destroying weight

One of my players wants a spell to destroy the weight of his armour. I can find guidelines for destroying the weight of living animals and people. What would the guidelines be for destroying the weight of dead animal products? And for that matter, destroying the weight of metals?

Destroying weight of anything (armour, people, etc.) is a facet of Perdo. As per the explanation on pg 78 ARM5:CR...

Now to destroy the weight of a person is a base level 40 PeCo. So thats where I suspect you'd have to begin with PeTe as well to remove an essential quality of an object such as this.

The weightless armour, og weight-lessened armour at least, can be done with a spell found in HoH: Societates, Flambeau chapter.

Excellent. Thanks chaps

The Flambeau spells section of Societas shows the canon guidelines for destroying the weight of armour.