As at start of Spring 1220
[th]Added to Library[/th]
[th]Current user[/th]
[tr][td]Pugnare fortiter
(Fight the Might)[/td]
[td]Niall of the Younger House[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Subtiliter de Regina (Clever about the Queen?)[/td]
[td]Altus ex Bonisagus[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Les Chansons d'Artur (The songs of Arthur)[/td]
[td]Fairy Lore[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[td]Yes +1[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[td]Yes +1[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]The Art of Vim[/td]
[td]Yes +1[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Commentary on the Art of Vim[/td]
[td]Reynard Le Blanc[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]De Rerum Platonis (on the matters of Plato)[/td]
[td]Yes +1[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]De Arborum (on the trees)[/td]
[td]Yes +1[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Linguas Adium[/td]
[td]Faustinus ex Merinita[/td]
[td]Fairy Magic[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Sensus Atque Sensibile[/td]
[td]Tactius ex Miscellaneous[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
Spell Lab Texts
[th]Added to Library[/th]
[th]Current user[/th]
[tr][td]Restoration of the defiled body[/td]
[td]Removes the crippling or malignant aftereffects
of any injury, poison, or disease, or of
premature aging. The effects of natural aging
cannot be undone by this or any spell. This
spell does not heal wounds, only extra effects.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]The severed limb made whole[/td]
[td]A limb that has been detached from the
body can be reattached, but any decay that has
occurred on the severed limb remains after the
limb is reattached. After a day of decomposition,
a limb is weak. After seven days, it is nearly
useless and infects the character on whom it
is replaced (Stamina stress roll of 6+ or take a
Medium Wound). If it’s been severed for more
than two weeks, the limb is completely useless. (-1 for limb required)[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Purification of the festering wounds[/td]
[td]The target gains a +9 bonus to Recovery
rolls to recover from injuries or diseases, as long
as he has been under the influence of this spell
for the whole of the recovery interval. The
recovery interval is counted from the time that
the spell is cast; any previous time is ignored.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Gentle touch of the purified body[/td]
[td]The target is cured of a Light Wound
caused by poison or disease. This spell does not
heal damage caused by injury.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Demon's eternal oblivion[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a demon.
If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic
Resistance, the demon loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level. (Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Demon's eternal oblivion[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a demon.
If the spell penetrates the demon’s Magic
Resistance, the demon loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level.(Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Bane of the Fae[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a Faerie.
If the spell penetrates the Faerie’s Magic
Resistance, the Faerie loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level.(Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Bane of the Fae[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a Faerie.
If the spell penetrates the Faerie’s Magic
Resistance, the Faerie loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level.(Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Fall of the Titans[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a Magical Creature.
If the spell penetrates the Magical Creatures’s Magic
Resistance, the Magical Creature loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level.(Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Fall of the Titans[/td]
[td]Weakens and possibly destroys a Magical Creature.
If the spell penetrates the Magical Creatures’s Magic
Resistance, the Magical Creature loses Might Score equal
to the spell’s level.(Gen-10).[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]Aegis of the Hearth[/td]
[td]If any spell is cast toward the Aegis (originating
from outside it) by any magus who was
not involved in the Aegis ritual, the Aegis resists
the spell. Furthermore, spells that bring objects
into the Aegis, including teleportation spells such
as The Seven-League Stride, are also resisted unless
the caster was involved in the ritual. If the foreign
spell cannot penetrate a resistance equal to
the level of the Aegis, it fizzles out. The Aegis is
also able to block foreign Intellego spells, even if
they cannot normally be blocked by a Parma
Magica, and spells that were cast before they
entered the Aegis, such as an invisibility spell cast
on a magus outside the Aegis.
Magi who were not involved in the ritual
and who cast spells within the Aegis must subtract
half the level of the Aegis from all their
Casting Totals. Spells successfully cast have
otherwise normal effects (e.g. Ignem spells still
do full damage). Penetration totals for magical
creatures are reduced by the same amount.
Effects from enchanted devices are resisted
by the Aegis unless the item was within the
Aegis at the time of casting, or was created within
the Aegis by someone who was part of the ritual
or in possession of a token.
Creatures with a Might score cannot
enter the area protected by the Aegis unless
they have a higher Might than the Aegis’s level.
When approaching the border of an Aegis, a
magical person (including a Hermetic magus)
feels a slight tingle in the extremities. Magical,
Infernal, Faerie, and Divine creatures and persons
may be brought within the Aegis, if they
are formally invited by one who participated in
its casting and given a token to represent the
invitation. (The tokens are used during the
casting of the ritual, and thus conform to the
Law of Sympathy.) Such a person is also not
affected by the penalty to casting within the
Aegis. The invitation may be withdrawn at any
time. This does not require retrieving the token
or even notifying the individual who is no
longer welcome. Withdrawing an invitation
will not expel the person beyond the Aegis, but
will prevent them from re-entering after they
leave (unless their Might is high enough), and
subject them to the Casting Total penalty while
they are within the Aegis. The invitation and
expulsion must both be issued by magi who
participated in the ritual, but not necessarily by
the same magus. A magus may only invite or
expel specific, known, individuals. He may not
expel someone he does not know has been
invited in.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
Item Lab Texts
[th]Added to Library[/th]
[th]Current user[/th]
[td][/td][tr][tr][td]Stone Cutting Knife[/td]
[td]+1 Stone[/td]
[td]This enchanted chisel shapes and
forms stone as if a well-equipped stonemason
were carving it. The device may be
used to carve blocks from a quarry (hence
the Part Target). The wielder’s Dexterity
- Finesse roll substitutes for a mason’s
Craft roll (with +3 to the comparable
Ease Factor).
It is a Simple task for a Mason to cut
a plain block, so the basic Finesse Ease
Factor to use this device to cut blocks for
building is 6. Grogs deputed to the task
can usually be trusted to carve blocks of
approximately regular shape, though they
may need trimming to fit, when used.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]
[tr][td]The Motivated Plow[/td]
[td]MC +5[/td]
[td]24 +5[/td]
[td]This lightweight, plow-shaped device
can easily be pushed along even by a single
grog, not needing any harnessed beasts. If
settled on the ground, it transforms even
hard-packed earth into loose, well-plowed
soil in a circle 15 paces across.[/td]
[td]Spring 1220[/td]