Magus: Cath'rinne ex Bjornaer, Dead Eye Areleins

The updated character sheet goes in this post.

Last update: winter 1013

Name: Cath'rinne ex Bjornaer, Dead Eye Areleins
Gender: female
Age: 30 (gauntlet at 20, apprenticeship starts 5 - Birth 983)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1 (10)
Size: 0
Clan: Arelie
Personality: Driven to reclaim Diedne's lost secrets +6, Secretive +3, Morbid +1
Height: 5'8" (174 cm)
Weight: 165 lbs. (75 kg)
Soak: +0 (+1 Animal, +1 Corpus, +1 Ignem)
MR: 20, Animal 26, Corpus 26, Ignem 31, Mentem 33, Vim 25
Combat: Dodge, Ini 0, Attack 0, Defense 0, Damage +2

Characteristic Score
Intelligence +1
Perception +0
Presence +2
Communication 0
Strength +2
Stamina +0
Dexterity +0
Quickness +0
Virtues Level Type Points Notes
The Gift Free Hermetic 0
Hermetic Magus Free hermetic 0
Heartbeast (Vulture) Minor General 0 House Virtue
Life-linked spontaneous magic Major Hermetic 3
Independent Study Minor General 1
Puissant Mentem Minor Hermetic 1
Minor Magical Focus - Ghosts Minor Hermetic 1
Apt Student Minor General 1
Cautious Sorcerer Minor Hermetic 1
Subtle Magic Minor Hermetic 1
Spell Improvisation Minor Hermetic 1
Total 10
Flaws Level Type Points Notes
Blatant Gift Major Hermetic 3
Driven Major Personality 3
Dark Secret Major Story 3
Secretive Minor Personality 1
Total 10
Ability Specialty Score XP
Awareness alertness 2 15
Parma Magica Ignem 4 50
Artes Liberales ritual magic 1 5
Philosophae ritual magic 1 5
Penetration Mentem 5 78
Concentration spells 1 5
Finesse Corpus 1 10
Magic Theory inventing spells 3 32
Norman (native languge) slang 5 75
Latin hermetic usage 4 50
Heartbeast assume animal shape 2 15
Leadership intimidation 3 30
Swim diving 1 5
House Bjornaer Lore self-initiation 1 5
Order of Hermes Lore personalities 3 30
Code of Hermes wills 1 5
Magic Lore magical traditions 1 5
SM - The Voice of the Bjornaer Magi - 1 5
SM - Aegis of the Hearth - 1 5
Art Score XP
Creo 6 21
Intellego 6 26
Muto 6 21
Perdo 6 21
Rego 10 60
Animal 6 21
Corpus 6 22
Ignem 6 21
Imaginem 2 3
Mentem 10+3 55
Vim 6 21
Spell Casting Total Casting Total / Heartbeast Form Level Note
The Voice of the Bjornaer Magus n/a +5 MuAn 15 Spell Mastery - Silent Casting
Whispers through the Black Gate +14 +16 InCo 15 ---
The Whole from the Part +14 +16 InCo 20 ---
Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit +27 +29 PeMe 10 Magical Foci
Voice from Hollow Spaces +35 +37 ReMe 25 Magical Foci
Coerce the Spirit of the Night +35 +37 ReMe 25 Magical Foci, Sun duration
Wizard's Sidestep +14 +16 ReIm 10 ---
Incantation of Summoning the Dead +39 +41 ReMe 40 Ritual. Acquired as a lab season post-gauntlet. Magical Foci
Aegis of the Hearth +23 +25 ReVi 25 Spell Mastery - Rebuttal

Note: Except for the Voice of the Bjornaer Magi, all Heartbeast casting total assume that spell was cast first.