Magus: Adrien ex Bonisagus (Freddie)


Adrien was unluckily born into the family of diabolists, and not just the family, but the entire village
was full of them, the debauchery and sin ran rampant there and the vile rituals they have preformed on the
young child has left their mark, even without the ill effects of the gift people find it uncomfortoble to be
around him due to the corupted air around him. Before long the Order came to know of this situation and
the village was eradicated, Adrian was taken in by the Flambau magus who lead the diabolist hunt,
however not long after he was transfered to his Bonisagus parens as they saw potntial in him and
invoked the right of Bonisagus Magi to take other's apprentices. Now a full fledged magus he ventured
to the frontlines of the Schism war to act as a healer in exchange for a part of the loot, now though
he is looking to settle down and what place is better than the newly freed lands?