Here is the charter I assumed we were working under.
[size=150]The Oath of Covenant of New Atlantis[/size]
Being the charter of the Covenant of New Atlantis in the one thousand twelve hundred and twentieth Year of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I pledge my lifelong support and loyalty to the Covenant of New Atlantis, and declare that the trials and fortunes of this covenant are now my own. Just as I am pledged to the Oath of Hermes, so do I pledge the covenant to the Order of Hermes and the authority of whichever Tribunal New Atlantis becomes a part of. I swear to uphold and protect this covenant regardless of the personal price. Over all the years of my life and throughout my studies and travels, I will neither betray the covenant nor give aid to its enemies. In times of need, I will aid the covenant in whatever way I am able, and I will devote myself to its service if the need is clear. I will abide by the decisions of the ruling council of this covenant, and I will treat these decisions as if they were my own. I will treat my fellows with respect and fairness, and I will not attempt to harm them in any way. Their blood is my blood. Where the covenant stands, there do I stand; how the covenant grows, so do I grow; should the covenant fall, then do I fall. This I so swear, upon the honor of my house and its Founder.