Found one part of it, where we were discussing growing groups with magic and I broke down all the steps that had to be done magically to make it as quick as possible.
Recommend checking out check TME, p.41. It goes into detail such as "grow to maturity" (CrHe), "blossom" (ReHe Base 15), and "fruit" (ReHe Base 15) are all different effects.
It also fairly clearly tells you that different crops blossom in different ways. So you need to design the blossom and fruit effect for the type of plant, i.e. trees, root vegetables, leafy crops, grains. Those are the ReHe effects, though for the CrHe bring to maturity effect it just says it brings a group of plants to full maturity without anything about it requiring a different version for different types of plants. RAW seems to be the CrHe works on all plants while the ReHe must be tailored.
[While not one of the mentioned options, you would also have bushes. There are ones that are basically small trees and so tree effects should work on them. Then you have ones like the blackberry and raspberry which might or might not be considered a tree which is for your group to decide.]
From the text it also strongly implies that orchards and fields are valid Group targets. All the Herbam spells use Group, as well as several mentioning "orchards or fields".
And there is also the write-up of example spells to do the same thing with animals.