Covenant in spe

Wand of Blunting a charge
MuTe 20
R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Group

(Based on Blunting the Iron's Bite, MoH p. 50). This wooden wand (made from Linden wood) is activated with a verbal command word and gesture pointing towards the direction of the target. When activated, the effect warps and blunts the blades of a group hopelessly. The affected weapons has their total damage (including Attack Advantage) reduced to half (round up). The weapons return to their undamaged state once the Duration expires. This enchantment was designed without Penetration, as such, these weapons are unable to penetrate Parma Magica or the might of a creature for the duration of the spell.
(Base 1, +2 voice, +1 Diam, +2 affect metal, +2 group)

There are seven such wands, each holding a single charge.