Donna, Doughboy, and the Pirates

"Roberto, this is Isolde, betrothed of Antoine, whom I gather is a new associate of the..." she looks to Roberto for the appropriate mundane euphamism. "Out there are three ships filled with pirates about to attack this one little ship, and the captain of that tiny fleet is an Arab, not quite gentleman, who is amassing forces in order to fulfill some sort of blood oath against you. I thought you might be willing to save your compatriot's wife and deal with this fellow before he feels ready to deal with you at the same time."

Um, maybe you didn't notice. But I iz a cat. Not a wizard. What is wit youse guys not knowing how ta teleport?
Wait here...

Cidito walks out of the room and returns a few minutes latter carrying a rolled up carpet.
Here. Dis iz a flying carpet. Borrowed it. Flys as fast as a horse can run. Don't know which way to go or how long it will take. You iz on yer own from here.
Roberto scowls looking out over the sea at the pirate ships. [color=red]Simple solution. When they get close enough, I will set their sails all on fire.

While they wait for the pirates to meet their fiery doom, Dona goes to talk to Yenni. "You seem to be a rather competent young woman, have you ever given thought to any kind of apprenticeship?"

[color=green]Hold up. Did I just hear that guy say he is going to set mu uncle's ship on fire?

"To be fair, they did take us prisoner and are attacking the ship we are on. I was never quite clear what your uncle's involvement was in the whole piracy business."

[color=green]My older uncle raised us. He is my mother's brother. The pirate uncle is my father's sister's husband. And he is an @$$#*le pirate, but he is still family! He wouldn't hurt me or my brother. I'm not about to let this piece of $#!+ crusader kill him!
(presuming Catalan is the common tongue here)
[color=red]Is she talking about me? I am standing right here you know!

Thank you, sincerely.

Antoine takes a lock of Isolde's hair, which she gave him before he departed, and starts to cast a spell

Spont'ing InCo 3 - Locate a person to whom you have an AC. In 3 + Co 2 + Sta 1 + Aura 5 + 1d10-> 1, then 9 * 0.5 = 14.5, fatigue spent.

"But he is not the captain, right? The one who has sworn a blood oath against this fine man?" Donna looks between the two of them. "Is he on the same ship as we were, with the man who tried to rape me?"

[color=green]He wasn't going to rape you and you know it. He abducted my brother and I for our own protection. The crusaders will slaughter women and children. Christians are savage monsters towards anyone not like themselves. My pirate uncle is Muslim, my elder uncle is Jewish. My brother and I are non-denominational theists. The crusaders won't care. I have heard tales of them baptizing captive infants then dashing their heads on the rocks in order to save their souls.
True story. Frankish crusaders in the Levant did things like that. Actual clergy, such as Templar crusaders, would never do such a thing. Secular crusaders, ignorant and brutish, did do this though. Protecting innocent "infidels" is one of the things that got the Templars into trouble.

"Some perhaps, but I am quite certain the captain intended to rape me, though he may have forgotten his religious reserve in his drunken stupor. I am not talking about your uncle now, you understand, but the captain your uncle serves under. There are monsters in war of all religions, but I believe you that your uncle is not one of them, and I can assure you that neither is Roberto. We do have a duty to protect this vessel from the pirates attacking it, and if you want to save your uncle you are going to need to acknowledge that first. Then, if you are willing to be my apprentice, I will do what I can to see that your uncle is spared. Who knows, he might even make captain." Donna delivers the last line with a wry half smile.

The captain is her uncle. She has two uncles, the elder who raised her is back on the island and the younger is the self same captain who abducted you and was going to attempt to seduce you (not rape).

Seduction under implicit threat of force is rape. It is certainly how Donna would have seen it.

"And he locked you in your cabin for your own protection? So anyone from the outside could open it but it could not be opened from the inside?"

[color=green]I know he is a jerk and i am glad to be free of him. But I am not going to stand by and let this monster you summoned kill him!
Then Yanni pipes up.
[color=blue]Isn't your friend some kind of magician or something? He just appeared out of nowhere it seemed. Can't he just conjure a wind or turn us all invisible or something?

"My friend is the person your uncle has sworn a blood oath to kill, and claims is the reason he is amassing an army to do so. Now, if you can think of a way to get your uncle to call off this feud we might manage to get him to escape with his life."

You are missing the point. If you can find a non-violent solution, you score an apprentice smith and a genius baker. If Roberto kills pirates, you get niether.
This is your challenge :slight_smile:

Donna sighs, is Citgo around? If so he will ask him "I think we can manage to avoid unnecessary violence if you can carry a message to the captain on that ship." She points to the one she was held on. "Would you be willing to do that?"

Struck by a sudden thought, Antoine steps through the portal to Mallorca; then gets Isolde's bearing again and sets off on his carpet.

((That is, I the player realised that just before falling asleep, obvious though it is...))

Cidito follows/leads Lucas, and they pick up Wen on the way. She scolds him for swiping the carpet, and operates the carpet with swift grace taking Lucas to the scene. They are schedualed to arrive in the nick of time or just short of it.

Donna will have to adress Roberto directly and suggest a compromise in tactics.

"Roberto, If you don't mind my asking, what happened on Ibza? The captain of this tiny fleet" she gestures at the pirates "seems to have a vendetta against you for whatever happened there. He also apparently has some information about some sorcerers hiding on that island, I don't know if he means hedge wizards or some Arabic magical tradition..."

[color=red]Eh? What are you talking about? Nothing major ever happened on or near Ibiza. Before settling there, I was tooling arounds the sea on my ship with Johan at the helm. Every time we encountered pirates I had him take us to the skies or under the waters so as to avoid conflict. I am mindful of the code, and despite what people think, I abhor needless violence and I don't like killing.
There was only one exception. We saw pirates atacking a mundane ship, and they had a hedge wizard ally that conjured a genie to sic upon their prey. I could not abide by that, and had to take action. That may be what you ware talking about. This was before Ibiza. The ship I rescued was from there, and the people made me their protector and gave me my tower. Soon after that I was recruited into Andorra, and right after that I encountered Arnau and his Flame Brothers on the hunt for Islamic hedge wizards. The king of Aragon hired his main company, I subcontracted his unit.