CrAn spell to create mundane animal(s)

There are many plants that live two years classified as annuals. The important part for rapid magic growth/bloom/fruiting is if they can produce multiple times or not. Ones that cannot need to be cleared off and reseeded for each crop, in addition to three different effects to rapidly bring them to the end of the process for the quickest turn around.

However generally you do not need the quickest turn around to make a decent profit unless you are extremely limited in space (and in that you will exhaust the soil). Just bringing plants to bloom instantly for ones that can produce multiple times will allow you to get 2 or 3 times the output from them. Bringing them to maturity quickly will allow you to setup or expand your fields without a several year delay.

Doing things as fast as possible for single harvest crops needs:

  • Magic to keep the soil healthy (most likely CrHe Base 1)
  • Magic to insure enough water (ReAq)
  • Magic to prepare the fields (ReTe)
  • Magic to set out all the seeds (ReHe)
  • Magic to grow the plants to maturity (CrHe Base 15+)
  • Magic to bring the plants into bloom (ReHe Base 15)
  • Magic to complete the fruiting process (variation of ReHe Base 15 above)
  • Magic to conduct the harvesting (ReHe)
  • Magic to clear off the old plants (ReHe or PeHe)

This is of course if you are shooting for pure magic with the fastest possible timetable. Depending on location you might also need light, warmth, and protection. If a Magus was determined they could setup something like a greenhouse with enchanted items that did all of this automatically and output possibly multiple times daily. Not very efficient but it might fit a particular Magi.

EDIT: I am not trying to say efficiency is best. My own group has over 200# of unused annual cost savings and we are generating more. If your group likes being inefficient in some way you are better served looking for stories that can be raised from them than trying to get them to correct them. For us since we could support many more covenfolk without any change in our cost index (as long as they didn't need a Wage) we serve as a rest area for many Redcaps and have taken on a great many children at our schoolhouse. Both have produced some nice stories.

Heck, even if we had to pay a Wage to many it would barely dent our income since we focused so heavily on it for the first year of play. Having too much income actually leads to lots of time spent figuring out what to do with it. Lots of things that could get you in trouble since they skirt the edges of the Oath...

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