nocturnal, Magical Friend, Magical Air, Missing Eye, Wrathful (m)

Personality Traits: Curious +4, Cat +3*, Timid +2, Wrathful +3, Loyal (Elric) +3

Magical Qualities: Focus Power x2, Lesser Power, Gift of Speech, Improved Might x2

Familiar Bond: Golden Cord (magic) +2, Silver Cord (mental) +1, Bronze Cord (physical) +2

Abilities: Artes Liberales (astrology) 1, Athletics (jumping) 3, Awareness (at night) 4+2, Concentration (powers) 2, Brawl (claws) 3, Charm (humans) 2, Etiquette (cats) 2, Hunt (mice) 4, Language: English (Northumbrian) 5, Language: Latin (Hermetic usage) 4, Leadership (intimidation) 1, Magic Lore (regiones) 1, Magic Theory (Mentem) 1, Penetration (Mentem) 1, Stealth (stalking) 4, Second Sight (ghosts) 5+2, Wilderness Sense (weather) 4


Claws: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +11, Damage –5
Teeth: Init +4, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage –6

Soak: +3 (including Bronze Cord bonus)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5 (5–6), Incapacitated (7–8), Dead (9+)


  • Crafter of Mentem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Creo or Rego Mentem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (CrMe or PeMe 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Master of Imaginem
    Variable points, Init equal to (Qik – Might cost), Imaginem
    R: varies, D: varies, T: varies
    Duplicates any of a range of non-Ritual Muto or Perdo Imaginem spells, at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. The level of the effect cannot be greater than 20.
    (MuIm or PeIm 20: Focus Power, 1 mastery point used to boost maximum level)

  • Prying Eyes
    1 point, Init +2, Imaginem
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
    This effect is used to look inside buildings and rooms while patrolling a house or town. Note that a cat touching the roof of a room can see inside it. (ArM5, page 144).
    (5 spell levels: Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc +2 Room)

  • Whispers Through the Black Gate
    3 points, Init -2, Corpus
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
    The ability to talk to corpses is found most often in tortoiseshells (ArM5, page 130).
    (15 spell levels: Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, no cost for requisite)

5 levels of Lesser Power converted in 1 mastery point, for 5 xp in Concentration.


Ealdraed* is one of several magical cats that inhabited the magical aura of Roma Nova. When the covenant was destroyed in 1008 during the Schism War, all the other cats were killed in the attack. Ealdraed was grieviously wounded and lost his left eye.

The compounded loss and hurt filled him with pain and anger, which he turned against any creature who dared visit the ruins of the covenant. This gave the ruins a reputation for being haunted. The lonely Ealdraed would use his magical powers to converse with the spirits of his lost friends, both cats and human.

When a young magus stumbled upon the ruins, something about him gave Ealdraed pause in his usual harassment. Curious, he observed the young man as he tried to cobble together enough lab equipment to study. After a while, Ealdraed gave the man a glimpse of his presence and eventually befriended young Elric.

When Elric asked Ealdraed if he would concede to a familiar bond between them, Ealdraed was angry at first, but after some thought he agreed. It would make him mortal and he would eventually die, but that would put an end to the pain and anger. Until then, at least he would have a friend.

The familiar bond apeased some of Ealdraed’s anger, but he is still subject to bouts of anger and rage when he is ignored or thwarted.

*The name Ealdraed is of Old English and Anglo-Saxon origins, meanin "old, venerable counsel." The modern form is Eldred.

Advancement Log

Before the saga
  • Year 1: 5 xp to Artes Liberales, 5 xp to Magic Theory, 5 xp to Magic Lore
  • Year 2: 10 xp to Concentration, 5 xp to Penetration
1014 A.D.
  • Summer 1014:
  • Autumn 1014:
    • Explore the covenant of Ungulus (Practice)
    • Experience gained: 7 xp to Area Lore: Ungulus
  • Winter 1014:
    • Training on Magic Theory (while Elric sets up his lab)
    • Experience gained: 9 xp to Magic Theory
1015 A.D.
  • Spring 1015:
    • Read the tractatus Last Campaign of Tacitus by Chronos the Redcap (tentative)
    • Experience gained: 9 xp to Organization Lore: Order of Hermes
  • Summer 1015:
    • (TBD)
  • Autumn 1015:
    • (TBD)
  • Winter 1015:
    • (TBD)