So I am creating a campaign design in which our magi protangists use the various Creo Terram spells to create their own island 2 miles by 1 mile in the North Sea. Thanks to picking a spot with a random rock that has its own magical spirit the island created will have a magical aura, in fact said Magic aura will actually grow to encompass the whole island. Additional allies of a magical nature will assist in the creation of regionnes as well, though that is not the real question I have.
My question is that this island, small though it may be in the grand scheme of things, will probably draw the attention of the Church due to its growing population. This growing attention might eventually lead to a Saint coming to the island to preach about Christianity. I am generally fine with that except for one thing - if said Saints preach than they will create a Divine aura given time, said aura will push aside the Magic aura that is on the island, which is not something I want.
Soooo, I have a question. Is there any potential ways that I could have a fully recognized form of the Divine on the island that doesn't impact Magic. Are there any Dominion faiths that actually either are fully neutral or even positive, and the same with Saints. Are their any way to have it so the magi can have their cake and eat it to, so to speak, where they have a Magic aura covered island and a functional divine relationship without much trouble or issue. I wouldn't even mind if there was some research, integration, or breakthroughs that needed to be done to allow the Divine to not effect the Magic aura.
Any thoughts or suggestions or help on this would be appreciated.
I own all 5e books of Ars Magica that have come out so if there is some information that I am missing or not remembering but a source exists that would be perfect, I would totally not object to any sort of page reference or look up point.
As I said, thanks, I appreciate any help.