Development for Vares

I'll straighten out Vares character sheet when I have the chance. If you want, I can raise his Twilight Point total again as an offset for what you suggest.

Noted on the need for Inoffensive to Magic to have Alluring to Magic. I'll include that in the adjustment.

Still not sure what the problem is with the Ritual, though I can do what you propose. Is it possible for someone to have undergone Twilight BEFORE they were Initiated in the Arts?

No, Until your arts are opened, you gain warping points and then warping flaws (flaw at 1, flaw at 3, virtue at 5). Once your arts are opened though, you can undergo twilight (aka your first season of apprenticeship)

Okay, about the Lightning Bolt
Base Level is 5 to create one (CrAu) or to control one (ReAu) at a base damage of +30.

Arwan, I know you are firmly rooted in 4th edition Magic Theory, and I don’t think the spell will work the way you may imagine. The Target of any Creo spell is the thing created, not the thing “struck” by it. The Range is the distance to the point that you are creating it. For the standard IoL, this is the range to your victim (target with a little “t”), a distance up to Voice. Shooting from your hand is somewhat of a cosmetic effect, but creating a bolt of lightning at ground level is “Wholly Unnatural” (+4M). Creating it in the sky is Natural with a Range of Sight (+3M), and I will even agree that a “bolt out of the blue” counts as only Slightly Unnatural. But this bolt is created there in the sky. It will shoot off randomly, and there is no guarantee it will hit what you want it to, nor that it will hit anything at all because lightning shoots sideways sometimes. If you want it to hit something specific, then the spell requires a Rego Requisite (+1M). This brings you to level 30, slightly lower than IoL, but requiring a Rego requisite and can only be used outdoors.

This seems fair and balanced to me, and thus I doth invoke the Big Red HammerTM, and declare it thus so THUD.

Exactly. It takes some time to get used to, but it makes things easier in the end.

That was the reasonning behind all my alternative spell propositions: Either use an existing thunderbolt and Rego it to a specified target, or create one and make it fall wherever you want.