I'm trying to work out a new mystery cult and would like any feedback or suggestions particularly on a couple of parts.
ArM Mystery Cult - The Later Milesians
Even before Pythagoras there was Thales the First Philosopher of the Greeks, one of the Seven Sages, considered the first Greek mathematician and astronomer, the creator of the Milesian Numbering system for numerology, and the founder of the Milesian School of natural philosophy. The cult draws on the mystical mathematical and astronomical skills that Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, and Herclitus (I know that he isn't actually considered part of the Milesian School but he is in the greater Ionian School) expounded to investigate the Arche.
While the cult of Pythagorus (Fraternity of Samos) has spread throughout the Order of Hermes as a well known mystery cult, the Later Milesians are a smaller and more hidden cult composed mostly of more academic members of House Bjornaer, some Triamona followers, and a handful of others. The cult is fairly individual in nature as many members have a more solitary personality or find themselves caught up in investigating their personal arche and not progressing further.However there are gatherings at particularly auspicious times and places determined by observing the stars.
The First Level Mysteries of the World
It is expected that these two levels are done with the assistance of a Mystagogue. However mysteries beyond these are often self initiated as the cult understands that every mage will find their own arche.
1st Initiation - Know the Physical World
The initiate is taught mystical skills in numerology as a start on the path to understanding the nature of the world. In exchange the initiate is tied to the cult by binding promises of favors.
Gain the Hermetic Numerology minor virtue
Script Bonus +9, Target Level 15
+9 Gain the Favors major flaw
2nd Initiation - Know the Heavenly World
The initiate is taught the mystical skills in understanding the nature of the heavens and their influence on the world.
Gain the Celestial Magic major virtue
Script Bonus +9 , Target Level 12
First Initiation after a Major Ordeal (TL -9)
+3 Special Place and Time
+3 Quest to find a surviving writing by Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, or Heraclitus or another worthy text in a language that is understood by the initiate. Babylonian, Egyptian, Phonecian texts are good candidates. Similarly there are strong occult threads in Arabic and Hindu writings that would be possible.
+3 Mystagogue sacrifices time (a season) studying the found text with the initiate to determine the time and place
3rd Initiation - Know Thyself
Unlike the other First Level Mysteries this is generally self initiated. The initiate learns a technique to use their horoscope and their knowledge of numerology to cleanse and strengthen their body although this focus on knowing thyself can lead one to ignore minor things at times.
Gain an ability similar to a Magical aligned Sinnue Shem ritual. This is considered a minor virtue. No other ability of Gematria is gained. Ideally this is a use of Hermetic Arts instead of having to learn two additional abilities.
Script Bonus +9 , Target Level 12 (self initiation)
Second Initiation after a Major Ordeal (TL -6)
+3 Gain the Short Attention Span minor flaw
+3 Sympathetic (the saying has been attributed to Thales, both Islamic and Jewish traditions have this as part of their numerology traditions, the short attention span is a way to follow the path of Thales who is reported to have been so interested in studying the stars that he fell into a well that he didn’t notice)
+3 Quest/Sacrifice The initiate builds or has built an observatory in an area of no aura and spends a season making it a laboratory space only to give it up after the initiation.
The Second Level Mysteries of the Arche
At this level the aspirant is assumed to be self - initiating as the Arche is revealed in different forms to different magi even as the four founders identified Water (Thales), Vis (Anaximander), Air (Anaximenes), and Fire (Heraclitus). Note that the Arche has only even been known to be water, air, fire, mentam (spirits really), and vis. The assumption is that earth, mankind, animals, and plants are too connected to the base world to be the prime force and that imagenam is merely a reflection of things and not the prime force itself.
4rd Initiation - Find your Arche
The initiate determines the arche that they follow.
Gain ?
Script Bonus , Target Level
Third Initiation after a Major Ordeal (TL -3)
+9 Gain the Study Requirement major flaw
5th Initiation - Master the Arche
6th Initiation ?
Is there a good way to create a Shinnue Shem type ritual that doesn't depend on also gaining two abilities? I'm not even worried about the other uses of the divine powers simply the shear XP cost of making them useful?
I love the idea of connecting the mathematical insight that Thales in particular is said to have had with the very elemental based ideas the philosophers presented. But the only connections I can come up with are Imbuded with the Shape of Form, Personal Vis Sourse, Puissant, and Affinity. The first one is great, the second is ok but not really very mystery cult like, and the last two are dull?