Current covenent spell list

Anyway, the reason I did this was to try and figure out what spells would be good to get at Tribunal; based on the "list of crazy-useful spells every covenant should have", we've actually got most of them covered.


I would recommend the following spells from that list, modified slightly for the Covenent's spell levels (and seeming love-fest with Vim) - (* indicates that it has already been purchased by St. Avery):

Strongly Recommended spells for the Covenent
*Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10)
*Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20)
Bind Wounds (CrCo 10)
*Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15) - we've got variations, but not the exact one.
*Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20)
*Piercing the Magical Veil (InVi 20)
Purification of the Festering Wounds (CrCo 20)
Wizard's Communion (ReVi 20) - bumped up to 20 because we seem to like Vim a lot, so it should be easier.
180 spell levels

Spells St. Avery would like to get
*Maintain the Demanding Spell (ReVi 40: base Effect 35, D:Sun)
*Circle of Rapid Recovery (CrCo 30: Base Effect +18 to heal; +1 Touch, +2 Circle/Ring)
*Flight of the Mystic Obelisk (labtext for flying slab enchantment; ReTe 25)
*Stone-Cutting Knife (ReTe 15 - Covenents, pg. 52)
The Enchanted Porter (ReTe 15 - Covenents, pg. 52)
Ever-Full Grainery (CrHe 20, ritual - creates lots of grain/fruit/vegetables/nuts)

Secondary on the list (nice to have, but he can create on his own if he has to)
Circular ward against Faries (ReVi 25)
*Circular Ward against Demons (ReVe25)
*Transform the Mystic Ward (MuVi 30 - changes circular vim wards to Hermetic wards (ie, Circle/Ring to Individual/Day; +1 complexity)
*Intangible Tunnel lvl 25 (Base Effect 25, Arcane range +4)

Tertiary (Nice to have, but not really necessary)
CloudKill (MuAu(Re) 5; Damage +1, Touch +1, Conc +1; +1 size, +1 to move the cloud) - creates cloud of toxic gas that does d10+1 damage per round for anyone who breathes it in; the magi can control the eddies and whorls of the cloud, thus keeping it away from those who may wish to breathe. This is for "when you abostively, posilutely have to kill everyone in that crusader army over there".

Summon little black raincloud (CrAu base effect 2; Touch+1, Conc +1) Summons a single raincloud. Perfectly ordinary on its own.

Palm of Lightning 20 (CrAu base Effect 5, +2 Group, +1 Touch) - completely useless on its own, unless the caster is inside a convienent raincloud, or else uses an Intangible Tunnel to reach into a convenient raincloud to cast it there.