Creating Houses


Muto grants properties that 'don't belong' by changing the thing. Creo grants properties that are an improvement that do belong. Intellego grants the property of "I get it." Perdo grants properties that suck, such as "he's dead, Jim." Rego grants location, and properties that can be achieved through non-magical means. Thus, ReTe can transform iron ore into the desired iron without any tools, but it takes MuTe to transform that iron into gold. ReTe allows the magus to move it around, but it takes Muto to grant it flight.

There are a few spells that are weirdly designed, and a few more that are very poorly designed. Most make sense.



And that is why these forums are great. I have been playing ArM for years, but not often. A good 6 month bash at it ever no and then - generally the edition has changed in the intervening time, but hey what else am I gonna spend my money on?

There are people here who live and breathe these rules, and for folk such as myself that get into it periodically, but enthusiastically, these clarifications are extremely helpful. Especially now with so many supplements to file in my head it just keeps getting harder. My MkI eyeballs, and beta version 8-bit brain couldn't manage any other way.

I like ArS because its great for stories, troupe style play and circulating SGs. I like it because you can bend it and move it and wiggle it around to get what you want... and I hate it because I hate rules and can never remember them and it makes GURPS vehicles seem like nursery school maths.

In the end I would probably rather get it wrong than not be able to do it... but in here I can find someone who an tell me how to do it right!


Fair enough! :slight_smile:

I do think it would be nice if the rules were easier to use; they are much improved yet still heavy-weight.



But you are doing it right - so long as you're having fun!

The only time a "non-canon" interpretation or approach would be a problem is 1) if internal contradictions and short-sighted precedents start to be a problem in your game, or b) you try to use canon material that just doesn't make sense with the way your troupe has been playing, or iii) as can happen on these boards, someone states "this is how it should be done" when their statement has nothing to do with "the rules as written" (and they don't draw that distinction!).

Creativity and interpretation is always to be encouraged over slogging through minor rules and perhaps not having fun, and the editors/writers seem to lean that way whenever possible, intentionally not over-defining rules and leaving non-central details up to the individual Troupe/players. How exactly do non-circle Rego Wards work? They work just fine, thanks for asking. 8)