Dionte was raised by a Vintner outside of Thessilonika where he was brought up as a servant, helping out on the vineyard. When his unacknowledged father died and the vineyard was taken over y his widow she immediately kicked Dionte and his mother off the estate. Dionte was old enough to be looking for an apprenticeship and moved to Thessilonika to find a Vintner to apprentice to, but discovered that there was no vintner's guild as most vintners worked from the vineyards where the grapes were grown. too old for an apprenticeship he was still able to work his way into an education at the covenants school, where he hoped to learn enough Latin to be able to apply to begin his own winery in town, only to find out that the city regulations required guild sponsorship. The covenant saw an opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship and hired Dionte as the covenant vintner. Dionte spends much of his free time looking for resources to expand his education, primarily looking to study law (especially as it stands refarding creating a guild), Latin (to be able to write) and tractatus on winemaking.