so instead of lifting it up turn it over. You might want to limit that to a few inches depth though, I don't know if Mythic Europe differentiates topsoil from other, less fertile forms of soil found further down, but my guess would be that someone has observed the difference...
True, plowing is probably level 1 (Control or move earth in a natural fashion) or 2 (Control or move earth in a slightly unnatural fashion, Shape and form dirt, as if a craftsman had worked it.), so we are talking about an effect of 2 or 3 to plow a circular field. That's even possible with non-fatuiging spontaneous magic with rather small scores in the relevant arts.
10 cubic paces would be 10*(333) feet or 270 cubic feet.
Ordinary plowing is 8 inches deep or 2/3 of a foot, so you are looking at 810/2 or 405 square feet. An acre being 43560 square feet, so 108 castings divide by 10 for each magnitude upwards, so at level 5 you could do an acre in 2 castings if the storyteller is being really strict or 1 casting if they are willing to round out the decimal point.
It's x10 per mag. I was using X2 in my math. I had nothing to support that, my memory was wrong there. It says x10 right in the book.
x10 = +3 creature sizes.
Thanks. I had searched for Circle+Depth, but Circle+Height is more fruitful.
These two threads actually address the issue: "How high is a circle...?" A Few Questions
Apparently previous edition explicitly made it a sphere, but for 5th edition I can't see a clear majority, minority, or definitive arguments, so I'll go with the Rule of Fun:
Ergo, if you want your spell to affect earth to a given depth or in an ellipsoïd, that's what it does
I was talking about the "base individual" maximum amount that a spell can affect without extra +Size magnitudes, there, not the number of discrete elements
You might be thinking about my previous post, where I talked about well-defined individuals. That was wrong. The wording is not applicable to Circles in general beyond targeting the ground.
A better term would be "bounded amount of matter", and several of the shapes mentioned in this post can provide such a boundary.
Well, it's teleporting. And teleporting spells are normally considered as limited to the form used, otherwise you should have teleporting spells without requisites.
So, for instance, men standing on this ground would be engulfed in earth, then falling in this pit under their feet. No funeral needed.