Hey guys! I have a new playerthat specifically requested to join us. I am having him work out the details of his character here with us
It will take a little time, but we need to reorganize our storythreads anyways. Welcome him aboard
Hey guys! I have a new playerthat specifically requested to join us. I am having him work out the details of his character here with us
It will take a little time, but we need to reorganize our storythreads anyways. Welcome him aboard
At your kind request, the modification were done, also fixed some minor trouble
I am Marco, from Italy
Real time Italy. I'd like to join your group of fellow mages.
I bring back all the posts have been sent to Marko Markoko, so you have an idea of what is my character
The idea behind this character is based on the life of Michaelangelus, following the concept presented in the book "the secret of the chapel" Harper Edition.
Gerardo della FonteBianca was born out in as a sheperd' son in the commonality of Siena in 1189, until the age of 8, he over watched sheeps and in the meanwhile sculpted wooden statues and tools; his skills were raw and untrained, but they were sufficient to be noticed by a passing Florentine noble who appreciated his work and brought him to Florence, where the first studioes were developed. The artistic studioes taught to the new students various skills, like forging statues of various materials, painting and carving. There he developed his skills in carving and picked up painting skills. Quickly enough the curious boy learned that several people spoke about neoplatonism and other mysterious concept, and he observed that intellectuals and artists exchanged points of view. He also noticed that his patron was rather keen toward a certain group of person, who were accurately avoided by the rest of the city.
Soon these odd persons came for him, realising he was a fellow mage, and he was presented magister Kalomelan. Kalomelan was a senior statue forger and a very avid and brilliant Verditius, and was very keen on taking on the new apprentice, having recognised his talents. Passed the fifteen years, the 23 years old Geraldo passed his Gauntlet and was allowed to choose a new name. As he was fond of the beauty of the Greek statue, he called himself Kaloforo, bringer of beauty. It was 1202, and the situation between Siena, Florence and the Heiglische Reich was becoming more and more tense. Kaloforo went to see his father and he wasn’t that fond to see the son of him to deal with Florentine people. Urged therefore to leave the native county, as he would not be welcomed back, Kaloforo followed his pater Kalomelan in Germany, where they settled in Mainz, working mainly as statue artists, and acquiring a certain wealth; for the discerning they would prepare some “specific†statue. The agreement the two had was more employer/employee and the young Kaloforo was with years passing becoming sicker and sicker of being on the wrong side of the stick. He therefore took several time and took a precise look at the Peripheral code to find the loopholes he needed to stop being the forge companion of his pater, finding them easily, he was able to get what he needed from him. When he heard of the possibility to go to Spain to study the works of the Arabic, he immediately took the chanche to get away from his uh so excellent pater (read rapacious)
Age 33 right handed
In+3(Logical)Str+1 (big hands)Pr:-1(uninspiring)Des:+1(precise)
Per0 Sta+1 (long winded) Com:0 Vel:-2 (slow)
Character traits
Strict +3 Keep to his mouth+1
Relaxed+1 Honest -1
Composed+1 Schemer -1
Determined +3
Basic Starting Virtues/Vices
Verditius Magic (F)
Hermetic Mage (F)
Skilled Parens
Grudge (toward the parens)
Slow caster
Adept Lab Student Driven(M)(outdo the parens)
Long Winded Close family ties (to the Artistic studio)
Inventive Genius Reclusive
Free Study Tempered
Personal Vis Source *Averse to Risk
Affinity w Intellego *Limited Magic Resistance to Vim
Affinity w Craft Statue *Necessary condition open flame
Enchant Casting Tools (pag.123/124 HoH MC)
Reforging Enchanted Item (pag.125/127 HoH MC)
Skills (4years x15=60) Arts
Florentine(Village) 5 Creo 01/01 Au 0 An 1/1
Profession: Shepherd 3(15) Intellego* 12/55 Aq 0 He 5/15
Siena Lore (Countryside) 2 Rego 04/10 Te 2/3 Im 1/1
Athletics(Running) 1 Muto 04/10 Ig 3/6 Me4/10
Stealth (Countryside) 2(10) Perdo 01/01 Vi 8/36 Co 2/3
Awareness (Wolves) 2
Craft Woodworker(statue) 6(30/20)
Craft Painter (sketch) 1(5)
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Latin(artist) 4
Magic Theory(magic items) 3
Parma Magica(Intellego) 1
Philosophy (Neoplatonism) 2(15)
Organisation Art Guild(statue) 2(15)
Florence(Noble quarter) 1(5)
Verditius Mystery Cults 1(5)
1208 AD
Spring in Lab for Sketch preparing a Statue of a Saint for a Bingen Church. Exposition point 2 Mainz Lore
Summer: actually do the statue. 2 points to Craft Woodwork
Autumn: Learning Herbam via tractatus
Winter: Learning Herbam via tractatus
1209 AD
Spring Sketch preparing for statue of a saint for Gau Algesehim church. 2xp to Painter
Summer actual work starts, will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Autumn: Learning Re via tractatus(10)
Winter: Learning Re via tractatus (10)
Spring actual work continues, it will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Summer actual work continues, it will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Autumn: learning Verditius Mystery Cult via tractatus(10)
Winter: learning Herbam via tractatus(10)
1211 AD
Spring: actual work continues, will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Summer: actual work continues, will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Autumn: Learning Herbam via tractatus (10)
Winter: learning Verditius via tractatus (10)
1212 AD
Spring: actual work continues, will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Summer: actual work completed, will continue till 1212. 2xp to Craft woodworker
Autumn: Initiation for Enchant casting tools completed
Winter: Learning Re via tractatus (10)
1213 AD
Spring: preparatory drawing for a project of a Mainz Noble. 2xp to Mainz Lore
Summer: starts work for Mainz noble, will finish in 1215. 2xp to Craft Woodwork
Autumn: Learn Imago from tractatus (10)
Winter: Learn Imago from tractatus (10)
1214 AD
Spring: Continues the commission for the Mainz Noble. 2xp to woodworking
Summer: Continues the commission for the Mainz Noble. 2xp to woodworking
Autumn: Learn Imago from tractatus (10)
Winter: Learn Hermes Code from tractatus (10)
1215 AD
Spring: Continues the commission for the Mainz Noble. 2xp to statue
Summer: Ends the commission for the Mainz Noble. 2xp to statue
Autumn: Learn Imago from tractatus (10)
Winter: Learn Hermes Code from tractatus (10)
1216 AD
Spring: preparatory drawing for a project of an Ingehleim. 2xp to Drawing
Summer: actual work starts, will continue till 1217. 2xp to Craft statue
Autumn: learning Verditius Mystery Cult via tractatus(10)
Winter: Lesser Minor Mistery Reforging Enchanted Item
1217 AD
Spring: work continues for Ingelheim project. 2xp to Craft Statue
Summer: work continues for Ingelheim project. 2xp to Craft Statue
Autum: Learn Hermes Code from tractatus (10)
Winter: Learn Imago from Tractatus (10) 4 Cra, HeC 10, Im 10
1218 AD
Spring: Learn Hermes Code from Summa (5,5)
Summer: Learn Hermes Code from Summa (5,5)
Autums: Learn Magic Theory from Summa (5,5)
Winter: Learn Magic Theory from Summa (5,5) HeC 20, MaT 20
1219 AD
Spring: Preparatory drawings for projects: 2 xp to Paint
Summer: Initiation to Automata
Autumn: learn Muto from summa (8,2)
Winter: learn Muto from summa (8,2) 2 Pa, 20 muto
Final skills
Florentine(Village) 5
Profession: Shepherd 3(15)
Siena Lore (Countryside) 2
Athletics(Running) 1
Stealth (Countryside) 2(10)
Awareness (Wolves) 2
Craft Statue (wood) 6(50+36)
Craft Painter (sketch) 2(15)
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Latin(artist) 4
Magic Theory(magic items) 4(+20)
Parma Magica(Intellego) 1
Philosophy (Neoplatonism) 2(15)
Organisation Art Guild(statue) 2(15)
Florence(Noble quarter) 1(5)
Verditius Mystery Cults 3(45)
Hermes Code 4(50)
Hubris 1(5)
Artes Finales
Creo 01/01
Intellego* 12/55
Muto 04/10(+20)
Rego 08/40
Perdo 01/0
Au 0
Aq 0
Te 2/3
Ig 3/6
Vi 8/36
An 1/1
He 10/65
Im 9/51
Me 4/10
Co 2/3
Now just missing the spells.
Mostly likely he might know Vares, for his intellectual background, both directly or indirectly. It is a bit more difficult he might know Ludovicio of Tytalus, as Venice and Florence vied for political domionin in Italy.
he could have a forge companion, not a venditor ( he moved away from his previous base).
the grudge is directed toward his parens, as well the close family ties. His family in the commonality of Siena is far away and he thinks often of them but with more and more of detachment.
Any opinion would be appreciated. The character is highly unlikely to have any magical item at the start because the pater took it away and sold it out. Basically he commissioned the item to the young mage, gave him the needed mana, and a share. So he could work on other projects...
You need to readjust your time-table. We are currently in the year 1220 (still!!!! ).
You can use the same data, just change the dates to run from 1214 to 1220.
Actually, set it back further. Run your timeline from 1208 to 1214, then we will work together on your next six years. That will make you 12 years out of gauntlet.
Hey troupe! I need you to weign in in this guy
Any chance he can edit it for readability (skills together, 1 per line), arts together and such.
Yeah, It appears it was copied and pasted from a Word document and the formatting didn't carry over.
Simple text version possible?
Ludovico was a traveller of the area as well as being involved in Rellantalli's illicit dealings for some time. If your character is from the Roman Tribunal then it is quite possible that he could have encountered Ludovico in Venice as all of the covenants are required to maintain an 'embassy' type of presence there and Rellantalli sells them all 'covert' services and information on each other.
Kaloforo might have known in avery basic manner of Vares and Lodovico, may recall them in some hastily scraped memory.
He might have sent some letter to both of them in an hope to get a new covenant.
Best regards
Neither Ludo nor Vares is yet a member of the covenant. Vares may have told you where he was going, but Lodo does not seem like the warm inviting sort of fellow. I am working on some ideas for you
I am looking at those seasons and Makita shorted the character a lot of xp.
All those 2 xp seasons for woodworking and statue making should be 4 xp for practice of craft or 5-7 xp for practice of craft.
This becomes 17 seasons on craft statue that probably should be 4 xp instead of 2 or 34 xp more to craft statue (51 if src quality is rated 5)
Also 3 seasons on craft statue that probably should be 4 xp instead of 2 or 6 xp more to craft statue (9 if src quality is rated 5)
Although, looking at your scores and xp, the numbers don't make sense
How does craft sculture start at 6 with only 30 xp (or is that 20 xp or 50xp).
Assuming 50 xp in craft scultpure (to start with) and 17 seasons practicing craft at 5 per, that works out to total of 135 xp or Craft Sculture 6 (30 towards level 7)
Craft painter starts at a 1, 3 seasons practicing is 15 xp or Craft painting 2 (5 xp towards level 3).
Octavian has travelled twice to the Rome tribunal, but both visits were directly to Magvillus on quaesitore business.
I noticed the close family ties flaw. I take it the character will be moving to Iberia with his family? Otherwise, having a close family that is several countries away is not really close.
Bah. Ludo is very warm. And very inviting. He just doesn't give anything for free. We can talk and be nice to each other all day. But if you want what I have, you have to pay me. And if I want what you have, I'll expect to have to pay you. Friends are friends... and business is business.
Now I'm not saying we could agree on a price for anything either, but... seriously? Who doesn't like toys?
Ameline doesn't like toys. She can only have lesser magic items that are practical.
I'm not certain I trust someone who doesn't like toys.
Why... it is positively 'unhermetic'. So to speak. That and all of that praying to the mundane's god. It has to be bad for you. You should try to get back to hermeticism's pagan and occult roots and everything will work out much better. And you can have toys.
Dear collegues
Gerardo has the virtue Affinity with Statue, therefore as per rules, the character needs just half the needed XP and the maximum level is 7.
Also, I did not want to ask much so I considered the xp gained as per exposition rather then practice. Basically he worked hard to get money, therefore I do not see that as practicing a skill(4-5 xp), but exposing himself to the skill in question(2xp). I'd listen to the judgement of the master, of course
Close family ties is directed toward the group of artists which introducted him in the world of art and metaphysics. He does take a lot of effort, sending letters and papers with paintings to the Florentine studio, as per the vice assumes. He often speaks of them and as often as possible he tries to arrange to visit them. Now considering the state of art of postal services at the medieval times, that is a truly herculean effort. Also the florentine studio asked something.
Regarding the character of the character, I'd like to remind that Michaelangelo wasn't exactly the most amiable fellow, (he broke the nose of a fellow apprentice and other amenities) and more often then not most (99%) of artists, closed themselves in the room where the drawing had to be done, and they did not come out until their work was done.
Also Gerardo or Kaloforo were in Florence in the apprenticeship period, later he was in Mainz. His main source of gossip were indeed the artist group of Florence, who might have been in touch surely with Vares, and Lodovico could have some trouble...
I thought that Kaloforo could send a letter to the Spanish covenant of Andorra because the main artist directed him toward them, by knowing Vares. In a sense if Lodovico's character met my character, why he should not have met Vares' one?
My opinioon (considering it is noon) when I write this.
Would your character be interested in any Alchemy/Astrology? That is one of the mystery angels I have going, and Vares is a big part of that.
For me is fine.
Best regards.
Dear fellow mages. this is my character.
If it is approved, then the calculation will be put together.
Gerardo della FonteBianca was born out in as a sheperd' son in the commonality of Siena in 1189, until the age of 8, he over watched sheeps and in the meanwhile sculpted wooden statues and tools; his skills were raw and untrained, but they were sufficient to be noticed by a passing Florentine noble who appreciated his work and brought him to Florence, where the first studioes were developed. The artistic studio led by Mastro Vicentino taught to the new students various skills, like forging statues of various materials, painting and carving. There he developed his skills in carving and picked up painting skills. Quickly enough the curious boy learned that several people spoke about neoplatonism and other mysterious concept, and he observed that intellectuals and artists exchanged points of view. He also noticed that his patron was rather keen toward a certain group of person, who were accurately avoided by the rest of the city.
Soon these odd persons came for him, realising he was a fellow mage, and he was presented Mastro Kalomelan, who was a senior statue forger and a very avid and brilliant Verditius, and was very keen on taking on the new apprentice, having recognised his talents. Passed the fifteen years, the 23 years old Geraldo passed his Gauntlet and was allowed to choose a new name. As he was fond of the beauty of the Greek statue, he called himself Kaloforo, bringer of beauty. It was 1202, and the situation between Siena, Florence and the Heiglische Reich was becoming more and more tense. Kaloforo went to see his father and he wasn’t that fond to see the son of him to deal with Florentine people. Urged therefore to leave the native county, as he would not be welcomed back, Kaloforo followed his pater Mastro Kalomelan in Germany, where they settled in Mainz, working mainly as statue artists, and acquiring a certain wealth; for the discerning they would prepare some “specific†statue. The agreement the two had was more employer/employee and the young Kaloforo was with years passing becoming sicker and sicker of being on the wrong side of the stick. He therefore took several time and took a precise look at the Peripheral code to find the loopholes he needed to stop being the forge companion of his pater, finding them easily, he was able to get what he needed from him. When he heard of the possibility to go to Spain to study the works of the Arabic, he immediately took the chanche to get away from his uh so excellent pater (read rapacious)
Age 33 Male Human/Senese, Catholic, Mastro, 1,55m, 62Kg, right handed, Black hairs, brown hairs,
Age 35
Verditius Great House Verdi
In+3(Logical) Str+1 (big hands) Pr:-1(uninspiring) Des:+1(precise)
Per0 Sta+1 (long winded) Com:0 Vel:-2 (slow)
Character traits
Strict +3 Keep to his mouth+1
Relaxed+1 Honest -1
Composed+1 Schemer -1
Determined +3
Verditius Magic (F)
Hermetic Mage (F)
Skilled Parens
Adept Lab Student
Long Winded
Inventive Genius
Free Study
Slow caster
Personal Vis Source
Affinity w Intellego
Affinity w Craft Statue
Grudge (toward the parens)
Driven(M)(outdo the parens)
Close family ties (to the Artistic studio in Florence)
*Averse to Risk
**Limited Magic Resistance to Vim
***Necessary condition open flame
*Enchant Casting Tools (pag.123/124 HoH MC)
**Reforging Enchanted Item (pag.125/127 HoH MC)
***Automata (128/131 HoH/MC)
Florentine(Village) 5
Profession: Shepherd 3(15)
Siena Lore (Countryside) 2
Athletics(Running) 1
Stealth (Countryside) 2(10)
Awareness (Wolves) 2
Craft Statue (wood) 6(50+36)
Craft Painter (sketch) 2(15)
Artes Liberales (logic) 1
Latin(artist) 4
Magic Theory(magic items) 4(+20)
Parma Magica(Intellego) 1
Philosophy (Neoplatonism) 2(15)
Organisation Art Guild(statue) 1(5)
Leadership(artistic field) 1(5)
Appraise (wood) 1(5)
Florence(Noble quarter) 1(5)
Verditius Mystery Cults 3(45)
Hermes Code 4(50)
Hubris 1(5)
Creo 01/01
Intellego* 12/55
Muto 04/10(+20)
Rego 08/40
Perdo 01/0
Au 0
Aq 0
Te 2/3
Ig 3/6
Vi 8/36
An 1/1
He 10/65
Im 9/51
Me 4 /10
Co 2/3
Whispering Wind (InAu 15)
The Inexorable Search (InCo 20)
Probe Nature Hidden Lore (InHe 5)
Converse with Plant and Trees (InHe25) S tot 65
Coils of entangling plants (ReHe20)
Repel the Wooden Shaft (ReHe10) (S tot 30)
Twist of the Wooden form (ReHe 25) (as Twist of the living tree, it differs as it is applied to dead wood)
Taumathurgical trasformation of the wood in iron(MuHe20)S tot 110
Scales of Magical Weight (InVi 5)
Sense the Nature of the Vis (InVi5)
Gather the Essence of the Vis (ReVi 15) S Tot 125
Mantaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 25) Total 150+30 (skilled parens)
Please let me know
Best regards
As mentioned early
Could you do me a favor? Move your character draft over to the main development thread. I have a few others that are newly joining the game, and they are working out their details there. It will be a chance for you guys to bond , and to assist each other as well.