Covenant in spe



  1. Janus ex Flambeau Combat Veteran (@John_Graham_52 ) from Castellum Veridium
  2. Thomas Myddleton of Merinita (@Bartomeus )
  3. Cath'rinne ex Bjornaer, Dead Eye Areleins (@temprobe )
  4. Betula ex Criamon from the Caves of Twisting Shadows ( @dc444 ). She started her apprenticeship at Castellum Veridian, before her parens went to the Caves.
  5. Nauvi of Tytalus (@darkwing)
  6. Thadeus ex Miscellanea
  7. Sionag ex Miscellanea


  1. Edwin the Autocrat (@darkwing )
  2. Ealhstan the Questioner - investigator into diabolism trained by House Guernicus ( @dc444 )
  3. Finn the Bard ( @John_Graham_52 )
  4. Turold the unGifted druid/witch (@temprobe )
  5. Hamish
  6. The Salamander


  1. Jack the Grog (see Shield Grogs)
  2. Iago the Welsh (not statted - similar stats to Jack)
  3. Telsa and Sasso (twins; both are skinchangers)
  4. Odard the Singleton

Covenfolk (not statted)

  1. Bookbinder: (craft: bookbinding 5 + Scribe 3 + MT 1) (Cath'rinne)
  2. Illuminator: (craft: illumination 5 + Scribe 3 + MT 1) (Cath'rinne)
  3. Glassblower (craft: glass 5) (Luciu)
  4. Scribe (Profession: scribe 5 + Magic Theory 2) (Luciu)

Left the group

  1. Luciu Ragusa of Guernicus a Guernicus investigating Diedne secrets ( @Plot_device )
  2. Rubellius Verditi - veteran of the war ( @nyriu ) (left the party)
  3. Obstetrix von Bjornaer, Light Hoof (@Red-Shadow-Claws )
  4. Benedict ex Mercere a redcap ( @plot_device )
  5. Ruedi the Kennel Master @Red-Shadow-Claws
  6. Adrien ex Bonisagus
    • Two undefined shield grogs (Hadrien)